
# # === OM specification using SS3 (Methot 2012) stock assessments ====================
# #' Reads MCMC estimates from Awatea (Paul Starr) processed r file structure into an operating model
# #'
# #' @description A function that uses the file location of a fitted Awatea model post-processed into a set of rmd files
# #' @param AwateaDir A folder with Awatea files
# #' @param nsim The number of simulations to take for parameters with uncertainty (for OM@cpars custom parameters)
# #' @param proyears The number of projection years for MSE
# #' @param Name The name of the operating model
# #' @param Source Reference to assessment documentation e.g. a url
# #' @param Author Who did the assessment
# #' @param verbose Should the r4ss function SS_ouput return detailed messages?
# #' @author T. Carruthers
# #' @export Awatea2OM
# Awatea2OM<-function(AwateaDir,nsim=48,proyears=50,Name=NULL,Source="No source provided",
#                  Author="No author provided",verbose=T){
#   currentRes <- Bmcmc <- currentMCMC <- NULL # hacks for CRAN checks (objects must be seen to exist)
#   bmcmc_file<-list.files(AwateaDir)[grep("Bmcmc",list.files(AwateaDir))]
#   Awateatxt<-paste0(AwateaDir,"/",list.files(AwateaDir)[grep(".txt",list.files(AwateaDir))])
#   load(paste0(AwateaDir,"/",bmcmc_file))
#   load(paste0(AwateaDir,"/currentMCMC.rda"))
#   #load(paste0(AwateaDir,"/currentMSY.rda"))
#   #load(paste0(AwateaDir,"/currentProj.rda"))
#   load(paste0(AwateaDir,"/currentRes.rda"))
#   bmcmc<-Bmcmc[[1]][[1]] # Second tier list is the outputs
#   #  ---------- Create new OM and set ranges ------------------------------
#   OM<-new('OM',DLMtool::Albacore, DLMtool::Generic_Fleet, DLMtool::Generic_Obs, DLMtool::Perfect_Imp)
#   OM@nsim<-nsim
#   OM@proyears<-proyears
#   OM@nyears<-nyears<-ncol(currentMCMC$U)
#   OM@CurrentYr<-as.integer(substr(names(currentMCMC$U)[nyears],1,4))
#   OM@maxage<-maxage<-max(currentRes$Sel$Age)
#   OM@Fdisc<-rep(0.5,2)
#   OM@DR<-rep(0.1,2)
#   OM@Mgrad<-OM@Kgrad<-OM@Linfgrad<-rep(0,2)
#   # Select posterior samples
#   nmcmc<-nrow(currentMCMC$P)
#   if(nsim<nmcmc){
#     samp<-sample(1:nmcmc,nsim)
#   }else{
#     samp<-sample(1:nmcmc,nsim,replace=T)
#     message(paste0("nsim (",nsim,") > nmcmc (",nmcmc,"), sampling posterior with replacement"))
#   }
#   # Awatea inputs to growth parameters -----------------------------------
#   out<-AwateaRead(Awateatxt)
#   OM@a<-out$a[1]
#   OM@b<-out$b[1]
#   OM@Linf<-rep(out$Linf[1],2)
#   OM@K<-rep(out$K[1],2)
#   OM@t0<-rep(out$t0[1],2)
#   OM@LenCV<-rep(out$Lsd[1]/out$Linf[1],2)
#   OM@isRel<-"FALSE"
#   OM@L50<-2/3*OM@Linf
#   # ------------ Custom Parameters --------------------------------------
#   # ----- R0 ------------------------------------------
#   R0<-currentMCMC$P$R_0[samp]
#   OM@R0<-range(R0)
#   # ----- Steepness -----------------------------------
#   hs<-currentMCMC$P$h[samp]
#   OM@h<-range(hs)
#   # ----- Depletion -----------------------------------
#   B0<-bmcmc$B0.MCMC[samp]
#   D<-currentMCMC$B[samp,nyears]/B0
#   OM@D<-range(D)
#   # ----- F index -------------------------------------
#   Find<-(-log(1-currentMCMC$U[samp,]))
#   Find<-Find/apply(Find,1,mean)
#   Find<-as.matrix(Find)
#   OM@EffLower<-apply(Find,2,quantile,0.1)
#   OM@EffUpper<-apply(Find,2,quantile,0.9)
#   OM@EffYears<-1:nyears
#   # ----- M -------------------------------------------
#   M<-currentMCMC$P[samp,grep("M",names(currentMCMC$P))[1]]
#   OM@M<-range(M)
#   # ----- Process error recruitment calcs -------------
#   Recs<-bmcmc$R.MCMC[samp,]
#   B<-currentMCMC$B[samp,1:ncol(Recs)]
#   SSBpR<-B0/R0
#   predR<-(4*R0 * hs * B)/(SSBpR * R0 * (1-hs) + (5*hs-1) * B)
#   inInd<-1:(maxage-1)
#   histInd<-maxage+(1:nyears)-1
#   projInd<-maxage+nyears+(0:(proyears-1))
#   recdevs<-log(Recs/predR)
#   ACfunc<-function(x)acf(x,plot=F)$acf[2,1,1]
#   AC<-apply(recdevs,1,ACfunc)
#   OM@AC<-range(AC)
#   procsd<-apply(recdevs,1,sd,na.rm=T)
#   OM@Perr<-range(procsd)
#   OM@Perr<-quantile(procsd,c(0.025,0.975)) # uniform range is a point estimate from assessment MLE
#   procmu <- -0.5 * (procsd)^2  # adjusted log normal mean
#   Perr<-matrix(rnorm(nsim*(proyears+nyears+maxage-1),procmu,procsd),nrow=nsim)
#   Perr[,histInd]<-as.matrix(recdevs)
#   for (y in c(inInd[2:(maxage-1)],projInd)) Perr[, y] <- AC * Perr[, y - 1] +   Perr[, y] * (1 - AC * AC)^0.5
#   Perr<-exp(Perr)
#   # ----- Selectivity --------------------------------
#   Sel<-currentRes$Sel
#   if(length(unique(Sel$Sex))>1){
#     Sel<-Sel[Sel$Sex=="Female",]
#     message("Two sex assessment: using selectivity for females only")
#   }
#   GSel<-Sel[grep("Gear",Sel$Series),]
#   Gnames<-unique(GSel$Series)
#   if(length(GSel)>1){
#     GSel<-GSel[GSel$Series==GSel[1],]
#     message(paste("More than one gear selected, using selectivity for",Gnames[1]))
#   }
#   Selectivity<-GSel[,4]
#   V <- array(rep(Selectivity,each=nsim), dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears + proyears))
#   # ----- Maturity ------------------------------------
#   Mat<-Sel[Sel$Series=="Maturity",4]
#   #plot(Mat,type='l',xlab="Age",ylab="Female fraction mature")
#   Mat_age <- array(rep(Mat,each=nsim), dim=c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears))
#   OM@L50<-2/3*OM@Linf
#   OM@L50_95<-0.05*OM@Linf
#   # ----- populate cpars ------------------------------
#   OM@cpars<-list(M=M, R0=R0, D=D, Find=Find, hs=hs, Perr=Perr, Mat_age=Mat_age, V=V)
#   OM@seed <- 1
#   message("Awatea .txt input file (growth parameters) and process R output files read successfully")
#   OM
# }
# AwateaRead<-function(Awateatxt,quiet=T){
#   out<-list()
#   uniquetext<-c("Bi-scalar","bii exponent","L-infinity","k of the von","t0 of the von","S.d. of length at age of oldest")
#   param<-c("a","b","Linf","K","t0","Lsd")
#   alltext<-readLines(Awateatxt)
#   for(i in 1:length(param)){
#     loc<-grep(uniquetext[i],alltext)
#     out[[i]]<-scan(Awateatxt,skip=loc,nlines=1,quiet=quiet)
#   }
#   names(out)<-param
#   out
# }
DLMtool/DLMtool documentation built on June 20, 2021, 5:20 p.m.