
# things to test against
refresh_col_names <-

location_types <- read.csv("https://github.com/Covid19R/covid19Rdata/raw/master/controlled_vocabularies/location_type.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1]
location_code_types <- read.csv("https://github.com/Covid19R/covid19Rdata/raw/master/controlled_vocabularies/location_code_type.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1]
data_types <- read.csv("https://github.com/Covid19R/covid19Rdata/raw/master/controlled_vocabularies/data_type.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1]

# helper function

expect_contains <- function(vec1, vec2) {
  vec1 <- unique(vec1)

    all(vec1 %in% vec2),
      "Some or all values of ",
      paste0(vec1, collapse = ","),
      "\ndo not match ",
      paste0(vec2, collapse = ","),
      "\nIf this is a new controlled vocabulary entry ",
      "please file an issue at\nhttps://github.com/Covid19R/covid19R/issues"

# OK, the testing!

# the function to run the tests

test_one_refresh_for_vocab <- function(arow) {

  res <- arow$dat[[1]] #get the data

  # make sure there's there there
  expect_gt(nrow(res), 0)

  last_col <- 7

  # make sure column names are in order
  if (arow$fun == "refresh_covid19mobility_google_us_counties") {
    refresh_col_names <-

    last_col <- 8

  expect_named(res[, 1:last_col], refresh_col_names) # allow for other cols

  # loc types
  expect_contains(res$location_type, location_types)

  # loc codes
  expect_contains(res$location_code_type, location_code_types)

  # dat types
  expect_contains(res$data_type, data_types)

# run all tests

# check the number of rows is greater than it was when the
# function was added to the package
for (i in seq_len(nrow(refresh_funs))) {
  test_that(glue::glue("{refresh_funs[i,]$fun} works and has propercontrolled format and vocab"), {
    test_one_refresh_for_vocab(refresh_funs[i, ])
Covid19R/covid19mobility documentation built on March 11, 2021, 12:46 p.m.