
Defines functions .design.df .design.props .design.no known.designs

Documented in known.designs

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# define the data.frame with design charactersitics, will be available to
# all functions of the package
# with this 'trick' the call of known.designs() isn't necessary
# Nomenclature of replicate designs: treatments x sequences x periods
# Note: the df for the replicate designs are those without carry-over.
# Chen, Chow and Liu used models with carry-over, i.e. 1 df lower.
# n is the total number of subjects (cross-over designs and parallel group)
# df2 = degrees of freedom for robust analysis (aka Senn's basic estimator).
# bk is the so-called design constant in terms of total n, also without carry over.
# bkni is the design constant in terms of n per sequence, also without carry over.
# In case of 2x2x4 design Chen, Chow and Liu used bk=1.1 (bkni=11/40) 
# in a model with carry over.
des <- ("
        no  design    df    df2  steps  bk   bknif 
        0  parallel n-2    n-2    2    4    1/1             
        1  2x2      n-2    n-2    2    2    1/2           
        1  2x2x2    n-2    n-2    2    2    1/2   
        2  3x3      2*n-4  n-3    3    2    2/9   # 3 sequence latin
        3  3x6x3    2*n-4  n-6    6    2    1/18  # 6 sequence 'williams'
        4  4x4      3*n-6  n-4    4    2    1/8   # 4 sequence 'williams'
        5  2x2x3    2*n-3  n-2    2    1.5  3/8   
        6  2x2x4    3*n-4  n-2    2    1    1/4   
        7  2x4x4    3*n-4  n-4    4    1    1/16  
        9  2x3x3    2*n-3  n-3    3    1.5  1/6   # partial replicate
        10  2x4x2    n-2    n-2    4    8    1/2   # Balaam's design
        11  2x2x2r   3*n-2  n-2    2    1    1/4   # Liu's repeated x-over
        100 paired   n-1    n-1    1    2    2/1   
# no. 9 is f.i. the partial replicate design TRR/RTR/RRT
# no. 10 is Balaam's design, a mixture of crossover and parallel group.
# questionable df2 for Baalams design!
# Jan 2011: 3x6x3 introduced, df for 3x3 corrected (former 2*n-3)
# also df for 4x4 corrected (former 3*n-5)
# Apr-2012: bk(ni) added for 3x3, 3x6x3 and 4x4

des2 <- textConnection(des)
designs <- read.table(des2, header=TRUE, sep="", strip.white=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)           
close(des2)   # without this close() warnings are generated
# convert fractions to numeric
designs$bkni <- sapply(strsplit(designs$bknif, split="/"),
                       function(x) as.numeric(x[1])/as.numeric(x[2])
# nicer names for nicer output of design
designs$name[designs$no==0] <- "2 parallel groups"
designs$name[designs$no %in% c(1,2,3,4)] <- 
  paste(designs$design[designs$no %in% c(1,2,3,4)],"crossover")
designs$name[designs$no %in% c(5,6,7)] <- 
  paste(designs$design[designs$no %in% c(5,6,7)],"replicate crossover")

designs$name[designs$no==9]   <- "partial replicate (2x3x3)" 
designs$name[designs$no==10]  <- "Balaam's (2x4x2)" 
designs$name[designs$no==11]  <- "Liu's 2x2x2 repeated x-over" 
designs$name[designs$no==100] <- "paired means" 

# is this necessary?
rm(des, des2)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# functions to access the data.frame with design charcteristics
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# just print/return them
known.designs <- function() designs

#--- determine the design no from the design string
.design.no <- function(design)
  # take the first word if more then one f.i. in "parallel group"
  desi <- unlist(strsplit(tolower(design)," "))[1]
  i    <- match(desi, designs$design)
  if (!is.na(i)) return(designs$no[i]) else return(NA)

#--- return all properties as dataframe ---
# or as list?
.design.props <- function(design.no)
  des <- designs[designs$no==design.no,]
  # in case of 2x2 the alias 2x2x2 causes 2 entries
  des <- des[1,]
  if (is.na(des$no)) stop("Design ",design.no," not defined!")
  return (des)

#--- return design degrees of freedom (conventional or robust) as expression
# des.props may be obtained by function .design.props()
.design.df <- function(des.props, robust)
  if (robust){
    dfe  <- parse(text=des.props$df2[1], srcfile=NULL)
  } else {
    dfe  <- parse(text=des.props$df[1], srcfile=NULL)
Detlew/PowerTOST documentation built on March 26, 2024, 12:18 a.m.