
#' captionSrc formats the captions for the tables and plots
#' @param type the data type, "SDO" for State Demography Office data, "ACS" for American Community Survey data
#' @param dataSrc The data string for ACS data
#' @return  Date-stamped caption string
#' @export
captionSrc <- function(type, dataSrc) {

  dateStr <- paste0("Print Date: ",as.character(format(Sys.Date(),"%m/%d/%Y")))

  if(type == "SDO") {
    srcStr <- paste0("Source: State Demography Office ", dateStr)

  if(type == "SDOBEA") {
    srcStr <- paste0("Source: State Demography Office and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis ", dateStr)
  if(type == "LODES") {
    srcStr <- paste0("Source: U.S. Census Bureau On the Map ", dateStr)
  if(type == "QCEW") {
    srcStr <- paste0("Source: Department of Labor and Employment (QCEW) ", dateStr)
  if(type =="ACS") {
    byr <- paste0("20",substr(dataSrc,4,5))
    eyr <- paste0("20",substr(dataSrc,6,7))
    srcStr <- paste0("Source: U.S. Census Bureau, ",byr,"-",eyr," American Community Survey. ", dateStr)
ColoradoDemography/ProfileDashboard documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:08 a.m.