
## load the maxLik package
library( maxLik )

## fitting an exponential distribution by ML,
## e.g. estimation of an exponential duration model

# generate data
                           # less differences b/w different platforms
set.seed( 4 )
t <- rexp( 100, 2 )

# log-likelihood function, gradient, and Hessian
loglik <- function(theta) log(theta) - theta*t
loglikSum <- function(theta) sum( log(theta) - theta*t )
gradlik <- function(theta) 1/theta - t
gradlikSum <- function(theta) sum( 1/theta - t )
hesslik <- function(theta) -100/theta^2

## NR estimation
# Estimate with only function values
ml <- maxLik( loglik, start = 1 )
print( ml )
summary( ml )
nObs( ml )
print.default( ml[ -3 ] )  # no gradient
class( ml )
# log-likelihood value summed over all observations
mlSum <- maxLik( loglikSum, start = 1 )
all.equal( mlSum[], ml[-11], tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient
mlg <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, start = 1 )
nObs( mlg )
all.equal( mlg, ml, tolerance = 1e-3 )
# gradient summed over all observations
mlgSum <- maxLik( loglikSum, gradlikSum, start = 1 )
all.equal( mlgSum[], mlg[-11], tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient and Hessian
mlgh <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, hesslik, start = 1 )
all.equal( mlgh, mlg, tolerance = 1e-3 )

## BHHH estimation
# Estimate with only function values
mlBhhh <- maxLik( loglik, start = 1, method = "BHHH" )
print( mlBhhh )
summary( mlBhhh )
nObs( mlBhhh )
all.equal( mlBhhh[ -c( 4, 5, 6, 10 ) ], ml[ -c( 4, 5, 6, 10 ) ], 
   check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = 1e-3 )
all.equal( mlBhhh[ 4 ], ml[ 4 ],  # hessian
   check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = 5e-2 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient
mlgBhhh <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, start = 1, method = "BHHH" )
nObs( mlgBhhh )
all.equal( mlgBhhh, mlBhhh, tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient and Hessian (unused during estimation)
mlghBhhh <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, hesslik, start = 1, method = "BHHH" )
all.equal( mlghBhhh, mlgBhhh, tolerance = 1e-3 )

## BFGS estimation
# Estimate with only function values
mlBfgs <- maxLik( loglik, start = 1, method = "BFGS" )
print( mlBfgs )
summary( mlBfgs )
nObs( mlBfgs )
all.equal( mlBfgs[ -c( 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 ) ], ml[ -c( 5, 6, 9, 10 ) ], 
   tolerance = 1e-3 )
# log-likelihood value summed over all observations
mlSumBfgs <- maxLik( loglikSum, start = 1, method = "BFGS" )
all.equal( mlSumBfgs[], mlBfgs[-12], tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient
mlgBfgs <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, start = 1, method = "BFGS" )
nObs( mlgBfgs )
all.equal( mlgBfgs, mlBfgs, tolerance = 1e-3 )
# gradient summed over all observations
mlgSumBfgs <- maxLik( loglikSum, gradlikSum, start = 1, method = "BFGS" )
all.equal( mlgSumBfgs[], mlgBfgs[-12], tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient and Hessian (unused during estimation)
mlghBfgs <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, hesslik, start = 1, method = "BFGS" )
all.equal( mlghBfgs, mlgBfgs, tolerance = 1e-3 )

## NM estimation
# Estimate with only function values
mlNm <- maxLik( loglik, start = 1, method = "NM" )
print( mlNm )
summary( mlNm )
nObs( mlNm )
all.equal( mlNm[ -c( 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 ) ], ml[ -c( 5, 6, 9, 10 ) ], 
   tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient (unused during estimation)
mlgNm <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, start = 1, method = "NM" )
nObs( mlgNm )
all.equal( mlgNm, mlNm, tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient and Hessian (both unused during estimation)
mlghNm <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, hesslik, start = 1, method = "NM" )
all.equal( mlghNm, mlgNm, tolerance = 1e-3 )

## SANN estimation
# Estimate with only function values
mlSann <- maxLik( loglik, start = 1, method = "SANN" )
print( mlSann )
summary( mlSann )
nObs( mlSann )
all.equal( mlSann[ -c( 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 ) ], ml[ -c( 5, 6, 9, 10 ) ], 
   tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient (unused during estimation)
mlgSann <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, start = 1, method = "SANN" )
nObs( mlgSann )
all.equal( mlgSann, mlSann, tolerance = 1e-3 )

# Estimate with analytic gradient and Hessian (both unused during estimation)
mlghSann <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, hesslik, start = 1, method = "SANN" )
all.equal( mlghSann, mlgSann, tolerance = 1e-3 )

## CG estimation
# Estimate with only function values
mlCg <- maxLik( loglik, start = 1, method = "CG" )
print(summary( mlCg))

# Estimate with analytic gradient
mlgCg <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, start = 1, method = "CG" )
print(summary( mlgCg))

# Estimate with analytic gradient and Hessian (not used for estimation)
mlghCg <- maxLik( loglik, gradlik, hesslik, start = 1, method = "CG" )
print(summary( mlghCg))

## test for method "estfun"
library( sandwich )
try( estfun( mlSum ) )
estfun( ml )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlg )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlBhhh )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlgBhhh )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlBfgs )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlgBfgs )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlNm )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlgNm )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlSann )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]
estfun( mlgSann )[ 1:5, , drop = FALSE ]

## test for method "bread"
try( bread( mlSum ) )
round( bread( ml ), 2 )
round( bread( mlg ), 2 )
round( bread( mlBhhh ), 2 )
round( bread( mlgBhhh ), 2 )
round( bread( mlBfgs ), 2 )
round( bread( mlgBfgs ), 2 )
round( bread( mlNm ), 2 )
round( bread( mlgNm ), 2 )
round( bread( mlSann ), 2 )
round( bread( mlgSann ), 2 )

## test for method "sandwich"
try( sandwich( mlSum ) )
printSandwich <- function( x ) {
   print( round( sandwich( x ), 4 ) )
   print( round( sum( abs( sandwich( x ) - vcov( x ) ) ), 4 ) )
printSandwich( ml )
printSandwich( mlg )
printSandwich( mlBhhh )
printSandwich( mlgBhhh )
printSandwich( mlBfgs )
printSandwich( mlgBfgs )
printSandwich( mlNm )
printSandwich( mlgNm )
printSandwich( mlSann )
printSandwich( mlgSann )
EBukin/maxLik-dev documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:21 a.m.