
context("Appending subsets")

    ds1 <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds")
    ds2 <- cachedLoadDataset("ECON.sav")
    test_that("If no filtering, 'where' and 'filter' are omitted", {
            appendDataset(ds1, ds2),
    test_that("Append with filter", {
            appendDataset(ds1, ds2[ds2$gender == "Male", ]),
    test_that("Append with variable selection", {
            appendDataset(ds1, ds2[c("gender", "birthyr")]),
    test_that("Append with variable selection and filter", {
            appendDataset(ds1, ds2[ds2$gender == "Male", c("gender", "birthyr")]),

    ds1 <- newDataset(df[1:3])
    ds2 <- newDataset(df[2:5])
    test_that("We can select variables to append", {
        ds1 <- appendDataset(ds1, ds2[c("v2", "v5")])
        expect_equal(ncol(ds1), 4)
        expect_identical(names(ds1), c("v1", "v2", "v3", "v5"))
        asdf <- as.data.frame(ds1)
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v1, c(df$v1, rep(NA_real_, 20)))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v2, c(df$v2, df$v2))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v3, c(df$v3, rep(NA_real_, 20)))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v5, c(rep(as.Date(NA), 20), df$v5))
    ds1 <- restoreVersion(ds1, "initial import")
    test_that("We can select rows to append", {
        ds1 <- appendDataset(ds1, ds2[ds2$v3 < 10, ])
        expect_equal(ncol(ds1), 5)
        expect_true(setequal(names(ds1), c("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5")))
        asdf <- as.data.frame(ds1)
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v1, c(df$v1, rep(NA_real_, 2)))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v2, c(df$v2, df$v2[1:2]))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v3, c(df$v3, df$v3[1:2]))
    ds1 <- restoreVersion(ds1, "initial import")
    test_that("We can select rows and variables to append", {
        ds1 <- appendDataset(ds1, ds2[ds2$v3 < 10, c("v2", "v5")])
        expect_equal(ncol(ds1), 4)
        expect_identical(names(ds1), c("v1", "v2", "v3", "v5"))
        asdf <- as.data.frame(ds1)
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v1, c(df$v1, rep(NA_real_, 2)))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v2, c(df$v2, df$v2[1:2]))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v3, c(df$v3, rep(NA_real_, 2)))
        expect_equivalent(asdf$v5, c(rep(as.Date(NA), 20), df$v5[1:2]))
Crunch-io/rcrunch documentation built on April 1, 2024, 1:14 a.m.