
#### Reserve depletion function ####

#' @include e_show.R elemental_get_helpers.R elemental.R

#' Reserve Depletion Function class
#' Reserve Depletion functions are impelmented specially for Catania's Operant Reserve (Catania, 2005). Catania (2005) and Berg & McDowell (2011) used constants for the reserve depletion. However, we have generalised this to a function. The \code{dep} class is used to set up the dep function, that is, the parameters are not set here. Instead, the \code{dep} will go into a \code{dep_control} object that contains both the \code{dep} as well as its associated parameters.
#' In the CAB package, objects from classes like \code{dep} are called 'elemental' objects That is, they comprise a particular element of the simulation without any specified parameter values. 'Control' objects are elemental objects with an associated list of parameter values. Refer to \code{\link{class.DOR}} for information for putting a \code{dep} in a model.
#' The \code{show} method for the \code{dep} class can be removed with the function \code{remove.dep.show()} and reinstated with \code{dep.show}.
#' @slot dep This will contain a dep function. See examples.
#' @slot name The name of the \code{dep} object.
#' @slot type This will be \code{elemental} because the \code{dep} is an \code{elemental} object.
#' @section Built-in dep functions:{
#' A list of the built-in dep functions. The function definitions can be seen by calling the name of the function without brackets. Each function returns the value of the reserve after depletion.
#'     \describe{
#'         \item{\code{constant_dep_fx}}{A dep function where the depletion to the reserve is a constant. \deqn{ f(t) = -d }
#'         where \eqn{d} is the amount that the reserve is depleted. Note that the reserve will not be depleted below zero.}
#'     }
#' }
#' @section Make a \code{dep} object from a dep function:{
#' Use the \code{make.dep} function to make a \code{dep} object.
#'     \subsection{Usage}{
#'         \code{make.dep( dep_fx, name )}
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Arguments}{
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{dep_fx}}{A function that represents the dep of interest}
#'             \item{\code{name}}{A character vector specifying the name of your \code{dep} object}
#'         }
#'     }
#'     \subsection{Value}{
#'         Returns a \code{dep} object.
#'         }
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Look at the definition of the "constant_dep_fx" dep function
#' constant_dep_fx
#' # Make a dep object out of the "constant_dep_fx" dep function
#' constant_dep = make.dep( dep_fx = constant_dep_fx, name = "constant_dep" )
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{make.control}} for making \code{DOR_control} objects.
#' \code{\link{set.custom_elemental}} for setting custom elemental classes.
#' \code{\link{make.custom_elemental}} for making custom elemental objects.
#' \code{\link{e_show}} for the function that is called by the \code{show} method.
#' \code{\link{class.elemental}} for the parent \code{elemental} class.
#' \code{\link{get.reserve}} for a helper function tht gets the reserve value.
#' @rdname class.dep
#' @aliases dep
#' @references
#' Berg, J. P., & McDowell, J. J (2011). Quantitative, steady-state properties of Catania's computational model of the operant reserve. Behavioural Processes, 87(1), 71-83. \link{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2011.01.006}
#' Catania, A. C. (2005). The operant reserve: A computer simulation in (accelerated) real time. Behavioural Processes, 69(2), 257-278. \link{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2005.02.009}
#' @export constant_dep_fx
#' @export make.dep

class.dep = setClass( "dep", slots = list( dep = "function" ), contains = "elemental" )

#### Make a dep object from a function ####

make.dep = function( dep_fx, name ) {
    if ( !is.function( dep_fx ) ) stop( "Please enter your depletion function as a function" )
    if ( !is.character( name ) ) stop( "Enter depletion function mae as character" )
    new( "dep", dep = dep_fx, name = name, type = "elemental" )

#### Built-in dep functions ####

constant_dep_fx = function( deplete, reserve_value ){
    reserve = get.reserve( reserve_value )
    pmax( reserve - deplete, 0 )

#### dep show methods ####

#' @rdname class.dep
#' @format The \code{show} method prints the function that is contained in the \code{dep} object as well as the type of object (i.e. "elemental") and the class (i.e. "dep" ).
#' @export dep.show

dep.show = setMethod( "show", signature( object = "dep" ), function( object ) e_show( object ) )

#' @rdname class.dep
#' @export remove.dep.show

remove.dep.show = function() removeMethod( "show", signature( object = "dep" ) )
Don-Li/CAB_original documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:53 p.m.