
Defines functions getDataPSQL getDataJDBC getDataRPostgreSQL getDataPython

Documented in getDataJDBC getDataPSQL getDataPython getDataRPostgreSQL

##' Run a sample query against Vertica using \code{psql}.
##' The \code{psql} binary is required.
##' @title Run Sample Query via \code{psql}
##' @param sqlquery A SQL query as character string
##' @return The dataset corresponding to the query.
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
getDataPSQL <- function(sqlquery) {

    ## build a command string a la
    ##   psql -Pfooter=off -A -F, -c '...sqlquery...'
    ## where no footer, -A and F, make for csv reading in R
    cmd <- sprintf("%s -Pfooter=off -A -F, -c '%s'", .pkgenv$psqlpath, sqlquery)

    dat <- read.csv(file=pipe(cmd))


##' Run a sample query against Vertica using RJDBC.
##' The RJDBC package is required, and has to be configured via
##' environment variables.
##' @title Run Sample Query via RJDBC
##' @param sqlquery A SQL query as character string
##' @return The dataset corresponding to the query.
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
getDataJDBC <- function(sqlquery) {

    if (requireNamespace("RJDBC", quietly=TRUE)) {
        vDriver <- RJDBC::JDBC(driverClass="com.vertica.jdbc.Driver", classPath=.pkgenv$vjar)
        vertica <- RJDBC::dbConnect(vDriver, paste0("jdbc:vertica://",
                                                    .pkgenv$vhost, ":",
                                                    .pkgenv$vport, "/",
        dat <- RJDBC::dbGetQuery(vertica, sqlquery)
    } else {
        warning("Need RJDBC")


##' Run a sample query against Vertica using RPostgreSQL.
##' The RPostgreSQL package is used, and has to be configured via
##' environment variables.
##' @title Run Sample Query via RPostgreSQL
##' @param sqlquery A SQL query as character string
##' @return The dataset corresponding to the query.
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
getDataRPostgreSQL <- function(sqlquery) {

    ow <- getOption("warn")

    ## load the PostgresSQL driver
    drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")

    ## connect to the default db
    con <- dbConnect(drv,

    dat <- dbGetQuery(con, sqlquery)



##' Run a sample query against Vertica using the Python-Vertica
##' package.
##' The Python installation must have the Python-Vertica package
##' contributed by Uber. There is essentially no error handling. This
##' function is really only here for completeness and not recommended.
##' The rPython package could be used as well.
##' @title Run Sample Query via Python
##' @param sqlquery A SQL query as character string
##' @return The dataset corresponding to the query.
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
getDataPython <- function(sqlquery) {

    ## the script is part of this package
    script <- system.file("scripts", "runSQLviaPython.py", package="RVertica")

    ## python is assumed in the path, and also assumed to have the
    ## proper Vertica package
    cmd <- sprintf("python %s '%s'", script, sqlquery)

    dat <- read.csv(file=pipe(cmd), header=FALSE)

DevProgress/RVertica documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:11 p.m.