
Defines functions predict_lin1_extra

Documented in predict_lin1_extra

predict_lin1_extra <- function(y, CritLen, CritTime, NSim, alpha, restrict = FALSE, start, dmax_neu, res_rescale, lambda_j, eps = 1e-9)
  simL_fac <- 30
  cands <- lin1_theta_eps(y,eps)$t1
  depth <- unlist(lapply(cands, rexpar::dS_lin1, y = y))
  mcand <- median(cands[depth == max(depth)])
  cands <- cands + (dmax_neu - mcand)
    theta_min <- min(cands[(length(y) - 1) * (depth - 1 / 2) >= - 1 / 2 * qchisq(1 - alpha, df = 1) + 1 / 2])
    theta_max <- max(cands[(length(y) - 1) * (depth - 1 / 2) >= - 1 / 2 * qchisq(1 - alpha, df = 1) + 1 / 2])
    theta_min <- min(cands)
    theta_max <- max(cands)
  ResMat <- matrix(nrow = (length(y) + simL_fac * length(y)), ncol = NSim)
  for(i in 1:NSim)
    y_t <- numeric(length(y) + simL_fac * length(y))
    y_t[length(y)] <- start
    theta_t <- draw_from_depth(depthI = depth, testvec = cands, lower = theta_min, upper = theta_max)
    y_o <- y[1:(length(y) - 1)]
    y_p <- y[2:length(y)]
    Res <- y_p - theta_t * y_o
    Res_norm <- Res[Res < quantile(Res, 0.95)]
    Res_max <- Res[Res > quantile(Res, 0.99)]
    jumpoc <- rbinom(simL_fac * length(y), size = 1, prob = lambda_j)
    Res_t <- jumpoc * sample(Res_max, simL_fac * length(y), replace = TRUE) * res_rescale + (1 - jumpoc) * sample(Res_norm, simL_fac * length(y), replace = TRUE)
    for(j in (length(y) + 1):(length(y_t)))
      y_t[j] <- theta_t * y_t[j - 1] + Res_t[j - length(y)]
    ResMat[,i] <- y_t
  ## Calculation of Interval, Mean and Median estimates
  mean_est_CT <- mean(ResMat[CritTime, ])
  median_est_CT <- median(ResMat[CritTime, ])
  CI_CT <- quantile(ResMat[CritTime, ], prob = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2))
  TimeInd <- seq(1,length(y_t))
  T_est <- apply(ResMat, 2, function(x) min(TimeInd[x >= CritLen]))
  mean_est_CL <- mean(T_est)
  median_est_CL <- median(T_est)
  CI_CL <- quantile(T_est, prob = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2))
  list(estimation_time = CritTime, mean_CT = mean_est_CT, med_CT = median_est_CT, confintCT = CI_CT, alpha = alpha, estimation_lenght = CritLen, mean_CL = mean_est_CL, med_CL = median_est_CL, confintCL = CI_CL, simulations = ResMat)
ChrisKust/rexpar documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:48 a.m.