
# #### Elemental get helper functions ####
# #' Elemental accessor helper functions
# #'
# #' An accessor function is a function that retrieves variables from an object. Because most of the \code{CAB} package is programmed in an object-oriented style, accessor functions are used in almost every part of the package. Hence, these accessor functions will be documented here.
# #'
# #'
# #' \describe{
# #'     \item{\code{e_get.name}}{Get the name that was assigned to the elemental object.}
# #'     \item{\code{e_get.fx}}{Get the elemental function contained in the elemental object.}
# #'     \item{\code{get.reserve( reserve_input )}}{Takes a list in the \code{input} object that tracks the reserve value and returns the most recently changed reserve value. Otherwise, takes a numeric.}
# #'     \item{\code{get.resps( resp_input )}}{Takes the vector \code{resp_input} and returns the number of elements that are not \code{NAN}.}
# #'     \item{\code{get.time( time_input )}}{Takes the vector \code{time_input} and returns a last value that is not \code{NAN}. If all values are \code{NAN}, returns 0.}
# #'     \item{\code{get.IRI_responses( resp_times, rft_times )}}{Takes a list in the \code{input} object that tracks the response times within an inter-reinforcement interval. Otherwise, takes a numeric.}
# #'     \item{\code{bin2int}}{Takes a matrix of binary strings with each column corresponding to each string and the rows corresponding to the digits of each binary string.}
# #'     \item{\code{int2bin}}{Takes a vector of integers with an argument \code{digits} and converts each integer into a corresponding binary string with length of \code{digits}.}
# #' }
# #'
# #' @seealso
# #' \code{\link{class.input}} Many of the arguments for the helper functions come from an object of \code{input}.
# #'
# #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# #' @export e_get.name
# e_get.name = function( elementary_obj ){
#     slot( elementary_obj, "name" )
# }
# #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# #' @export e_get.fx
# e_get.fx = function( elementary_obj ){
#     slot( elementary_obj, class( elementary_obj ) )
# }
# #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# #' @aliases get.reserve
# #' @export get.reserve
# get.reserve = function( reserve_input ){
#     if ( is.list( reserve_input ) ) x = reserve_input$data[ reserve_input$counts ]
#     else x = reserve_input[ length(reserve_input) ]
#     if ( length(x) < 1 ) x = -1
#     x
# }
# #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# #' @export get.resps
# get.resps = function( resp_input ) {
#     if ( is.list( resp_input ) ) resp_input$counts
#     else sum( !is.nan( resp_input ) )
# }
# #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# #' @export get.time
# get.time = function( time_input ) {
#     if ( is.list( time_input ) ) x = time_input$data[ time_input$counts ]
#     else x = time_input[ length(time_input) ]
#     if (length(x)<1) x = -1
#     x
# }
# #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# #' @aliases get.IRI_resp_times
# #' @export get.IRI_resp_times
# get.IRI_resp_times = function( iri_resp_times ){
#     if ( is.list( iri_resp_times ) ) iri_resp_times$data[ iri_resp_times$counts ] - iri_resp_times$data[ 1: iri_resp_times$counts ]
#     else iri_resp_times
# }
# #
# # #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# # #' @aliases bin2int
# # #' @export bin2int
# # bin2int = function( binaries ){
# #     drop( crossprod( binaries, 2^(0:(nrow(binaries)-1)) ) )
# # }
# #
# # #' @rdname accessor_helpers
# # #' @aliases int2bin
# # #' @export int2bin
# # int2bin = function( integers, digits ){
# #     vapply( integers, function(x) as.integer( intToBits(x)[1:digits] ), FUN.VALUE = 1:digits)
# # }
Don-Li/CAB documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.