
Defines functions ddf.gof

Documented in ddf.gof

#' Goodness of fit tests for distance sampling models
#' Generic function that computes chi-square goodness of fit test for detection
#' function models with binned data and Cramer-von Mises and Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#' (if \code{ks=TRUE})tests for exact distance data. By default a Q-Q plot is
#' generated for exact data (and can be suppressed using the \code{qq=FALSE}
#' argument).
#' Formal goodness of fit testing for detection function models using
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises tests. Both tests are based on
#' looking at the quantile-quantile plot produced by \code{\link{qqplot.ddf}}
#' and deviations from the line x=y.
#' The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test asks the question "what's the largest vertical
#' distance between a point and the y=x line?" It uses this distance as a
#' statistic to test the null hypothesis that the samples (EDF and CDF in our
#' case) are from the same distribution (and hence our model fits well). If the
#' deviation between the y=x line and the points is too large we reject the
#' null hypothesis and say the model doesn't have a good fit.
#' Rather than looking at the single biggest difference between the y=x line
#' and the points in the Q-Q plot, we might prefer to think about all the
#' differences between line and points, since there may be many smaller
#' differences that we want to take into account rather than looking for one
#' large deviation. Its null hypothesis is the same, but the statistic it uses
#' is the sum of the deviations from each of the point to the line.
#' Note that a bootstrap procedure is required for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
#' to ensure that the p-values from the procedure are correct as the we are
#' comparing the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and empirical
#' distribution function (EDF) and we have estimated the parameters of the
#' detection function. The \code{nboot} parameter controls the number of
#' bootstraps to use. Set to \code{0} to avoid computing bootstraps (much
#' faster but with no Kolmogorov-Smirnov results, of course).
#' One can change the precision of printed values by using the \code{\link{print.ddf.gof}} method's \code{digits} argument.
#' @aliases ddf.gof gof.io gof.io.fi gof.trial gof.trial.fi gof.rem gof.rem.fi
#' @export
#' @param model model object
#' @param breaks Cutpoints to use for binning data
#' @param nc Number of distance classes
#' @param qq Flag to indicate whether quantile-quantile plot is desired
#' @param nboot number of replicates to use to calculate p-values for the
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test statistics
#' @param ks perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (this involves many bootstraps
#' so can take a while)
#' @param \dots Graphics parameters to pass into qqplot function
#' @return List of class \code{ddf.gof} containing \item{chi-square }{Goodness
#' of fit test statistic} \item{df}{Degrees of freedom associated with test
#' statistic} \item{p-value }{Significance level of test statistic}
#' @author Jeff Laake
#' @seealso \code{\link{qqplot.ddf}}
#' @keywords utility
ddf.gof <- function(model, breaks=NULL, nc=NULL, qq=TRUE, nboot=100, ks=FALSE,

  # if we have a Distance object rather than mrds, use that
  if(inherits(model, "dsmodel")){
    model <- model$ddf

    breaks <- test.breaks(breaks,model$meta.data$left,model$meta.data$width)
    nc <- length(breaks)-1
  }else if(model$meta.data$binned){
    breaks <- model$meta.data$breaks

  # call method specific function
  result <- switch(model$method,
                   ds       = gof.ds(model, breaks, nc),
                   io       = gof.io(model, breaks, nc),
                   io.fi    = gof.io.fi(model, breaks, nc),
                   trial    = gof.trial(model, breaks, nc),
                   trial.fi = gof.trial.fi(model, breaks, nc),
                   rem      = gof.rem(model, breaks, nc),
                   rem.fi   = gof.rem.fi(model, breaks, nc))

    result <- list(chisquare=result,
                   dsgof=qqplot.ddf(model, plot=qq, ks=ks, nboot=nboot, ...))
    result <- list(chisquare=result)

  class(result) <- c("ddf.gof")
DistanceDevelopment/mrds documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 9:25 a.m.