
Defines functions TextAsVector ParseAsDataFrame removeEmptyRowsAndColumns isNumericMatrixWithLabelsAndTitles ParseEnteredData

Documented in ParseAsDataFrame ParseEnteredData TextAsVector

#' \code{ParseEnteredData}
#' @description Takes a raw character matrix returned by dataEntry R GUI control
#' and attempts to parse it to something more friendly such as a numeric matrix.
#' @param raw.matrix Character matrix
#' @param warn Whether to show warnings
#' @param want.data.frame logical; should a \code{data.frame} be returned instead
#' of a matrix or vector?
#' @param want.factors logical; should a text variable be converted to a factor?
#' Ignored if \code{want.data.frame} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param want.col.names logical; should the first row be interpretted as column names?
#' Ignored if \code{want.data.frame} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param want.row.names logical; should the first column be interpretted as row names?
#' Ignored if \code{want.data.frame} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param us.format logical; should the U.S. convention be used when parsing dates?
#' Ignored if \code{want.data.frame} is \code{FALSE}
#' @importFrom flipU MakeUniqueNames
#' @export
ParseEnteredData <- function(raw.matrix, warn = TRUE, want.data.frame = FALSE, want.factors = TRUE,
                             want.col.names = TRUE, want.row.names = FALSE, us.format = NULL)
    return(ParseUserEnteredTable(raw.matrix, warn, want.data.frame, want.factors,
                          want.col.names, want.row.names, us.format))

isNumericMatrixWithLabelsAndTitles <- function(m)
    n.row <- nrow(m)
    n.col <- ncol(m)
    result <- n.row >= 3 && n.col >= 3 && m[3, 1] != "" && m[1, 3] != "" &&
        all(m[1:2, 1:2] == "") && isTextNumeric(m[3:n.row, 3:n.col])
    if (n.row > 3)
        result <- result && m[4:n.row, 1] == ""
    if (n.col > 3)
        result <- result && m[1, 4:n.col] == ""

#' Remove first few rows and columns if they are empty
#' Removes empty rows and columns before the first
#' non-empty cell in a character matrix
#' @param m character matrix
#' @param drop logical; should output be conver
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
removeEmptyRowsAndColumns <- function(m, drop)
    start.row <- 1
    for (i in 1:nrow(m))
        if (all(m[i, ] == ""))
            start.row <- i + 1
        start.col <- 1
        for (i in 1:ncol(m))
            if (all(m[, i] == ""))
                start.col <- i + 1
    m[start.row:nrow(m), start.col:ncol(m), drop = drop]

#' Parse a Character Matrix To a Data Frame
#' Takes a data.frame and performs extra parsing, for example with
#' dates and percentages.
#' @param m A character matrix to be converted to \code{data.frame}
#' @param warn Whether to show warnings.
#' @param want.factors Whether a text variable should be converted to a factor in a data frame.
#' @param want.col.names Whether to interpret the first row as column names in a data frame.
#'   If this is not set, then any non-numeric value in the first row will be used as column names.
#' @param want.row.names Whether to interpret the first col as row names in a data frame.
#' @param us.format Whether to use the US convention when parsing dates in a data frame.
#' @importFrom flipTime AsDateTime
#' @export
ParseAsDataFrame <- function(m, warn = TRUE, want.factors = FALSE, want.col.names = NULL,
                             want.row.names = FALSE, us.format = NULL)
    n.row <- nrow(m)
    n.col <- ncol(m)

    if (is.null(want.col.names))
        .not.numeric <- function(x){nchar(x) > 0 & suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(x)))}
        want.col.names <- any(.not.numeric(gsub("[,%]", "", m[1,])))

    if (want.col.names && n.row == 1)
        stop("There is no data to display as there is only one row in the entered data,
             and the column names option has been selected.")
    if (want.row.names && n.col == 1)
        stop("There is no data to display as there is only one column in the entered data,
             and the row names option has been selected.")

    start.row <- if (want.col.names) 2 else 1
    start.col <- if (want.row.names) 2 else 1

    df <- data.frame(m[start.row:n.row, start.col:n.col, drop = FALSE],
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE)
    data.attribute <- NULL
    if (want.col.names && want.row.names && nchar(m[1,1]) > 0)
        data.attribute <- m[1, 1]
    if (want.col.names)
        tmp.colnames <- unlist(m[1, start.col:n.col])
        tmp.colnames[is.na(tmp.colnames)] <- ""
        colnames(df) <- tmp.colnames
        if (warn && any(tmp.colnames == ""))
            warning("Some variables have been assigned blank names.")
        else if (warn && length(unique(tmp.colnames)) < length(tmp.colnames))
            warning("Some variables share the same name.")
    else if (is.null(colnames(df)) || all(colnames(df) == ""))
        colnames(df) <- paste0("X", 1:(n.col - start.col + 1))
    if (want.row.names)
        tmp.rownames <- TrimWhitespace(unlist(m[,1])[start.row:n.row])
        ind.dup <- which(duplicated(tmp.rownames))
        if (length(ind.dup) > 0)
            warning("Row names are not unique : \"",
                    paste(tmp.rownames[ind.dup], collapse = "\", \""), "\".")
            tmp.rownames <- MakeUniqueNames(tmp.rownames)
        rownames(df) <- tmp.rownames

    n.var <- ncol(df)
    for (i in 1:n.var)
        v <- df[[i]]
        if (is.numeric(v)) # do nothing if already converted
        else if (isTextNumeric(v))
            df[[i]] <- asNumericVector(v) # numeric
            parsed.dates <- AsDateTime(v, us.format, on.parse.failure = "silent")
            if (!any(is.na(parsed.dates)))
                df[[i]] <- parsed.dates # date
            else if (want.factors)
                df[[i]] <- Factor(v) # factor
                df[[i]] <- v # character
    tmp.attr <- sapply(df, function(x){attr(x, "statistic")})
    if (all(sapply(tmp.attr, identical, y = tmp.attr[[1]])))
        attr(df, "statistic") <- tmp.attr[[1]]
        for (i in 1:ncol(df))
            attr(df[[i]], "statistic") <- NULL
    if (!is.null(data.attribute))
        attr(df, "statistic") <- data.attribute

#' \code{TextAsVector}
#' @description Cleans up input text into a vector of strings. The input text is split
#'    using the specified deliminater, smart quotes removed and trailing and leading
#'    white space and quotes removed.
#' @param x Input text, which may be either a deliminated string which is broken up
#'    or a vector of strings which need to be cleaned up.
#' @param split Deliminator to split input text.
#' @param silent Boolean indicating whether a warning is given if smart quotes are removed
#' @importFrom utils localeToCharset
#' @importFrom flipU ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector
#' @export
TextAsVector <- function(x, split = ",", silent = FALSE)
    return(ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector(x, split = split, text.qualifier = "\""))

    # The following code is not used - ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector
    # is used because it allows commas to be escaped using the text.qualifier
    # However this function is retained for backwards compatibility.

    if (length(x) == 0)
        return (NULL)

    # Remove smart quotes
    patt <- if ("UTF-8" %in% localeToCharset()) '[\u201C\u201D\u201E]'  # linux (utf-8 encoding)
            else                                '[\x93\x94\x84]'        # windows (latin-1)

    if (any(grepl(patt, x)))
        if (!silent)
            warning (sprintf("Text variable '%s' contains smart quotes which have been removed", x))
        x <- gsub(patt, "" , x)

    # Split text using deliminater
    if (split != "")
        x <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=split))

    # Remove leading/trailing whitespace and quotes
    x <- gsub("\\xA0", " ", x)
    x <- gsub("^[\'\"]", "", x)
    x <- gsub("[\'\"]$", "", x)
    x <- trimws(x)

Displayr/flipTransformations documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:47 a.m.