
#' get all related terms of a concept 
#' This function retuns to you all related terms of one or more concept. The output is a vector with the related ids 
#' @param vocid mandatory parameter, the XML link(s) of which you want the related concepts
#' @param relation optional parameter, the type of the retation you want. It takes as values: "narrower", "broader", "related", "sameas" 
#' @param vocab optional parameter, the vocab of the returned id's. For example: "P01", "P06" 
#' @import dplyr 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getrelatedterms(vocid = "http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S25/current/BE007117/", relation = "narrower", vocab = "P01" )

getrelatedterms <- function (vocid=NA, relation= NA, vocab = NA ) {
if (!is.na(relation) & !is.na(vocab)){
relatedterms <- (getskossxmldata(vocid)$termrelation %>% filter (relation == relation,grepl(vocab, resource)))$resource
} else {
if (is.na(relation) & !is.na(vocab)){
relatedterms <- (getskossxmldata(vocid)$termrelation %>% filter (grepl(vocab, resource)))$resource
} else {
  if (!is.na(relation) & is.na(vocab)){
relatedterms <- (getskossxmldata(vocid)$termrelation %>% filter (relation == relation))$resource
} else {
relatedterms <- (getskossxmldata(vocid)$termrelation)$resource
}, error = function(x) {print(past0(vocid ," does not resolve"))}) 
if(exists("relatedterms")){return(relatedterms)  }

#' get both the parameterinfo and the unitinfo of a given concept 
#' @param vocid mandatory parameter, the XML link(s) of which you want the related concepts.
#' @param vocabs optional parameter, include which vocabs you want to include. Takes multiple vocabs if separated by a "|" (eg. "P01|P06|Q01")
#' @import dplyr 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getunitsandparams(vocid = "http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/OWETBM01/" )
#' getunitsandparams(vocid = "http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/OWETBM01/" , vocabs ="P01|Q01" )

getunitsandparams <- function(vocids=NA, vocabs = NA) {
  if(!is.na(vocabs)) {
    vocids <- unique(subset (vocids,(grepl (vocabs, vocids)) & 
                               (grepl ("http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection", vocids) &
                                  !grepl(glob2rx("*current?") , vocids) & 
                                  !grepl(glob2rx("*current") , vocids))))
      df<- getskossxmldata(vocids)
      if(length(df) >  0) {
      para <- df$terminfo %>% select (preflabel , altlabel, definition, deprecated, uri)
      paraandunit <- df$termrelation %>% filter (relation == "related" & grepl("P06", resource)) %>% rename(standardUnitID =resource)
      unit <- getskossxmldatainfo(unique(paraandunit$standardUnitID)) %>% select(standardUnitID = uri, unitpref = preflabel, standardunit = altlabel )
      if (nrow(paraandunit)>0){
      parawithhunit <-  para %>% left_join(paraandunit, by =c( "uri" = "term" )) %>% left_join(unit, by = c("standardUnitID")) %>% distinct()
      } else {parawithhunit <-  para}
      return (parawithhunit) 
Daphnisd/skossxml documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:07 a.m.