# #### Model class ####
# #' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
# #'
# #' @include elemental_get_helpers.R control.R
# #' Construction of \code{model} objects
# #'
# #' \code{model} objects are used for implementing computational models in the \code{CAB} package. The general implementation of a model is that the \code{model} class is a parent class. A specific computational model, such as Catania's Operant Reserve (\code{\link{model.COR}}) is then a child class that inherits slots from the parent \code{model} class. An object of a child \code{model} class contains all the \code{control} objects that are nedded for the model to run. See \code{\link{model.COR}} for an example.
# #'
# #' A \code{model} object contains all of the \code{control} objects for all of the elemental objects that are required to implement a given model. Hence, the \code{model} object for a given model will contain all of the necessary functions and parameters as well as an iterator which is a design matrix out of all of the parameter levels across each \code{control} object. Although it is up to the user to define which \code{control} objects the \code{model} object contains, there are some slots that are mandatory (e.g. the iterator that controls the conditions that are run). The mandatory slots are documented here.
# #'
# #' @slot control_list A list of the \code{control} object names.
# #' @slot enumerated_conditions A list of the conditions coded as numbers.
# #' @slot iterator A data frame that stores the condition information.
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' # Set a custom model object
# #'
# #' # First, set some custom elemental objects
# #' set.custom_elemental( "test_elemental1" )
# #' set.custom_elemental( "test_elemental2" )
# #' # Make the custom elemental objects.
# #' test_element1 = make.custom_elemental( function(a, time){a}, "test_element1", "test_elemental1" )
# #' test_element2 = make.custom_elemental( function(a, time){a}, "test_element2", "test_elemental2" )
# #'
# #' #Make a 'time' input
# #' time_input = make.input( "time_input" )
# #' test_input = make.input( time_input )
# #'
# #' # Set up custom control class
# #' set.custom_control( "test_elemental1" )
# #' set.custom_control( "test_elemental2" )
# #' # Note the names of the control objects are "test_elemental1_control" and "test_elemental2_control"
# #' # Set up parameters
# #' test1_param = list( a = 1, time = "time_input" )
# #' test2_param = list( a = 3, time = "time_input" )
# #' #Make control objects
# #' test1_ctrl = make.control( test_element1, test1_param )
# #' test2_ctrl = make.control( test_element2, test2_param )
# #'
# #' # Set up the custom class
# #' set.custom_model( c("test_elemental1_control", "test_elemental2_control" ) ,model_class_name = "test_model" )
# #' # Make a 'test_model" object
# #' test_model = make.custom_model( test_elemental1_control = test1_ctrl, test_elemental2_control = test2_ctrl, input = test_input, model_class = "test_model" )
# #'
# #'
# #' @seealso
# #' \code{\link{set.custom_elemental}} For setting and making custom elemental objects.
# #'
# #' \code{\link{class.control}} For setting and making custom control objects.
# #'
# #' \code{\link{class.input}} For the \code{input} class.
# #'
# #' \code{\link{model.COR}} For an example of an implemented model.
# #'
# #' @section Set a custom \code{model} class:{
# #' To set a custom \code{model} class:
# #' \subsection{Usage}{
# #'     \code{set.custom_model( control_objs, model_obj_name )}
# #' }
# #' \subsection{Arguments}{
# #'     \describe{
# #'         \item{\code{control_objs}}{A character string giving the name of the \code{control} classes in a model. See \code{\link{class.control}} for setting and making custom control classes/objects.}
# #'         \item{\code{model_class_name}}{A character string specifying the name of the \code{model}.}
# #'         }
# #'     }
# #' }
# #' \subsection{Value}{
# #' Sets a \code{model} object. If there were no errors, a message will be printed stating that the \code{model} class has been set.
# #' }
# #'
# #' @rdname class.model
# #' @export class.model
# class.model = setClass( "model", slots = list( control_list = "environment", enumerated_conditions = "list", iterator = "data.frame", input = "input") )
# # #' @rdname class.model
# # #' @export set.custom_model
# #
# # set.custom_model = function( control_objs, model_class_name ){
# #     if ( !is.character( control_objs ) ){
# #         stop( "The 'control_objs' should be a character vector" )
# #     }
# #     ctrls = rep( list( "list"), length( control_objs ) )
# #     names( ctrls ) = control_objs
# #
# #     setClass( model_class_name, slots = ctrls, contains = "model" )
# #     cat( "Custom model object", "'", model_obj_name, "'", "has been set." )
# # }
# #' @rdname class.model
# #'
# #' @section Make a custom \code{model} model:{
# #' To set a custom \code{model} object:
# #' \subsection{Usage}{
# #'     \code{make.custom_model( ..., input, model_class )}
# #' }
# #' \subsection{Arguments}{
# #'     \describe{
# #'         \item{\code{...}}{A collection of \code{control} objects that belong to the model. It is best to name each argument. See example.}
# #'         \item{\code{input}}{A \code{input} object containing all the required inputs for the model.}
# #'         \item{\code{model_class}}{A character string giving the name of the model class.}
# #'         }
# #'     }
# #' }
# #'
# #' @export make.custom_model
# make.custom_model = function( ..., input, model_class ){
#     model_elements = list( ... )
#     slot_names = slotNames( model_class )
#     elemental_classes = slot_names[- ( (length(slot_names)-3) : length(slot_names) ) ]
#     control_list = lapply( model_elements, function( x ) x@params )
#     names( control_list ) = elemental_classes
#     enumerated_conditions = lapply( control_list, make.enumerated_conditions )
#     ranges = lapply( enumerated_conditions, function(x) 1:nrow(x) )
#     iterator = expand.grid(ranges)
#     listerinos = lapply( model_elements, get_control_fx )
#     names( listerinos ) = elemental_classes
#     x = c( list( Class = model_class ), listerinos, list( control_list = control_list, enumerated_conditions = enumerated_conditions, iterator = iterator, input = input ) )
#     do.call( "new", x )
# }
# get_control_fx = function( control_obj ){
#     name = names( control_obj@fx )
#     class = class( control_obj@fx[[1]] )
#     lst = lapply( 1:length( name ), function( x ) slot( control_obj@fx[[ name[ x ] ]], class ) )
#     lst_names = sapply( 1:length( name ), function( x ) slot( control_obj@fx[[ name[ x ] ]], "name" ) )
#     names( lst ) = lst_names
#     lst
# }
# make.enumerated_conditions = function( control_c ){
#     x = 1:length( control_c )
#     container = lapply( control_c, data.frame )
#     y = rbindlist( lapply( x, function(y) expand.grid( y, 1:nrow( container[[y]] ) ) ) )
#     attr( y, "class" ) = "data.frame"
#     y
# }
# control.get_elemental_class = function( x ){
#     slotNames( x@fx[[1]] )[1]
# }
Don-Li/CAB documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.