
#' plot_cluster_proportions_general
#' Plot showing proportion of documents about each topic-cluster.
#' @param r a rlda_general object
#' @param dir directory to save plot
#' @exportMethod plot_cluster_proportion_general

setGeneric("plot_cluster_proportion_general", function(r, dir)standardGeneric("plot_cluster_proportion_general"))
          signature(r = "rlda_general", dir = "character"),
          function (r, dir) {
            # - making sure the user has already run the 'get_cluster_matrix'
            #   function in order to get the topic clusters
            if (is.null(r@topic_cluster_assignment) |
                (nrow(r@topic_cluster_assignment) == 0 &
                 ncol(r@topic_cluster_assignment) == 0)) {
              stop("Run 'get_cluster_matrix()' first to create the topic clusters.\n e.g.: ``r <- get_cluster_matrix(r = r, sim_threshold = .95)''")

            # - pulling from the rlda object some of the information we'll need
            orig_altern_models_k_list <- r@K
            cluster_mat <- r@topic_cluster_assignment
            cluster_top_features <- r@cluster_center_key_words_list
            top_stability_mat <- r@top_stability_mat
            docs_by_cluster_and_model <- r@docs_by_cluster_and_model

            # - check if the `@doc_by_cluster_and_model` slot is empty; if so,
            #   create it.
            # if (is.null(r@docs_by_cluster_and_model) |
            #     (nrow(r@docs_by_cluster_and_model) == 0 &
            #      ncol(r@docs_by_cluster_and_model) == 0)) {
            #   docs_by_cluster_and_model <- as.data.frame(matrix(
            #     nrow = nrow(r@dtm),
            #     ncol = length(orig_altern_models_k_list)))
            #   colnames(docs_by_cluster_and_model) <- paste0("model_k_", orig_altern_models_k_list)
            #   # - adding now the information about into which cluster each
            #   #   document has beenclassified
            #   i <- 0
            #   # ... iterate through model K's
            #   for (m in orig_altern_models_k_list) {
            #     # - pull the doc-topic gamma matrix for this model
            #     if (m == r@lda_u@k) {
            #       gamma_mat <- r@lda_u@gamma
            #     } else {
            #       gamma_mat <- r@gamma_list[[which(r@K == m)]]
            #     }
            #     # - pull doc-topic assignment from gamm matrix
            #     doc_topic <- data.frame(
            #       model_topic = sapply(1:nrow(gamma_mat), function(j)
            #         which(gamma_mat[j,] == max(gamma_mat[j,])))
            #     )
            #     # - find out the index of the first and last topic-cluster assignment for this
            #     #   model
            #     start_i <- i + 1
            #     end_i <- (start_i + m - 1)
            #     model_label <- paste0("model_k_", m)
            #     # - pull this model's topic-cluster assignment, and merge with doc-topic
            #     #   assignment in order to see into which cluster the doc got classified into
            #     topic_cluster <- data.frame(
            #       model_topic = 1:m,
            #       cluster = cluster_mat[start_i:end_i]
            #     )
            #     doc_cluster <- suppressMessages(
            #       left_join(doc_topic, topic_cluster))
            #     # - add this data to the out-of-the-loop output df
            #     docs_by_cluster_and_model[,model_label] <- doc_cluster$cluster
            #     # - update the index that indicates the start of the topic-cluster assignments
            #     i <- end_i
            #   }
            #   # - adding this information into the `docs_by_cluster_and_model`
            #   #   @slot
            #   r@docs_by_cluster_and_model <- docs_by_cluster_and_model
            # }

            # - iterating through clusters and models to calculate the prop.
            #   of docs on each cluster by model

            # weighted average
            alternative_model_weights <- NULL
            for (k in 2:length(r@K)) {
              model_label <- paste0(paste0("k_", r@K[k]), r@model_type[k])
              y <- top_stability_mat[,model_label]
              y_prop <- length(which(y > 0)) / length(y)
              new_row <- data.frame(
                model = model_label,
                weight = y_prop
              alternative_model_weights <- rbind(alternative_model_weights, new_row)

            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model <- NULL
            for (cluster in unique(cluster_mat[,1])) {
              # - iterate though models
              for (model in paste0(paste0("model_k_", orig_altern_models_k_list), r@model_type)) {
                # - pull the proportion of message about this topic/cluster in this model
                if (length(
                  which(docs_by_cluster_and_model[,model] == cluster)) > 0) {
                  cluster_model_prop <- length(which(
                    docs_by_cluster_and_model[,model] == cluster)) /
                } else {
                  cluster_model_prop <- 0
                new_row <- data.frame(
                  model = model,
                  cluster = cluster,
                  prop = cluster_model_prop
                prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model <- rbind(
                  prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model, new_row)

            # - merge with the alternative model weights: to calculate weighted means if
            #   wanted
            weights_tomerge <- alternative_model_weights %>%
              mutate(model = as.character(paste0("model_", model)))
            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model$model <- as.character(prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model$model)
            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model <- left_join(prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model,
            )] <- 1 # this are the results of the original model: should receive full weight

            # - now summarizing on average the presence of each topic
            docs_by_cluster <- prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model %>%
              group_by(cluster) %>%
              summarise(pe = mean(prop),
                        sd = sqrt(var(prop)),
                        pe_wtd = wtd.mean(prop, weight),
                        sd_wtd = sqrt(wtd.var(prop, weight)),
                        lwr = ifelse(n() > 2, t.test(prop)$conf.int[1], pe),
                        lwr_wtd = ifelse(n() > 2, (
                          wtd.t.test(x = prop, weight = weight)$additional[1] -
                            1.96 * wtd.t.test(x = prop, weight = weight)$additional[4]
                        ), pe),
                        #lwr_wtd = pe_wtd - (1.96 * sd_wtd),
                        upr = ifelse(n() > 2, t.test(prop)$conf.int[2], pe),
                        #upr = pe + (1.96 * sd),
                        # upr_wtd = ifelse(n() > 2, t.test(
                        #   rnorm(100, mean = pe_wtd, sd = sd_wtd)
                        #   )$conf.int[2], pe)),
                        #upr_wtd = pe_wtd + (1.96 * sd_wtd)
                        upr_wtd = ifelse(n() > 2, (
                          wtd.t.test(x = prop, weight = weight)$additional[1] +
                            1.96 * wtd.t.test(x = prop, weight = weight)$additional[4]
                        ), pe))

            # - adding top topic/cluster featues
            cluster_top_features_to_merge <- cluster_top_features %>%
              rename(cluster = cluster_num)

            cluster_top_features_to_merge$cluster <- as.character(
            docs_by_cluster$cluster <- as.character(docs_by_cluster$cluster)
            docs_by_cluster <- left_join(docs_by_cluster, cluster_top_features_to_merge)

            # - adding topic labels
            cluster_labels_to_merge <- top_stability_mat %>%
              dplyr::select(top_cluster_num) %>%
              rename(cluster = top_cluster_num) %>%
              mutate(cluster = as.character(cluster))

            docs_by_cluster <- left_join(docs_by_cluster, cluster_labels_to_merge)
            docs_by_cluster$label <- paste("cluster", docs_by_cluster$cluster)

            # - sort by average proportion
            docs_by_cluster <- docs_by_cluster %>%
              arrange(pe) %>%
              mutate(label = factor(label, levels = unique(as.character(label))))

            # - transfer this sorting to the by cluster and model dataset
            label_to_merge <- docs_by_cluster %>%
              dplyr::select(cluster) %>%
              mutate(cluster = as.character(cluster))
            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model$cluster <- as.character(
            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model <- left_join(
              prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model, label_to_merge)
            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model$label <- paste(

            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model <- prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model %>%
              mutate(label = factor(
                levels = as.character(unique(docs_by_cluster$label))))

            # - mark which is the result from the original model
            prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model$Estimate <- ifelse(
              prop_doc_by_cluster_and_model$model == "model_k_44", "Original Model",
              "Alternative Model")

            # - the plot
            cols_db <- data.frame(
              x = c(0,0), y = c(-1,-1), type = c("Unweighted", "Weighted")

                            aes(x = as.numeric(label), y = prop)) +
              geom_segment(inherit.aes = FALSE,
                           data = docs_by_cluster,
                           aes(x = as.numeric(label) - 0.15, xend = as.numeric(label) - 0.15,
                               y = lwr, yend = upr),
                           color = "plum3", alpha = 0.8, size = 3.5) +
              geom_point(inherit.aes = FALSE,
                         data = docs_by_cluster,
                         aes(x = as.numeric(label) - 0.15, y = pe), pch = 16, size = 3,
                         color = "gray50") +
              geom_segment(inherit.aes = FALSE,
                           data = docs_by_cluster,
                           aes(x = as.numeric(label) + 0.15, xend = as.numeric(label) + 0.15,
                               y = lwr_wtd, yend = upr_wtd),
                           color = "palegreen3", alpha = 0.8, size = 3.5) +
              geom_point(inherit.aes = FALSE,
                         data = docs_by_cluster,
                         aes(x = as.numeric(label) + 0.15, y = pe_wtd),
                         pch = 16, size = 3, color = "gray50") +
              geom_polygon(inherit.aes = FALSE,
                           data = cols_db, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = type)) +
              coord_flip() +
              geom_point(aes(color = Estimate,
                             size = Estimate,
                             alpha = Estimate), pch = 4) +
              geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
              scale_size_manual(values = c(2, 6)) +
              scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "red")) +
              scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.6, 1)) +
              scale_fill_manual("Confidence Interval", values = c("plum3", "palegreen3")) +
                                 expand = c(0.01, 0.01),
                                 limits = c(-.2, length(docs_by_cluster$cluster) + 0.2),
                                 breaks = seq(1, length(docs_by_cluster$cluster), 1),
                                 labels = docs_by_cluster$label,
                                 sec.axis = sec_axis(~.,
                                                     breaks = seq(1, length(docs_by_cluster$cluster), 1),
                                                     labels = docs_by_cluster$top_features)) +
              scale_y_continuous("\nProportion of Documents about each Topic Cluster",
                                 limits = c(min(c(docs_by_cluster$lwr,docs_by_cluster$lwr)),
                                            max(c(docs_by_cluster$upr,docs_by_cluster$upr)))) +
              #coord_flip() +
                panel.background = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "gray60", linetype = "dotted"),
                panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "gray80", size = 0.2),
                #text = element_text(family = "LMRoman10-Regular", color = "black"),
                axis.text = element_text(size = 18),
                axis.title = element_text(size = 18),
                axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                legend.text = element_text(size = 18),
                legend.title = element_text(size = 18),
                legend.key = element_rect(size = 5),
                legend.key.size = unit(2, 'lines')
CasAndreu/ldaRobust documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3 p.m.