
#' This function computes empirical Bayes estimates of effect sizes
#' and their variances across studies.
#' \code{EBayes}  returns empirical Bayes estimates of effect sizes and their variances.
#' @param Z is a matrix with columns containing the z-values for each predictor  from the different studies.
#' the dimension of Z should be "number of predictors by number of studies"
#' @param Y is a list containing the binary response variables for each study. Each element of the list
#' should be of length equal to the number of obsersation in each study.
#'  The order of the z-values in the columns of  \code{Z} must be maintained.
#'  That is if the z-values of study  \code{k} are in column  \code{k} of \code{Z},
#'  then response values of study  \code{k} should be the kth element of the list  \code{Y}.
#'@param df is the degrees of freedom of the spline fit used to non-parametrically
#'estimate the marginal density (see Efron (2009)).
#'The default value is  df=7. This will work in  most cases.
#'@param breaks are the number of bins used in the spline fit (see   Efron (2009)).
#'The default is 120 and will also work in most cases if
#'the number of predictors is not below 1000.
#'Details are found in Mbah et al. (2018).
#'With multiple high-dimensional datasets,
#'this function computes empirical Bayes
#'estimates of each predictor's overall
#'effect size \code{beta}
#'which is the ratio between the predictor's
#'mean and its between studies variance.  It also computes the predictor variances across studies (heterogeneity).
#'The predictor effect sizes can then be used in a linear prediction rule.
#'\item{EB_beta}{a vector of empirical Bayes
#'estimates of  predictor effects}
#'\item{EB_tauSq}{a vector of variances across studies for each predictor.}
#'res <- EBayes(Z,Y)
#' @export

  c_sVec<-1/sapply(Y,function(x)sum(1/table(x)),simplify = TRUE)




  dlogm<-apply(Z,2,function(x)logmhat(x,df=df,breaks = breaks)$logmhat)


CenterForStatistics-UGent/EBayesH documentation built on May 14, 2019, 6:06 a.m.