Man pages for ComputationalProteomics/NormalyzerDE
Evaluation of normalization methods and calculation of differential expression analysis statistics

analyzeNormalizationsCalculate measures for normalization results
calculateANOVAPValuesCalculates ANOVA p-values comparing the different condition...
calculateAvgMadMemCalculate average MAD (Median Absolute Deviation) for each...
calculateAvgReplicateVariationCalculate average variance for each feature in each condition...
calculateContrastsPerforms statistical comparisons between the supplied...
calculateCorrSumCalculates internal correlations for each condition having at...
calculateFeatureCVCalculate CV values for each feature. Iterates through each...
calculatePercentageAvgDiffInMatGeneral function for calculating percentage difference of...
calculateReplicateCVCalculate CV per replicate group and normalization technique
calculateSummarizedCorrelationVectorCalculates correlation values between replicates for each...
createDirectoryCreate directory, or return error if already present
detectSingleReplicateDetect single replicate, and assign related logical
detectSingletonSampleDetect single sample group
elapsedSecondsBetweenSystimesGet number of seconds between two Sys.time() objects
example_dataSmall example dataset used to demonstrate code consistency in...
example_data_only_valuesSame data as in "example_data", but omitting the annotation...
example_designDesign matrix corresponding to the small example datasets.
example_stat_dataSame data as in "example_data", but normalized and ready for...
example_stat_summarized_experimentSummarizedExperiment object prepared with design-matrix,...
example_summarized_experimentSummarizedExperiment object prepared with design-matrix,...
example_wide_dataFull raw NormalyzerDE matrix used for internal testing
example_wide_designDesign matrix belonging together with example_wide_data. Used...
filterLowRepFilter rows with lower than given number of replicates for...
findLowlyVariableFeaturesCVsUses a list of FDR-values to extract features with low...
generateAnnotatedMatrixGenerate an annotated data frame from statistics object
generatePlotsGenerates a number of visualizations for the performance...
generateStatsReportGenerate full output report plot document. Plots p-value...
getCombinedMatrixMerge multiple dataframes using provided function
getIndexListReturn list containing vector positions of values in string
getLowCountSampleFilteredVerify that samples contain at least a lowest number of...
getReplicateSortedDataGet dataframe with raw data column sorted on replicates
getRowNAFilterContrastGet contrast vector (TRUE/FALSE-values) indicating whether...
getRTNormalizedMatrixPerform RT-segmented normalization by performing the supplied...
getSmoothedRTNormalizedMatrixGenerate multiple RT time-window normalized matrices where...
getVerifiedNormalyzerObjectVerify that input data is in correct format, and if so,...
getWidenedRTRangePick datapoints before and after window until a minimum...
globalIntensityNormalizationThe normalization divides the intensity of each variable in a...
loadDataLoad raw data into dataframe
loadDesignLoad raw design into dataframe
loadRawDataFromFileTry reading raw Normalyzer matrix from provided filepath
meanNormalizationIntensity of each variable in a given sample is divided by...
medianNormalizationIntensity of each variable in a given sample is divided by...
normalyzerNormalyzerDE pipeline entry point
NormalyzerDatasetRepresents raw input data together with basic annotation...
normalyzerDENormalyzerDE differential expression
NormalyzerEvaluationResultsRepresentation of evaluation results by calculating...
NormalyzerResultsRepresentation of the results from performing normalization...
NormalyzerStatisticsClass representing a dataset for statistical processing in...
normMethodsPerform normalizations on Normalyzer dataset
performCyclicLoessNormalizationCyclic Loess normalization
performGlobalRLRNormalizationGlobal linear regression normalization
performNoNormalizationDo no normalization (For debugging purposes)
performNormalizationsMain function for executing normalizations
performQuantileNormalizationQuantile normalization is performed by the function...
performSMADNormalizationMedian absolute deviation normalization Normalization...
performVSNNormalizationLog2 transformed data is normalized using the function...
plotBoxPlotBoxplots showing distribution of values after different...
plotComparisonVennsIf multiple comparisons - Show overlap in Venn diagrams
plotContrastPCAShow in a PCA plot what samples are compared in statistical...
plotContrastPHistsTakes an NormalyzerStatistics instance and generates and...
plotCorrelationVisualize within-replicates correlations
plotCVvsIntensityPlots page displaying coefficient of variance (CV) against...
plotDendrogramsVisualize dendrogram grouping of samples
plotDensityDensity plots showing value distributions after...
plotFrontPageGenerate first page in output report and write to viewport
plotMAProduces a page containing expression vs. fold-change figures...
plotMDSMDS plots showing grouping of samples after normalizations
plotMeanSDVisualize standard deviation over (expression?) for different...
plotPHistGenerate P-histograms for ANOVA calculated after each...
plotQQProduces page showing QQ-plots for the first sample for each...
plotReplicateVarAndStableVariablesWrite figures displaying pooled coefficient of variance,...
plotReplicateVarianceGenerate normalization replicate variance summary by...
plotRLEBoxplots showing relative log expression after normalizations
plotSampleMappingPageWrite page with sample mapping
plotSampleOutlierSummaryWrite page containing sample summary of intensities, missing...
plotScatterProduces page containing scatter plot plotting the first two...
plotSigScatterTakes an NormalyzerStatistics instance and generates and...
preprocessDataReplace empty values (0 or empty field) with NA in input data
printMetaPrint meta information for Normalyzer plot page ! Needs...
printPlotsGenerate PDF grid page filling it with provided list of plots
reduceTechnicalReplicatesRemove technical replicates from data and design
setupJobDirCreate empty directory for run
setupPlottingSetup PDF report settings by initializing the color palette,...
setupRawContrastObjectPrepare SummarizedExperiment object for statistics data
setupRawDataObjectPrepare SummarizedExperiment object for raw data to be...
setupTestDataGenerate a random test dataset with features, sample values...
validateSampleReplicationCheck whether all samples have replicates
verifyContrastsCheck that a given contrast string is valid given a...
verifyDesignMatrixVerify that design matrix setup matches the data matrix
verifyMultipleSamplesPresentCheck whether more than one sample is present
verifySummarizedExperimentVerify that design matrix setup matches the data matrix
verifyValidNumbersVerify that input fields conform to the expected formats
writeNormalizedDatasetsWrite normalization matrices to file
ComputationalProteomics/NormalyzerDE documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 9:57 p.m.