
#' Simulated time series list
#' A list containing example output data from a \code{recoverySimulator}
#' simulation run that is intended to be passed to \code{calcSynchMetrics}.
#' @format A list with 9 elements. Elements 4:9 are arrays of time series data
#' with dimensions nYears x nCUs x nTrials.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{nameOM}{operating model name; medSynch represents an OM where CUs are
#'   moderately correlated with one another}
#'   \item{plotOrder}{a numeric that represents the order in which this scenario
#'   should be plotted relative to scenarios that were run simultaneously}
#'   \item{nPrime}{the number of years in the priming period; i.e. data from
#'   1:nPrime in the following arrays was observed, not simulated}
#'   \item{S}{spawner abundance}
#'   \item{recBY}{recruit abundance by brood year}
#'   \item{logRS}{log recruits per spawner}
#'   \item{recDev}{recruitment deviations; i.e. residuals from SR models fit to
#'   data or process error generated by the simulation}
#'   \item{migMort}{en route mortality}
#'   \item{singCatch}{catches in single stock fisheries}
#' }
#' @source Fraser River Salmon Spawning Initiative (Ann-Marie Huang (DFO) personal
#' communication; January 2018)
CamFreshwater/samSim documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 10:22 a.m.