

data("spam7", package = "flipTrees")
spam.sample <- spam7[sample(seq(1, 4601), 500, replace = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
data(cola, package = "flipExampleData")
colas <- cola
data(bank, package = "flipExampleData")
bank$fOverall <- factor(bank$Overall)
levels(bank$fOverall) <- c(levels(bank$fOverall), "8")    # add an empty factor level

test_that("saving variables", {
    z <- CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM, data = bank,
              subset = bank$ID > 100)
    expect_error(predict(z), NA)
                 "Probabilities not available for numeric dependent variables.",
                 fixed = TRUE)

    expect_warning(z <- CART(fOverall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                             data = bank, subset = bank$ID > 100),
                   "Some categories do not appear in the data: 'fOverall: 8'")
    expect_error(predict(z), NA)
    expect_error(Probabilities(z), NA)
    expect_error(print(z), NA)
    expect_error(print(z, custom.color = NULL), NA)

z <- CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM, data = bank, subset = bank$ID > 100)
test_that("rpart prediction", {
    expect_equal(unname(predict(z)[1]), 4.258064516129032)

test_that("rpart Probabilities", {
    expect_warning(z <- CART(fOverall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                             data = bank, subset = bank$ID > 100),
                   "Some categories do not appear in the data: 'fOverall: 8'")
    expect_equal(unname(flipData::Probabilities(z)[1, 4]), 0.2444444444444445)

# Reading in the libraries so that their outputs do not pollute the test results.

test_that("Error if missing data", {
    type <- "Sankey"
    exp.error <- paste0("The data contains missing values. Change the 'missing' ",
                        "option to run the analysis.")
    # Changing data
    expect_silent(CART(yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + make,
                       data = spam.sample, missing = "Error if missing data"))
    colas$Q32[unclass(colas$Q32) == 1] <- NA
    expect_error(CART(Q32 ~ Q2, data = colas, subset = TRUE,  missing = "Error if missing data"),
                 exp.error, fixed = TRUE)
    expect_error(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                      data = bank, subset = TRUE,  weights = NULL, output = type,
                      missing = "Error if missing data"),
                 exp.error, fixed = TRUE)
    # filter
    expect_error(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                      data = bank, subset = bank$ID > 100,  weights = NULL,
                      output = type, missing = "Error if missing data"),
                 exp.error, fixed = TRUE)
    # weight
    expect_error(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                      data = bank, subset = TRUE,  weights = bank$ID, output = type,
                      missing = "Error if missing data"),
                 exp.error, fixed = TRUE)
    # weight and filter
    expect_error(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                      data = bank, subset = bank$ID > 100,  weights = bank$ID,
                      missing = "Error if missing data"),
                 exp.error, fixed = TRUE)
    # DS-1525, subset creates empty level of outcome
    expect_warning(CART(Q32 ~ Q2 + Q3, data = colas, subset = colas$Q32 != "Don't know"),
                   "Some categories do not appear in the data: 'Q32. Income")

for (missing in c("Exclude cases with missing data",
                  "Use partial data",
                  "Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)"))
    for (type in c("Sankey", "Tree", "Text", "Prediction-Accuracy Table", "Cross Validation"))
        test_that(paste(missing, type),
            exclude <- missing == "Exclude cases with missing data"
            imputation <- missing == "Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)"
            expect_error(z <- CART(yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + make,
                                   data = spam.sample, subset = TRUE,  weights = NULL,
                                   output = type, missing = missing), NA)

            if (type == "Prediction-Accuracy Table")
                expect_equal(attr(z, "ChartData"), ExtractChartData(z$confusion))
            else if (type == "Cross Validation")
                expect_equal(attr(z, "ChartData"), z$cptable)
                expect_is(attr(z, "ChartData"), "character")

            colas$Q32[unclass(colas$Q32) == 1] <- NA
            colas.small <- colas[, colnames(colas) %in% c("Q32", "Q3", "Q2", "Q4_A", "Q4_B", "Q4_C", "Q11", "Q12")]
            colas.small$Q3[1] <- NA
            no.cat.warn <- "Some categories do not appear in the data"
            exclude.warn <- r"(^\d{2}\% of the data is missing)"
            expect_warning(CART(Q32 ~ Q3, data = colas.small, subset = TRUE,
                                weights = NULL, output = type, missing = missing),
                           if (!imputation) no.cat.warn else NA)
            expect_warning(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                                data = bank, subset = TRUE,  weights = NULL, output = type,
                                missing = missing),
                           if (exclude) exclude.warn else NA)
            # filter
            expect_warning(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                                data = bank, subset = bank$ID > 100,  weights = NULL, output = type,
                                missing = missing),
                           if (exclude) exclude.warn else NA)
            # weight
            expect_warning(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                                data = bank, subset = TRUE, weights = bank$ID, output = type,
                                missing = missing),
                           if (exclude) exclude.warn else NA)
            # weight and filter
            expect_warning(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM,
                                data = bank, subset = bank$ID > 100,  weights = bank$ID,
                                output = type, missing = missing),
                           if (exclude) exclude.warn else NA)

for (pruning in c("None", "Minimum error", "Smallest tree"))
    for (stopping in c(TRUE, FALSE))
        test_that(paste(missing, type), {
            expect_warning(CART(Overall ~ Fees + Interest + Phone + Branch + Online + ATM, data = bank,
                                subset = bank$ID > 100, weights = bank$ID,
                                output = "Sankey", missing = "Exclude cases with missing data",
                                prune = pruning, early.stopping = stopping),
                           r"(^\d{2}\% of the data is missing)")

test_that("CART: dot in formula", {
    cart <- CART(yesno ~ ., data = spam7)
    cart2 <- CART(yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + make, data = spam7)
    expect_equal(cart, cart2)

test_that("CART: many levels", {
    many.levels <- replicate(400, paste(sample(LETTERS, 2), collapse = ""))
    spam7$new <- as.factor(sample(many.levels, nrow(spam7), replace = TRUE))
    expect_error(CART(yesno ~ ., data = spam7, early.stopping = FALSE), NA)

food <- structure(
    c(19.55, 27.24, 28.76, 31.19, 21.91, 27.62, 29.46, 26.35, 26.69, 30.22, 27.81,
      23.46, 23.64, 27.85, 20.62, 25.35, 28, 23.49, 27.77, 18.48, 23.01, 22.66, 23.24,
      22.82, 17.94, 26.67, 28.98, 21.48, 14.47, 28.29, 27.97, 23.53, 26.39, 30.9,
      26.05, 23.27, 29.17, 30.93, 17.55, 32.55, 28.87, 26.53, 25.26, 25.65, 29.39,
      23.26, 24.77, 25.42, 23.65, 32.22, 18.86, 21.75, 23.07, 22.3, 27.04, 22.24,
      24.87, 30.85, 21.15, 16.47, 29.05, 26.99, 21.34, 29.94, 32.95, 29.4, 22.32,
      28.36, 28.49, 22.24, 36.15, 30.62, 26.53, 27.95, 31.49, 30.24, 24.8, 26.43,
      29.35, 21.15, 29.18, 21.6, 25.39, 22.26, 24.85, 24.56, 16.35, 22.96, 25.82,
      19.46, 23.6, 33.1, 27.13, 24.4, 25.88, 27.97, 24.54, 22.66, 28.94, 30.72, 16.7,
      30.27, 26.29, 22.33, 24.85, 24.33, 24.5, 22.67, 22.28, 23.8, 25.36, 29.5, 20.19,
      20.14, 21.09, 24.78, 24.74, 22.73, 21.08, 25.7, 19.79, 16.82, 31.15, 27.84,
      22.5, 23.1, 28.26, 25.55, 16.71, 27.88, 31.07, 23.44, 28.82, 27.77, 24.54, 24.55,
      27.78, 26.14, 23.44, 26.44, 27.47, 24.94, 29.68, 24.33, 25.42, 24.64, 22.78,
      26.5, 18.71, 22.86, 25.09, 19.72, 17.05, 30.91, 25.92, 21.32, 26.18, 25.93,
      28.61, 20.54, 26.44, 29.36, 19.77, 31.69, 24.64, 22.09, 23.42, 28.63, 26.3,
      22.89, 22.68, 30.92, 20.74, 27.24, 17.12, 23.63, 20.91, 23.49, 24.86, 16.28,
      21.52, 27.22, 17.41, 16.42, 28.22, 27.52),
    questiontype = "Number",
    name = "Food.Pinching.Effeciency",
    label = "Food.Pinching.Effeciency",
    question = "Food.Pinching.Effeciency"

chopsticks <- structure(
    factor(rep(c("180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330"), each = 31L)),
    questiontype = "PickOne",
    name = "Chopstick.Length_2",
    label = "Chopstick.Length (categorical)",
    question = "Chopstick.Length (categorical)"

test_that("label abbrev",
    res.abbrv <- CART(food ~ chopsticks, early.stopping = FALSE)
    res.full <- CART(food ~ chopsticks, early.stopping = FALSE, predictor.level.treatment = "Full labels")
    expect_equal(dim(res.abbrv$splits), dim(res.full$splits))

data(adult.2000, package = "flipExampleData")
adult.2000$race[runif(2000) > 0.9] <- NA
adult.2000$age[runif(2000) > 0.9] <- -Inf
adult.2000$hrs_per_week[runif(2000) > 0.9] <- Inf

test_that("Infinity allowed in predictors but not outcome", {
    expected.error <- paste0("Variable(s) age contain infinite values. Either recode ",
                             "the infinities to finite values or set them as missing data.")
    expect_error(CART(age ~ sex + race + hrs_per_week + marital,
                            data = adult.2000,
                            missing = "Exclude cases with missing data"),
                 fixed = TRUE)
    expect_error(CART(marital ~ sex + race + hrs_per_week + age,
                      data = adult.2000,
                      missing = "Exclude cases with missing data"), NA)

test_that("Many factor levels", {
    df <- data.frame(x = as.factor(rep_len(c("A", "B"), length.out = 100)),
                     y = as.factor(rep_len(c(seq(50)), length.out = 100)),
                     z = runif(100))
    expect_error(CART(x ~ y + z, data = df, long.running.calculations = FALSE),
                 "There are more than 30 categories in predictor variable(s) y.",
                 fixed = TRUE)

test_that("predict method works with old outputs; DS-2488", {
    expect_error(predict(cart), NA)
Displayr/flipTrees documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:46 a.m.