
context("Derived array variables maintain subvar links")

# nolint start
# derived ds instantaitor
new_ds_with_derived_array <- function() {
    ds <- newDatasetFromFixture("apidocs")
    ds$derivedarray <- deriveArray(
        subvariables = subvariables(ds$petloc),
        name = "Derived pets"
# nolint end

    ds <- new_ds_with_derived_array()

    test_that("Sending a derived array vardef creates a derived array", {
        expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$derivedarray), as.vector(ds$petloc))
            as.vector(ds$derivedarray, mode = "id"),
            as.vector(ds$petloc, mode = "id")

    test_that("changing a value in the first subvar carries", {
        ds$petloc$petloc_home[ds$petloc$petloc_home == "Dog"] <- "Cat"

        expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$derivedarray), as.vector(ds$petloc))
            as.vector(ds$derivedarray, mode = "id"),
            as.vector(ds$petloc, mode = "id")

    test_that("changing a value in the second subvar carries", {
        ds$petloc$petloc_work[ds$petloc$petloc_work == "Dog"] <- "Cat"

        expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$derivedarray), as.vector(ds$petloc))
            as.vector(ds$derivedarray, mode = "id"),
            as.vector(ds$petloc, mode = "id")

    # reinstantiate the dataset so prior failures don't cloud current tests
    ds <- new_ds_with_derived_array()

    test_that("NAing a value carries", {
        ds$petloc$petloc_home[ds$petloc$petloc_home == "Bird"] <- NA

        expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$derivedarray), as.vector(ds$petloc))
            as.vector(ds$derivedarray, mode = "id"),
            as.vector(ds$petloc, mode = "id")

    # Revisit after https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2172644/stories/186660623
    # (reusable subvar codes) ships
    # # reinstantiate the dataset so prior failures don't cloud current tests
    # ds <- new_ds_with_derived_array()
    # test_that("changing category names in metadata carries", {
    #     existing <- names(categories(ds$petloc))
    #     existing[1] <- "Kat"
    #     existing[2] <- "Dogz"
    #     names(categories(ds$petloc)) <- existing
    #     ds <- refresh(ds) # must refresh to update the derived variable's metadata
    #     expect_true(is.derived(ds$derivedarray))
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         categories(ds$derivedarray),
    #         categories(ds$petloc)
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         categories(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_work__1`),
    #         categories(ds$petloc$petloc_work)
    #     )
    #     # checking the petloc_work subvar since if the above tests failed,
    #     # we know that petloc_home is broken
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_work__1`),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc$petloc_work)
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_work__1`, mode = "id"),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc$petloc_work, mode = "id")
    #     )
    # })
    # # change category ids
    # ds$petloc <- changeCategoryID(ds$petloc, 1, 10)
    # ds <- refresh(ds) # must refresh to update the derived variable's metadata
    # test_that("changing cat ids (values+metadata) metadata", {
    #     expect_true(is.derived(ds$derivedarray))
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         categories(ds$derivedarray),
    #         categories(ds$petloc)
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         categories(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_work__1`),
    #         categories(ds$petloc$petloc_work)
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         categories(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_work__1`),
    #         categories(ds$petloc$petloc_work)
    #     )
    # })
    # test_that("changing cat ids (values+metadata) first subvar", {
    #     # check the first subvar
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_home__1`),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc$petloc_home)
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_home__1`, mode = "id"),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc$petloc_home, mode = "id")
    #     )
    # })
    # test_that("changing cat ids (values+metadata) second subvar", {
    #     # check the second subvar
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_work__1`),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc$petloc_work)
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray$`petloc_work__1`, mode = "id"),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc$petloc_work, mode = "id")
    #     )
    # })
    # test_that("changing cat ids (values+metadata) whole array", {
    #     # check the whole array
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc)
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.vector(ds$derivedarray, mode = "id"),
    #         as.vector(ds$petloc, mode = "id")
    #     )
    # })
    # # Test derive from categorical arrays that are stored as sparse categorical
    # #
    # # Make a factor that is overwhelmingly NA, but with some combos we want to
    # # collapse. Confirmed that this ratio is stored as sparse categorical, but
    # # if the definitions for what counts as sparse change, this might need to be
    # # changed to maintain coverage
    # # fac <- factor(
    # #     c(rep("A", 6), rep("B", 5), rep("C", 4),
    # #       rep("a", 3), rep("b", 2), rep("c", 1), rep(NA, 979))
    # # )
    # # first <- sample(fac, 1000)
    # # second <- sample(fac, 1000)
    # # df <- data.frame(
    # #     first = first,
    # #     second = second,
    # #     first_copy = first,
    # #     second_copy = second
    # # )
    # # # need to change categories to IDs, and then remove NAs
    # # write.csv(df, "mocks/dataset-fixtures/sparse_ca.csv", row.names = FALSE)
    # # we need to create with metadata to ensure that the categorical array is
    # # stored as sparse categorical (if we use bind, then we have to figure out
    # # how to trigger a cleanup which is not exposed to the API)
    # ds <- createWithMetadataAndFile(
    #     fromJSON(
    #         datasetFixturePath("sparse_ca.json"),
    #         simplifyVector = FALSE
    #     ),
    #     test_path(datasetFixturePath("sparse_ca.csv"))
    # )
    # test_that("combine on categorical array stored as sparse returns correct values", {
    #     # the first categorical array is the same as the copies
    #     first_copy_vals <- as.vector(ds$first_copy)
    #     second_copy_vals <- as.vector(ds$second_copy)
    #     expect_equal(as.vector(ds$cat_array$first), first_copy_vals)
    #     expect_equal(as.vector(ds$cat_array$second), second_copy_vals)
    #     # make our combined variable
    #     ds$ca_combined <- combine(
    #         ds$cat_array,
    #         combinations = list(
    #             list(
    #                 name = "A",
    #                 categories = c("A", "a")
    #             ),
    #             list(
    #                 name = "B",
    #                 categories = c("B", "b")
    #             ),
    #             list(
    #                 name = "C",
    #                 categories = c("C", "c")
    #             )
    #         )
    #     )
    #     # combine the values on the vector to compare with the combined variable
    #     levels(first_copy_vals) <- c("A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C")
    #     levels(second_copy_vals) <- c("A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C")
    #     expect_equal(as.vector(ds$ca_combined$`first__1`), first_copy_vals)
    #     expect_equal(as.vector(ds$ca_combined$`second__1`), second_copy_vals)
    #     # and this might be clearer in a cube of the first subvar and the
    #     # first_copy, this test is testing the same thing as above, with a cube
    #     #
    #     # we expect:
    #     # first_copy
    #     # first__1 A B C a b c
    #     #      A 6 0 0 3 0 0
    #     #      B 0 5 0 0 2 0
    #     #      C 0 0 4 0 0 1
    #     #
    #     # we get:
    #     # first_copy
    #     # first__1 A B C a b c
    #     #      A 6 5 4 3 0 0
    #     #      B 0 0 0 0 2 0
    #     #      C 0 0 0 0 0 1
    #     dims <- list(
    #         `first__1` = c("A", "B", "C"),
    #         first_copy = c("A", "B", "C", "a", "b", "c")
    #     )
    #     expect_equivalent(
    #         as.array(crtabs(~ ca_combined[["first__1"]] + first_copy, ds)),
    #         cubify(
    #             6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0,
    #             0, 5, 0, 0, 2, 0,
    #             0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1,
    #             dims = dims
    #         )
    #     )
    # })
Crunch-io/rcrunch documentation built on April 1, 2024, 1:14 a.m.