

test_that("get_estimates is changed to draw_estimates", {
  my_design <- declare_model(N = 100) + NULL
  expect_error(get_estimates(my_design), "Please provide a data frame to the data argument. If you would like to get estimates from simulated data, use draw_estimates to draw data and get estimates in one step.")

test_that("estimand = is deprecated", {
  des <- 
    declare_model(N = 5, Y = rnorm(N)) +
    declare_inquiry(ybar = mean(Y)) +
    declare_estimator(Y ~ 1, .method = lm_robust, estimand = "ybar")
  expect_warning(draw_estimates(des), "The argument 'estimand = ' is deprecated. Please use 'inquiry = ' instead.")

test_that("declare_estimand is deprecated", {

expect_warning(declare_estimand(ATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0), label = "The SATE"), "Use 'declare_inquiry' instead.")

    N = 10,
    Y_Z_0 = 1:10,
    Y_Z_1 = 3:12
  ) +
    declare_estimand(PATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0))
"Use 'declare_inquiry' instead.")


test_that("model = is deprecated", {
  des <- 
    declare_model(N = 5, Y = rnorm(N)) +
    declare_inquiry(ybar = mean(Y)) +
    declare_estimator(Y ~ 1, model = lm_robust, inquiry = "ybar")
  expect_warning(draw_estimates(des), "The argument 'model = ' is deprecated. Please use '.method = ' instead.")
  expect_warning(expect_equal(colnames(draw_estimates(des)), c("estimator", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", 
                                                               "p.value", "conf.low", "conf.high", "df", "outcome", "inquiry"

test_that("model_summary = is deprecated", {
  des <- 
    declare_model(N = 5, Y = rnorm(N)) +
    declare_inquiry(ybar = mean(Y)) +
    declare_estimator(Y ~ 1, model = lm_robust, model_summary = tidy, inquiry = "ybar")
  expect_warning(draw_estimates(des), "The argument 'model_summary = ' is deprecated. Please use '.summary = ' instead.")
  expect_warning(expect_equal(colnames(draw_estimates(des)), c("estimator", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", 
                                                "p.value", "conf.low", "conf.high", "df", "outcome", "inquiry"
DeclareDesign/DeclareDesign documentation built on April 17, 2024, 9:37 a.m.