
title: Example Data Documentation File author: A. Hordyk date: 16 September 2019


This is an example Data Documentation file.

The file can be edited with any normal text editor, and must be saved with a '.md' file extension.

The documentation file use Markdown syntax. This is mainly just regular text, but also allows easy inclusion of lists and hyper-links. For example, to create an unordered list (i.e., bullet points) begin each new line with the * symbol:

Numbered lists can be created in a similar manner:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2

The ## Symbol indicates a second-level heading. Do not delete the second level headings in the Data Documentation template file (e.g., ## Metadata etc). You can add sub-headings in each section using the ### symbol. For example:

A sub-section in the Metadata Section

Any text below this heading will appear in the sub-section. Do not add any additional first or second level headings (i.e., don't use # or ##, only ###)

Links can be added in the following manner: More information on Markdown Syntax


The example Cobia data file has estimates of natural mortality, the von Bertalanffy growth parameters, and the length-at-maturity parameters.

Natural Mortality

Information relating to the estimated natural mortality, including links to relevant literature, could be added here.

Growth Parameters

Text describing the data and methods used to obtain the estimates of the von Bertalanffy growth parameters would be added here. Include figures, links, and/or references to data or supporting literature.

Other Parameters

No information is available for length-weight parameters, or steepness and sigmaR of the stock-recruitment relationship.


In this example we only have estimates of the length-at-first-capture (LFC). Selectivity is assumed to be asymptotic.


Information describing the time-series data should be added here. Use sub-sections (e.g., ### Heading) to describe each time-series data set that is included in the data object.


This is example text for the catch-at-age data.


This is example text for the catch-at-length data.


This is an example text for reference section. In this case we do not have any estimates for the Reference values for the Cobia example.

Reference List

References can be added here, e.g.,:

Carruthers, T.R., and Hordyk, A.R. 2018. The data-limited methods toolkit (DLMtool): an R package for informing management of data-limited populations. Methods Ecol. Evol. 9(12): 2388–2395. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13081.

DLMtool/DLMtool documentation built on June 20, 2021, 5:20 p.m.