
#' Function for plotting trade balance of one country staking multiple partners at one bar
#' This funciton takes filtered to one reporter CT data and plots a trade balance out of it.
#' @param xVarName,yVarName names of x and y axeses
#' @param exp,imp names of variables and categories for exporn and import
#' @param plotTradeBalance logical value indicates if the trade balance line should be plotted
#' @param horizontalLine Name of the category wiuth the trade balance
#' @param returnData variable that indicates if the data should be returned in a list along with the plot
#' @param stackVar variable used to stack elements of the bar
#' @param stackVarName namse of the spacked categories
plot_tb <-
           plotTradeBalance = TRUE,
           brewScale = FALSE,
           plotTitle = "", 
           plotSubtitle = NULL,
           xVar = "Period",
           yVar = "Value",
           stackVar = "Commodity.Code",
           xVarName = NA,
           yVarName = NA,
           stackVarName = NA,
           exp = "Export",
           imp = "Import",
           horizontalLine = "Trade balance",
           otherCompulsoryVars = c("Reporter.Code", "Trade.Flow"),
           groupVar = "Trade.Flow",
           colourVar = "Trade.Flow",
           brewScaleType = "seq",
           brewPalName = "Set3",
           revertColours = FALSE,
           returnData = FALSE,
           lang = NA) {
    stacVarValeuTradeBal <- '"All"'
    p_dataName <-
      ) %>%
    # Names for variables in legend
    if (is.na(stackVarName)) {
      stackVarName <- stackVar
    # Names for variables in legend
    if (is.na(xVarName)) {
      xVarName <- xVar
    # Extracting plotting data
    if (plotTradeBalance) {
      p_data <-
        df %>%
        filter(Trade.Flow.Code %in% c(1, 2)) %>%
        join_labs(lang = lang, trunk = 50) %>%
        select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName]) %>%
        spread(., Trade.Flow, Value, fill = 0) %>%
        select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName]) %>%
        mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("-", imp), imp)) %>%
        mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c(imp, "+", exp), horizontalLine))
      numCols <-
        p_data %>%
        select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName[!p_dataName %in% c(imp, exp, horizontalLine)]]) %>%
        length(.) + 1
      p_data <-
        p_data %>%
        gather(key = Trade.Flow, value = Value, seq(numCols, length(.)))
      # Calculating trade balance
      p_data <-
        p_data %>%
        filter(Trade.Flow == horizontalLine) %>%
        group_by_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% c(xVar, otherCompulsoryVars)]) %>%
        summarise_(.dots = setNames(str_c("sum(", yVar, ", na.rm = TRUE)"), yVar)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        bind_rows(p_data %>%
                    filter(Trade.Flow != horizontalLine)) %>%
        mutate_(.dots = setNames(
            stacVarValeuTradeBal ,
            ", ",
    } else {
      p_data <-
        df %>%
        filter(Trade.Flow.Code %in% c(1, 2)) %>%
        join_labs(lang = lang, trunk = 50) %>%
        select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName]) %>%
        spread(., Trade.Flow, Value, fill = 0) %>%
        select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName])
      ncols <-
        p_data %>%
        select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName[!p_dataName %in% c(imp, exp, horizontalLine)]]) %>%
        length(.) + 1
      p_data <-
        p_data %>%
        gather(Trade.Flow, Value, seq(ncols,length(.)))
    # Names for variables in legend
    if (is.na(yVarName)) {
      yVarName <-
        str_c(unique(p_data$Trade.Flow), "milions USD", sep = ", ")
    # Calculatgin how many stacks are present
    nStacks <-
      p_data %>%
      dplyr::group_by_(.dots = stackVar) %>%
      dplyr::select_(.dots = stackVar) %>%
      dplyr::distinct() %>%
    # Manula pallet
    coloursPal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, brewPalName))(nStacks)
    # Implement later Rank stacks and group them into other groups
    # Ordering the stacking variable propperly. It takes the last time period values
    # as the main on and then if in the past there were any other variables, it also uses those
    # but as the second priority.
    stackingOrder <-
      p_data %>%
      mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("abs(", yVar, ")"), yVar)) %>%
      filter(Trade.Flow %in% c(imp, exp)) %>%
      filter_(.dots = str_c(
        "),na.rm = TRUE)"
      )) %>%
      group_by_(.dots = c(xVar, stackVar)) %>%
      filter_(.dots = str_c(yVar, "==max(", yVar, ",na.rm = TRUE) & ", yVar, "!= 0")) %>%
    stackingOrder <-
      p_data %>%
      mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("abs(", yVar, ")"), yVar)) %>%
      filter(Trade.Flow %in% c(imp, exp)) %>%
      filter_(.dots = str_c(
        "),na.rm = TRUE)"
      )) %>%
      group_by_(.dots = c(stackVar)) %>%
      filter_(.dots = str_c(yVar, "==max(", yVar, ",na.rm = TRUE)& ", yVar, "!= 0")) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      anti_join(stackingOrder, by = stackVar) %>%
      bind_rows(stackingOrder) %>%
      mutate(stackOrder = row_number(desc(Value))) %>%
      arrange(Value) %>%
      select_(.dots = c(stackVar, "stackOrder"))
    # Adding order to plotting data
    p_data <-
      p_data  %>%
      left_join(stackingOrder, by = stackVar) %>%
      mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("as.factor(", stackVar, ")"), stackVar)) %>%
      mutate(stackOrder = ifelse(is.na(stackOrder), 1000, stackOrder))
    if (revertColours) {
      mutate_call <- lazyeval::interp(~ fct_reorder(a, b, .desc = TRUE), a = as.name(stackVar), b = as.name("stackOrder"))
      p_data <-
        p_data %>%
        mutate_(.dots = setNames(list(mutate_call), stackVar)) %>%
      # p_data <-
      #   p_data %>%
      #   mutate(Partner = fct_reorder(Partner, stackOrder, .desc = TRUE)) %>%
      #   select(-stackOrder)
    } else {
      mutate_call <- lazyeval::interp(~ fct_reorder(a, b, .desc = FALSE), a = as.name(stackVar), b = as.name("stackOrder"))
      p_data <-
        p_data %>%
        mutate_(.dots = setNames(list(mutate_call), stackVar)) %>%
      # p_data <-
      #   p_data %>%
      #   mutate(Partner = fct_reorder(Partner, stackOrder, .desc = FALSE)) %>%
      #   select(-stackOrder)
    # Ordering data
    p_data <- p_data %>%
      mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("abs(", yVar, ")"), "order")) %>%
      arrange_(xVar, "-order")
    # Initializing plot
    p <-
      ggplot(p_data %>%
               filter(Trade.Flow %in% c(imp, exp))) +
        x = xVar,
        y = yVar,
        fill = stackVar,
        group = groupVar
      ) +
      geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0)) +
      geom_bar(colour = "black",
               stat = "identity",
               position = "stack")
    # Extracting plotting data
    if (plotTradeBalance) {
      p <-
        p +
          data = p_data %>% filter(Trade.Flow == horizontalLine),
          mapping = aes_string(
            x = xVar,
            y = yVar,
            group = groupVar,
            colour = colourVar
          inherit.aes = FALSE
        ) +
          data = p_data %>% filter(Trade.Flow == horizontalLine),
          mapping = aes_string(
            x = xVar,
            y = yVar,
            group = groupVar,
            colour = colourVar
          inherit.aes = FALSE
        ) +
    p <-
      p +
        x = xVarName,
        y = yVarName,
        colour = "",
        fill = stackVarName
      ) +
      ggtitle(plotTitle, plotSubtitle) +
      guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = T, order = 2),
             colour = guide_legend(order = 1))
    # Adding scale
    if (brewScale) {
      p <-
        p +
        scale_fill_manual(values = coloursPal)
        # scale_fill_brewer(type = brewScaleType,
        #                   palette = brewPalName)
    if (returnData) {
      list(plot = p,
           data = p_data %>% select(-order) %>% spread(key = Period, value = Value))
    } else {

# plot_tb <-
#   function(df,
#            xVar = "Period",
#            yVar = "Value",
#            stackVar = "Commodity.Code",
#            xVarName = NA,
#            yVarName = NA,
#            stackVarName = NA,
#            exp = "Export",
#            imp = "Import",
#            plotTradeBalance = TRUE,
#            horizontalLine = "Trade balance",
#            otherCompulsoryVars = c("Reporter.Code", "Trade.Flow"),
#            groupVar = "Trade.Flow",
#            colourVar = "Trade.Flow",
#            brewScale = TRUE,
#            brewScaleType = "seq",
#            brewPalName = "Set1",
#            revertColours = FALSE,
#            returnData = FALSE) {
#     require(tidyverse)
#     require(dplyr)
#     require(tidyr)
#     require(RColorBrewer)
#     require(scales)
#     require(ggplot2)
#     # xVar <- "Period"
#     # xVarName <- NA
#     # yVar <- "Value"
#     # yVarName <- NA
#     # stackVar <- "Partner.Code"
#     # stackVarName <- "Partner Code" # NA by default
#     # if("Reporter" %in% names(df)) {
#     #   otherCompulsoryVars <- c("Reporter", "Trade.Flow")
#     # } else {
#     #   otherCompulsoryVars <- c("Reporter.Code", "Trade.Flow")
#     # }
#     #
#     # exp <- "Export"
#     # imp <- "Import"
#     # horizontalLine <- "Trade balance"
#     stacVarValeuTradeBal <- '"All"'
#     # brewPalName = "Set1"
#     # revertColours = FALSE
#     p_dataName <-
#       c(xVar,
#         yVar,
#         stackVar,
#         otherCompulsoryVars,
#         groupVar,
#         horizontalLine,
#         exp,
#         imp,
#         colourVar) %>%
#       unique()
#     # Names for variables in legend
#     if (is.na(stackVarName)) {
#       stackVarName <- stackVar
#     }
#     # Names for variables in legend
#     if (is.na(xVarName)) {
#       xVarName <- xVar
#     }
#     # Extracting plotting data
#     if(plotTradeBalance) {
#       p_data <-
#         df %>%
#         filter(Trade.Flow.Code %in% c(1, 2)) %>%
#         join_lables() %>%
#         select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName]) %>%
#         spread(., Trade.Flow, Value, fill = 0) %>%
#         select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName]) %>%
#         mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("-", imp), imp)) %>%
#         mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c(imp, "+", exp), horizontalLine))
#       ncols <-
#         p_data %>%
#         select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName[!p_dataName %in% c(imp, exp, horizontalLine)]]) %>%
#         length(.) + 1
#       p_data <-
#         p_data %>%
#         gather(Trade.Flow, Value, ncols:length(.))
#       # Calculating trade balance
#       p_data <-
#         p_data %>%
#         filter(Trade.Flow == horizontalLine) %>%
#         group_by_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% c(xVar, otherCompulsoryVars)]) %>%
#         summarise_(.dots = setNames(str_c("sum(", yVar, ", na.rm = TRUE)"), yVar)) %>%
#         # add_column(setNames(rep(horizontalLine, nrow(.)), stackVar)) %>%
#         ungroup() %>%
#         bind_rows(p_data %>%
#                     filter(Trade.Flow != horizontalLine)) %>%
#         # mutate(Commodity.Code = ifelse(is.na(Commodity.Code), stacVarValeuTradeBal, Commodity.Code))
#         mutate_(.dots = setNames(
#           str_c(
#             "ifelse(is.na(",
#             stackVar,
#             "),",
#             stacVarValeuTradeBal ,
#             ", ",
#             stackVar,
#             ")"
#           ),
#           stackVar
#         ))
#     } else {
#       p_data <-
#         df %>%
#         filter(Trade.Flow.Code %in% c(1, 2)) %>%
#         join_lables() %>%
#         select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName]) %>%
#         spread(., Trade.Flow, Value, fill = 0) %>%
#         select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName])
#         # mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("-", imp), imp)) %>%
#         # mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c(imp, "+", exp), horizontalLine))
#         ncols <-
#           p_data %>%
#           select_(.dots = names(.)[names(.) %in% p_dataName[!p_dataName %in% c(imp, exp, horizontalLine)]]) %>%
#           length(.) + 1
#         p_data <-
#           p_data %>%
#           gather(Trade.Flow, Value, ncols:length(.))
#     }
#     # Names for variables in legend
#     if (is.na(yVarName)) {
#       yVarName <- str_c(unique(p_data$Trade.Flow), "milions USD", sep = ", ")
#     }
#     # Calculatgin how many stacks are present
#     nStacks <-
#       p_data %>%
#       group_by_(.dots = stackVar) %>%
#       distinct %>%
#       nrow()
#     # Implement later Rank stacks and group them into other groups
#     # Ordering the stacking variable propperly. It takes the last time period values
#     # as the main on and then if in the past there were any other variables, it also uses those
#     # but as the second priority.
#     stackingOrder <-
#       p_data %>%
#       mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("abs(", yVar, ")"), yVar)) %>%
#       filter(Trade.Flow %in% c(imp, exp)) %>%
#       filter_(.dots = str_c(
#         "as.numeric(",
#         xVar,
#         ")==max(as.numeric(",
#         xVar,
#         "),na.rm = TRUE)"
#       )) %>%
#       group_by_(.dots = c(xVar, stackVar)) %>%
#       filter_(.dots = str_c(yVar, "==max(", yVar, ",na.rm = TRUE) & ", yVar, "!= 0")) %>%
#       ungroup()
#     stackingOrder <-
#       p_data %>%
#       mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("abs(", yVar, ")"), yVar)) %>%
#       filter(Trade.Flow %in% c(imp, exp)) %>%
#       filter_(.dots = str_c(
#         "as.numeric(",
#         xVar,
#         ")!=max(as.numeric(",
#         xVar,
#         "),na.rm = TRUE)"
#       )) %>%
#       group_by_(.dots = c(stackVar)) %>%
#       filter_(.dots = str_c(yVar, "==max(", yVar, ",na.rm = TRUE)& ", yVar, "!= 0")) %>%
#       ungroup() %>%
#       anti_join(stackingOrder, by = stackVar) %>%
#       bind_rows(stackingOrder) %>%
#       mutate(stackOrder = row_number(desc(Value))) %>%
#       arrange(Value) %>%
#       select_(.dots = c(stackVar, "stackOrder"))
#     # Define colours for categories.
#     # myPal <-
#     #   colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(max(3, min(8, nStacks)), name = brewPalName), bias = 2)
#     myPal <-
#       colorRampPalette(brewer_pal(type = brewScaleType,
#                                   palette = brewPalName,
#                                   direction = 1)(max(3, min(8, nrow(stackingOrder)))), bias = 1)
#     # Determine colour scale with the names for each colour
#     if (revertColours) {
#       palLegend <-
#         setNames(rev(myPal(nrow(stackingOrder))),
#                  stackingOrder %>%
#                    arrange(stackOrder) %>%
#                    .[[stackVar]])
#     } else {
#       palLegend <-
#         setNames(myPal(nrow(stackingOrder)),
#                  stackingOrder %>%
#                    arrange(stackOrder) %>%
#                    .[[stackVar]])
#     }
#     # Adding order to plotting data
#     p_data[stackVar] <- eval(parse(text = str_c("factor(p_data$", stackVar,", levels = stackingOrder$", stackVar, ")")))
#     # Ordering data
#     p_data <- p_data %>%
#       mutate_(.dots = setNames(str_c("abs(", yVar, ")"), "order")) %>%
#       arrange_(xVar, "-order")
#     # Initializing plot
#     p <-
#       ggplot(p_data %>%
#                filter(Trade.Flow %in% c(imp, exp))) +
#       aes_string(x = xVar, y = yVar, fill = stackVar, group = groupVar) +
#       geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0)) +
#       geom_bar(
#         colour = "black",
#         stat = "identity",
#         position = "stack"
#       )
#     # Extracting plotting data
#     if (plotTradeBalance) {
#       p <-
#         p +
#         geom_point(
#           data = p_data %>% filter(Trade.Flow == horizontalLine),
#           mapping = aes_string(
#             x = xVar,
#             y = yVar,
#             group = groupVar,
#             colour = colourVar
#           ),
#           inherit.aes = FALSE
#         ) +
#         geom_line(
#           data = p_data %>% filter(Trade.Flow == horizontalLine),
#           mapping = aes_string(
#             x = xVar,
#             y = yVar,
#             group = groupVar,
#             colour = colourVar
#           ),
#           inherit.aes = FALSE
#         ) +
#         scale_color_grey()
#     }
#     p <-
#       p +
#       labs(
#         x = xVarName,
#         y = yVarName,
#         colour = "",
#         fill = stackVarName
#       )
#     # Adding scale
#     if(brewScale) {
#       p <-
#       p +
#       scale_fill_manual(values = palLegend)
#     }
#     if(returnData) {
#       list(plot = p, data = p_data, pal = palLegend)
#     } else {
#       p
#     }
#   }
EBukin/tradeAnalysis-pack documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:25 p.m.