
# This will continue a redTime CGGP experiment that completed
#  but you want to run further.
# This is similar to _restart and _continue
# Make sure you have increased Nfinal in _parameters

# This file will reload number_cores, d, SGGP_RDS_path, parameters, etc
cat("Loading SGGP_redTime_parameters.R successfully\n")

cat("Assuming redTime param files were all completed and added to model already\n")

cat("devtools::build() ran successfully\n")

install.packages(repos=NULL, pkgs="/home/collin/scratch/CGGP_1.0.tar.gz")
cat("CGGP installed correctly\n")

cat("CGGP loaded successfully\n")

# Load SGGP object, the one that had completed, no points unfitted
SG <- readRDS(SGGP_after_fit_RDS_path)
cat("Read back in RDS successfully, has ", nrow(SG$design), "points\n")
if (nrow(SG$design) != nrow(SG$Y)) {
  stop("Not all points have been evaluated")
} else {
  cat("All points have been evaluated, looks good\n")

# Check if done
if (SG$ss >= Nfinal) {
  cat("Simulation completed!")
  stop("All done")

# Set seed here to check refitting on laptop

# Append new values
# batchsize <- if (SG$ss<1000) {batchsize1} else if (SG$ss<10000) {batchsize2} else {batchsize3}
batchsize <- if (SG$ss<1000) {batchsize1} else if (SG$ss<10000) {batchsize2} else if (SG$ss<20000) {batchsize3} else {batchsize4}
SG <- CGGPappend(SG, batchsize, selectionmethod=selectionmethod)
cat("CGGPappend successful, now has ", nrow(SG$design), "points\n")

# Save version with appended design
saveRDS(object = SG, file = paste0(SGGP_after_append_RDS_path))
cat("saveRDS successful\n")

# write params, write .sh, qsub, and prepare next R script
source(paste0(sourcefilepath, "SGGP_redTime_qsub_unevaluated.R"))
cat("SGGP_redTime_qsub_unevaluated.R successful, this ends SGGP_redTime_restart_completed.R\n")

# Start master job on crunch.local. This will pick up next iteration
system(paste("chmod 777 ", ""))
system('qsub -N SGGPmaster -l h=crunch')
cat(" submitted successfully\n")
cat(timestamp(), '\n')
CollinErickson/CGGP documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 2:24 a.m.