
## Utility helper functions

time_continuity <- function(logs) {
  #' A utility function that accounts for smooth time flow in combined logs from different sessions.
  #' Ensures that unrelated sessions do not act as continuous times.
  #' @param logs - a list of logs from the different files
  #' @return list of logs with adjusted and corrected time flow.

  options(warn = -1)

  for(df in 1:length(logs)) {
    setnames(logs[[df]], c("time","state","num_children","score","notes"))
    logs[[df]] <- logs[[df]] %>%

  if (length(logs) > 1) {
    for(num in 2:length(logs)) {
      last_val <- tail(logs[[num-1]][,1], n = 1L)
      for (row in 1:length(logs[[num]]$time)) {
        logs[[num]] <- logs[[num]]%>%


search_phrase <- function(phrase, log, index = 0) {
  #' Search log file for a particular phrase, storing indexes or value into vector.
  #' @param phrase - the phrase to search & match in a log file.
  #' @param log - a vector of lines from a log.
  #' @param index - flag 0 if retrieving value, flag 1 if retrieving index.
  #' @return vector of lines of matched phrase as indexes or values.

  if (index == 0) {
    return(grep(phrase, log, value = TRUE))
  } else {
    return(grep(phrase, log, value = FALSE))


showUINotification <- function(message, msgType = "message") {
  #' UI Notification system using shiny functions. Sends ID to global for manual removal of notifications.
  #' Otherwise, notifications will remove themselves after a few seconds.
  #' Default message type is a standard 'message', shows a blue notification on lower right corner of app.
  #' @param message - the message the notification will display.
  #' @param msgType - the type of message: "default" (Grey), "message" (Blue), "warning" (Yellow), "error" (Red)

  messageID <- NULL
  messageID <<- showNotification(message, type = msgType)
CoEDL/visualopie documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:06 a.m.