Convenience functions to develop psychometric tests

testing is a package for the R statistical environment providing functions to develop psychometric tests, mainly leveraging on the Classical Test Theory.

The package can be installed by connecting to this repository by using the package devtools, which must be previously installed. To install testing you can run the command:


testing not replaces other well-known packages as psych (on which it depends), but should be considered as their integration.

The package stems from the author's need to collect into a single repository the most commonly R functions used in his daily practice. These functions are therefore rather heterogeneous, but they share the usefulness in some steps of psychometric test building. Some functions of testing are present in other forms in different R packages, when not in base R. In these cases, testing offers a different output format optimized for application in psychometric data analysis. Sometimes, the functions are implemented following algorithmic peculiarities that make them only apparently similar to other sources.

Born from a messy collection of commands scattered within a multitude of scripts, over time the package has been refined, making a great effort to optimize the functions and standardize the style. During the development, some functions were refined, and others were deprecated and not replaced. If you search old versions including functions no longer available, you can take a look of old sources of the package.

Package overview








Documentation pages (Italian only)

:arrow_forward: Standardizzazione dei punteggi

:arrow_forward: Tabulazione di riferimenti normativi

:arrow_forward: Calcolo e conversione dell’età

DavideMassidda/testing documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 4:32 p.m.