
Defines functions is_allowed_datetime validate_side floor_date_time floor_date_time.default ceiling_date_time ceiling_date_time.default lookup_seq_fun push_datetime push_datetime.default assert_period_matches_index_class assert_period_matches_index_class.default lookup_defaults list_to_datetime max_collapse dispatch_max_collapse dispatch_max_collapse.default coerce_start_date

# Generic functions that define the differences between date/time classes

# Checks if the input is a supported date/time class
is_allowed_datetime <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, c("Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXt", "yearmon", "yearqtr", "hms"))

#### General -------------------------------------------------------------------

# Validate that the side of a time formula is correct in make_time_formula()
# It may also alter the formula (A POSIXct needs a + between day / hour)
validate_side <- function(x) {

# Most of the time this uses lubridate::floor_date()
floor_date_time <- function(x, unit = "seconds") {

floor_date_time.default <- function(x, unit = "seconds") {
  lubridate::floor_date(x, unit)

# Most of the time this uses lubridate::ceiling_date()
ceiling_date_time <- function(x, unit = "seconds") {

ceiling_date_time.default <- function(x, unit = "seconds") {
  lubridate::ceiling_date(x, unit)

#### create_series -------------------------------------------------------------

# For sequence creation in create_series()
lookup_seq_fun <- function(x) {

# Really only necessary because c(hms, hms) loses the hms class
push_datetime <- function(x, push) {

push_datetime.default <- function(x, push) {
  unique(c(x, push))

#### parse_period --------------------------------------------------------------

# Check that the supplied period formula is allowed for that class
assert_period_matches_index_class <- function(x, period) {

assert_period_matches_index_class.default <- function(x, period) {
  stop("Unknown index type", call. = FALSE)

#### parse_time_formula --------------------------------------------------------

# Find the default time_formula list values. These get overwritten
# with the user supplied values
lookup_defaults <- function(index, side = "lhs") {

# Collapse the list of period values into a real datetime class
list_to_datetime <- function(index, tf_side, ...) {

#### time_collapse -------------------------------------------------------------

# This goes with dispatch_max_collapse
# The idea is to collapse a date column to its maximum date per group
# Special handling for yearmon
max_collapse <- function(x) {
  dummy_obj <- get_index_dispatcher(x)
  dispatch_max_collapse(dummy_obj, x)

# This dispatches the collapse based on the index class
dispatch_max_collapse <- function(dummy, x) {

dispatch_max_collapse.default <- function(dummy, x) {
  index_char      <- get_index_char(x)
  index_sym       <- rlang::sym(index_char)

  dplyr::mutate(x, !! index_sym := max(!! index_sym))

#### time_group ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Coerce a character start_date to a real datetime
coerce_start_date <- function(x, start_date) {
DavisVaughan/tibbletime3 documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:25 p.m.