
#### Get simulation conditions from model ####

#' Get the conditions from a \code{model} oject.
#' A \code{model} object will have a number of conditions that depends on the factorial combination of all the possible parameters. The \code{get.model_conditions} function is used to get the conditions at a particular factorial combination. The main use of this function is for doing factorial simulations.
#' \code{get.model_conditions} is useful for getting an argument for the function \code{\link{make.sim_functions}}.
#' @param model_object A model object
#' @param i A numeric specifying which condition to get
#' @examples
#' # Following from the example in ?class.model.COR
#' my_COR
#' get.model_conditions( my_COR, 1 )
#' get.model_conditions( my_COR, 2 )
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{class.model.COR}} For the example.
#' \code{\link{make.sim_functions}} Where \code{get.model_conditions} is a nice way to specify the \code{conditions} argument for \code{make.sim_functions}.
#' @export get.model_conditions

get.model_conditions = function( model_object, i ){

    control_names = names( model_object@iterator )
    condition_list = vector( "list", length( control_names ) )
    names( condition_list ) = control_names

    for ( j in control_names ){
        iterator_num = model_object@iterator[[ j ]][i]
        element_numbers = model_object@enumerated_conditions[[j]][ iterator_num, ]
        condition_list[[j]] = model_object@control_list[[ j ]][[ element_numbers[,1] ]][ element_numbers[,2], ]

Don-Li/CAB_original documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:53 p.m.