

test_that("test_rmd_group works", {
  lst <- list()
  lst$DC_TYPE <- "MarkdownExercise"
  lst$DC_CODE <- c(my_doc.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    \n    ```{r}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for example:\n    \n    ```{r, echo=FALSE}\n    plot(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    Wowww.")
  lst$DC_SOLUTION <- c(my_sol.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    but\n    doesn't \n    matter\n    \n    ```{r}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for falafel:\n    \n    ```{r, echo=FALSE}\n    str(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    Wowww.")
  lst$DC_SCT <- "test_rmd_group(1, NULL)"
  output <- test_it(lst)
  lst$DC_CODE <- c(my_doc.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    \n    ```{r, echo = TRUE}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for example:\n    \n    ```{r, message = FALSE}\n    plot(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    Wowww.")
  lst$DC_SOLUTION <- c(my_sol.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    but\n    doesn't \n    matter\n    \n    ```{r, echo = TRUE}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for falafel:\n    \n    ```{r, message = FALSE}\n    str(cars)\n    ```")
  lst$DC_SCT <- "test_rmd_group(1, NULL)"
  output <- test_it(lst)
  fails(output, mess_patt = "Make sure the structure of your document is OK.")
  lst$DC_CODE <- c(my_doc.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    \n    ```{r, echo = TRUE}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for example:\n    \n    ```{r, message = FALSE}\n    plot(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    Wowww.")
  lst$DC_SOLUTION <- c(my_sol.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    but\n    doesn't \n    matter\n    \n    ```{r, echo = TRUE}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for falafel:\n    \n    ```{r, message = FALSE}\n    str(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    ```{r}\n    mean(cars)\n    ```")
  lst$DC_SCT <- "test_rmd_group(1, NULL)"
  output <- test_it(lst)
  fails(output, mess_patt = "Make sure you have the correct amount of inline")
  lst$DC_CODE <- c(my_doc.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    \n    ```{r, echo = TRUE}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for example:\n    \n    ```{r, message = FALSE}\n    plot(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    Wowww.\n\n    ```{r}\n    mean(cars)\n    ```")
  lst$DC_SOLUTION <- c(my_sol.Rmd = "\n    ---\n    title: \"Testing\"\n    author: \"Tester\"\n    date: \"January 1, 2015\"\n    output: html_document\n    ---\n    \n    This\n    is\n    a\n    test\n    but\n    doesn't \n    matter\n    \n    ```{r, echo = TRUE}\n    dim(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    You can also embed plots, for falafel:\n    \n    ```{r, message = FALSE}\n    str(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    ```{r}\n    mean(cars)\n    ```\n    \n    Woowwww.")
  lst$DC_SCT <- "test_rmd_group(1, NULL)"
  output <- test_it(lst)
  fails(output, mess_patt = "Make sure the overall code structure of your document is OK.")
Data-Camp/testwhat documentation built on June 24, 2022, 9:59 p.m.