
Defines functions shs_clean_scotland_only_tables

#' Remove local authority data from Scotland-only tables
#' \code{shs_clean_scotland_only_tables} removes local authority data from tables
#' where sample size is too small to show local authority data.
#' @param dataset_directory \code{string}.
#' The path of the directory table data is stored in.
#' @param metadata_directory \code{string}.
#' The path of the directory metadata tables are stored in.
#' @return \code{null}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' shs_clean_scotland_only_tables(dataset_directory, metadata_directory)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

shs_clean_scotland_only_tables <- function(dataset_directory, metadata_directory) {

  question_titles <- readRDS(file.path(metadata_directory, "question_titles.Rds"))

  scotland_only_tables <- question_titles[!is.na(question_titles$ScotlandOnly) & question_titles$Type != 0, ]
  scotland_only_tables <- scotland_only_tables[scotland_only_tables$ScotlandOnly == "Y", ]$ID

  for (scotland_only_table in scotland_only_tables) {

    data_file_path <- file.path(dataset_directory, paste0(scotland_only_table, ".Rds"))

    df <- readRDS(data_file_path)

    df <- df[df$Council == "Scotland", ]

    saveRDS(df, data_file_path)
DataScienceScotland/shsannualreport documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 4:07 p.m.