
Defines functions .setTeam .getTeam getTeams

Documented in getTeams

#' Retrieve your teams
#' Teams contain a list of users. You can grant access to a group of
#' users by inviting the team. You can also share a set of
#' datasets with a user all at once by adding the user to a team that contains
#' those datasets.
#' `getTeams()` returns your `TeamCatalog`. You can extract an individual team
#' by name, or create a team by assigning into the function.
#' To create a team by  assignment, assign a list to
#' `teams("myteam") <- value_list`. The `value_list` can either empty
#' (to just create a team with that name), or can contain a "members" element
#' with the emails or URLs of users to add to the team. Users can be also be
#' added later with the `members<-`  method.
#' @return A `TeamCatalog`. Extract an individual team by name. Create
#' a team by assigning in with a new name.
#' @seealso [`members`]
#' @export
getTeams <- function() {

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
setMethod("[[", c("TeamCatalog", "numeric"), function(x, i, ...) {
    getEntity(x, i, CrunchTeam, ...)

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
    "[[<-", c("TeamCatalog", "character", "missing", "list"),
    function(x, i, j, value) {
        if (i %in% names(x)) {
            ## TODO: update team attributes
            halt("Cannot (yet) modify team attributes")
        } else {
            ## Creating a new team
            u <- crPOST(self(x), body = toJSON(list(name = i)))
            x <- refresh(x)
            ## Add members to team, if given
            if (!is.null(value[["members"]])) {
                members(x[[i]]) <- value[["members"]]

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
    "[[<-", c("TeamCatalog", "character", "missing", "CrunchTeam"),
    function(x, i, j, value) {
        ## TODO: something
        ## For now, assuming that modifications have already been persisted
        ## by other operations on the team entity (like members<-)

#' Share Crunch assets with a team
#' You can share filters and multitables with a team that you are on. This will
#' give all team members access to view and edit these filters. Use `getTeams()`
#' to see what teams you are on.
#' @param x a `CrunchFilter` or `Multitable`
#' @param value a `CrunchTeam` or url for a Crunch team
#' @return a `CrunchTeam` that the asset is shared with.
#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setGeneric("team", function(x) standardGeneric("team"))

.getTeam <- function(x) {
    if (is.null(x@body$team)) {

#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setMethod("team", "CrunchFilter", .getTeam)

#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setMethod("team", "Multitable", .getTeam)

#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setMethod("team", "CrunchDeck", .getTeam)

#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setGeneric("team<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("team<-"))

.setTeam <- function(x, value) {
    if (inherits(value, "CrunchTeam")) {
        value <- self(value)
    if (!(is.crunchURL(value) || is.null(value))) {
        halt("Team setting requires either a CrunchTeam entity, URL, or NULL")
    return(setEntitySlot(x, "team", value))
#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setMethod("team<-", c("CrunchFilter", "ANY"), .setTeam)

#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setMethod("team<-", c("Multitable", "ANY"), .setTeam)

#' @rdname team-sharing
#' @export
setMethod("team<-", c("CrunchDeck", "ANY"), .setTeam)
Crunch-io/rcrunch documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 11:13 p.m.