
## First plot


## Explore approaches

Graph <- ggplot(attend, aes(x = atndrte, y = termGPA))  

# add labels, theme, and loess smoother
Graph + geom_point() + 
        geom_smooth() +
        labs(x="Percent Meetup Attendance", 
              y="Final Grade in R skills") +
        theme_classic(base_size = 22)

## or use a linear model cubic spline
Graph + geom_point() + 
        geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ splines::bs(x, 3)) +
        labs(x="Percent Meetup Attendance", y="Final Grade in R skills") +

## use magick package to store graph as image and overlay logos

attend_graph <- image_graph(width = 600, height = 338)
                Graph + geom_point() + 
                geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ splines::bs(x, 3)) +
                labs(x="Percent Meetup Attendance", y="Final Grade in R skills") +
                theme_classic(base_size = 16)
# twitter                
crug_twitter_header <- image_graph(width = 1500, height = 500)

Graph + geom_point() + 
        geom_smooth(method = "loess") +
        labs(x="Percent Meetup Attendance", y="Final Grade in R skills (4.0 scale)") +
        theme_classic(base_size = 16)

image_write(crug_twitter_header, path = "vignettes/images/crug_twitter_header.png", format = "png")

# main page header: attedance image and R logo

RlogoWWW <- image_read("")

RlogoWWW_resize <- image_resize(RlogoWWW, "600x338")

CRUG_header <- image_composite(attend_graph, image_scale(RlogoWWW, "x150"), offset="+50+10")

image_write(CRUG_header, path = "vignettes/images/CRUG_Header.png", format = "png")

# microsoft developer advocate header: attend_graph image and devAdvocate logo 

MS_logo <- image_read(paste0(getwd(),"/vignettes/images/BitDevAdvocate.png"))

# combine with R logog

MS_R <- c(MS_logo,RlogoWWW)

MS_header <- image_append(image_scale(MS_R, "338"))

image_write(MS_header, path = "vignettes/images/MS_header.png", format = "png")

# combined header: attend_graph, R, and MS logos

MS_CRUG_header <- image_composite(attend_graph, image_scale(MS_header, "x120"), offset="+40+10")

image_write(MS_CRUG_header, path = "vignettes/images/MS_CRUG_header.png", format = "png")
Chicago-R-User-Group/RUGtools documentation built on April 30, 2023, 7:42 a.m.