
Defines functions frollmean

Documented in frollmean

#' Fast rolling mean
#' @param DT	The data.table to operate on
#' @param col A quoted column name
#' @param N An integer number that we want to shift by
#' @param Name (optional) the name of the new column
#' @param by (optional) A quoted by parameter
#' @param partial (boolean) - if you want a partial mean
#' @param na.rm (boolean) - if you want a ignore NAs (this will run slightly slower)
#' @param ... Some additional parameters that you can pass to the \code{\link{shift}} function
#' @return The modified data.table with the new shifted columns
#' @export
#' @examples  
#' set.seed(123)
#' DT <- data.table(x = sample(10), y = sample(1:2, 10, replace = TRUE), key = "y")
#' frollmean(DT, "x", 3, by = "y", type = "lead")

frollmean <- function(DT, col, N, Name, by, partial = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ...){
  if(missing(Name)) new_col <- paste0(col, "_mean_", N)  else new_col <- Name
  if(missing(by)) {
    if(na.rm) {
      DT[, (new_col) := rowMeans(setDT(shift(eval(as.name(col)), 0L : (N - 1L), ...)), na.rm = TRUE)]
      if(!partial) DT[1L:(N - 1L), (new_col) := NA_real_]
    } else if(partial) {
      DT[, (new_col) := as.numeric(Reduce(`+`, shift(eval(as.name(col)), 0L : (N - 1L), fill = 0, ...)))]
      indx <- seq_len(N)
      DT[indx, (new_col) := eval(as.name(new_col)) / indx]
      DT[-indx, (new_col) := eval(as.name(new_col)) / N]
    } else DT[, (new_col) := Reduce(`+`, shift(eval(as.name(col)), 0L:(N - 1L), ...)) / N]
  } else {
      DT[, (new_col) := rowMeans(setDT(shift(eval(as.name(col)), 0L : (N - 1L), ...)), na.rm = TRUE), by = by]
      if(!partial) {
        indx <- seq_len(N - 1L)
        DT[, (new_col) := replace(eval(as.name(new_col)), indx, NA_real_), by = by]
    } else if(partial) {
      DT[, (new_col) := as.numeric(Reduce(`+`, shift(eval(as.name(col)), 0L : (N - 1L), fill = 0, ...))), by = by]
      indx <- seq_len(N)
      DT[, (new_col) := c(eval(as.name(new_col))[indx] / indx, eval(as.name(new_col))[-indx] / N), by = by]
    } else DT[, (new_col) := Reduce(`+`, shift(eval(as.name(col)), 0L : (N - 1L), ...)) / N, by = by]
DavidArenburg/dt.nuggets documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:54 p.m.