

# This function replaces SinglePicto as the function used in the Standard R pages
    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(0.4, maximum.value = 1.0), NA)

    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(ParseText("40%"), display = "Pictograph (single icon)",
                    label.data.number.type = "Percentage",
                    maximum.value = ParseText("100%")), NA)

    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(ParseText("40%"), display = "Pictograph (repeated icons)",
                    label.data.number.type = "Percentage",
                    maximum.value = ParseText("100%"), total.icons = 10), NA)

    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(4, display = "Pictograph (repeated icons)", scale = ParseText("100%"),
                    label.data.number.type = "Percentage",
                    total.icons = NA), NA)

    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(4, display = "Pictograph (repeated icons)", scale = 2,
                    label.data.number.type = "Percentage",
                    total.icons = NA), NA)

    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(ParseText("-40%"), display = "Gauge",
                    label.data.number.type = "Percentage",
                    maximum.value = ParseText("100%"),
                    minimum.value = ParseText("-100%")), NA)
    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(0.46, display = "Pictograph (single icon)",
                    maximum.value = 1.0, text.below = "\"ABC\""), NA)
    expect_error(VisualizeNumber(0.46, display = "Pictograph (single icon)",
                    maximum.value = 1.0, label.data.number.type = "Percentage",
                    label.data.prefix = "\"", label.data.suffix = "\""), NA)

# This is QTable with the Base n statistic
tabWithN <- structure(c(12.2448979591837, 6.12244897959184, 4.08163265306122,
6.12244897959184, 4.08163265306122, 8.16326530612245, 22.4489795918367,
19.3877551020408, 17.3469387755102, 100, 32.2033898305085, 13.5593220338983,
5.08474576271187, 10.1694915254237, 5.08474576271187, 0, 5.08474576271187,
13.5593220338983, 15.2542372881356, 100, 11.8811881188119, 12.8712871287129,
12.8712871287129, 13.3663366336634, 8.41584158415842, 13.3663366336634,
13.3663366336634, 8.91089108910891, 4.95049504950495, 100, 10.8843537414966,
17.687074829932, 11.5646258503401, 7.48299319727891, 16.3265306122449,
3.40136054421769, 6.12244897959184, 22.4489795918367, 4.08163265306122,
100, 12.5, 6.25, 18.75, 6.25, 9.375, 12.5, 18.75, 15.625, 0,
100, 3.57142857142857, 19.6428571428571, 8.92857142857143, 16.0714285714286,
26.7857142857143, 5.35714285714286, 10.7142857142857, 8.92857142857143,
0, 100, 13.0769230769231, 2.30769230769231, 12.3076923076923,
20, 13.8461538461538, 6.92307692307692, 11.5384615384615, 12.3076923076923,
7.69230769230769, 100, 6.57894736842105, 15.7894736842105, 7.89473684210526,
5.26315789473684, 11.8421052631579, 9.21052631578947, 9.21052631578947,
28.9473684210526, 5.26315789473684, 100, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98,
98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 202,
202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 147, 147, 147, 147,
147, 147, 147, 147, 147, 147, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 130, 130, 130,
130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76,
76, 76, 76, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800,
800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800,
800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800,
800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800,
800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800,
800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800,
800, 800, 800, 800, 800), .Dim = c(10L, 8L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(
    c("18 to 24 ", "25 to 29", "30 to 34", "35 to 39", "40 to 44",
    "45 to 49", "50 to 54", "55 to 64", "65 or more", "NET"),
    c("Every or nearly every day", "4 to 5 days a week", "2 to 3 days a week",
    "Once a week", "Once every 2 weeks", "Once a month", "Less than once a month",
    "Never"), c("Column %", "Column n", "Base n")), name = "Age by Exercise frequency",         questions = c("Age", "Exercise frequency"))

test_that("VisualizeNumber with SelectEntry",
    expect_warning(value <- SelectEntry(tabWithN, 1, 1), "Only the first statistic")
    expect_equal(attr(value, "format"), "%")
    expect_equal(value, 0.122449, check.attributes = FALSE, tol = 1e-3)
Displayr/flipPictographs documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:40 a.m.