
#'db_insert inserts data into a database table from a data.frame
#'Inserts data into a database table from a data.frame
#'@return Inserts data.
#'@param conn: Connection to database. Can used assigned output from function connectR for the connection.
#'@param name: Table name on database data is inserting into.
#'@param values: Data.frame that is being sent to database.
#'  #Inserts testtable data into the table "testtable" on the database.
#'    db_insert(post,"testtabe",testtable)

db_insert <-
  function(conn, name, values, query = FALSE, ...) {

db_insert.src_connectR <-
  function(conn, name, values, query = FALSE, ...) {
    assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(name), is.data.frame(values))
    cols <- lapply(values,
                   collapse = NULL,
                   parens = FALSE)
    cols[[1]] <-
      paste0("INSERT INTO ", name, " VALUES (", cols[[1]])
    col_mat <-
      matrix(unlist(cols, use.names = FALSE), nrow = nrow(values))
    rows <- apply(col_mat, 1, paste0, collapse = ", ")
    Values <- paste0(rows, ");", collapse = "\n ")
    SQL <- sql(Values)
    suppressWarnings(DBI::dbExecute(conn$con, SQL, ...))
    if (query == TRUE) {
    if (query == TRUE) {
    suppressWarnings(DBI::dbExecute(conn$con, SQL, ...))
DyfanJones/connectR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:32 p.m.