
# #### do.element ####
# #' @include make.sim_functions.R
# #' Call a simulation function
# #'
# #' Call a simulation function made by \code{\link{make.expt_functions}}.
# #'
# #' In the \code{CAB} package, closures are used to run simulations. These closures are created by \code{\link{make.expt_functions}}. To run one of these functions, arguments are needed for the parameters that are not currently fixed during a condition. These arguments are contained in the input monitor (see \code{\link{class.sim_input}}). The \code{\link{do.element}} function finds the necessary arguments from the input monitor and calls the specified function.
# #'
# #' @rdname do.sim_fx
# #' @name do.sim_fx
# #' @exportMethod do.sim_fx
# setGeneric("do.sim_fx", function( sim_fx, input_object ) standardGeneric( "do.sim_fx" ) )
# #' @rdname do.sim_fx
# #'
# #' @usage do.sim_fx( sim_fx, input_object )
# #' @param sim_fx An \code{element_fx_closure} object made by \code{make.expt_functions}.
# #' @param input_object An \code{sim_input} object.
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' # Following from ?model.COR
# #' my_COR = make.COR( DOR_ctrl, emission_ctrl, dep_ctrl, initial_ctrl, schedule_ctrl, termination_ctrl, food_duration_ctrl, my_inputs )
# #' # Use the first condition
# #' i = 1
# #' conditions = get.model_conditions( my_COR, i )
# #' expt_functions = make.sim_functions( conditions, my_COR )
# #' # Extract the DOR function
# #' DOR = expt_functions$DOR_control
# #' # Make an input monitor
# #' make.input_monitor( my_COR, 20 )
# #' # Put some values in
# #' access.input_monitor( "rft_time", 1, 10 )
# #' access.input_monitor( "resp_time", 1:5, c(1, 4, 5, 6,10 ) )
# #' access.input_monitor( "reserve", 1, 0 )
# #'
# #' do.sim_fx( DOR, input_monitor )
# #' # 0.99 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.90
# #'
# #' @seealso
# #' \code{\link{make.expt_functions}} For getting arguments for \code{sim_fx}
# setMethod( "do.sim_fx", signature( sim_fx = "element_fx_closure", input_object = "input" ),
#     function( sim_fx, input_object ){
#         sim_fx@closure(input_object)
#     }
# )
Don-Li/CAB documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.