
Defines functions AddConfInterval

Documented in AddConfInterval

#' Add confidence interval
#' Add a confidence interval to a spectral estimate assuming the uncertainty of
#' the spectral estimates follows a chi-squared distribution with the degrees of
#' the freedom from the spectral estimates.
#' @param spec a spectral object of class \code{"spec"} or a list with the
#'   minimum components \code{spec} and \code{dof} which are vectors of the
#'   same length giving the spectral estimates and the corresponding degrees of
#'   freedom.
#' @param pval numeric; p value for the confidence interval, i.e. the interval
#'   is constructed from pval / 2 to 1 - pval / 2.
#' @param MINVALUE numeric; minimum value to limit the confidence interval.
#' @return the input object including the new list elements \code{lim.1} and
#'   \code{lim.2} giving the upper and lower bound of the confidence interval,
#'   respectively.
#' @author Thomas Laepple
#' @examples
#' N.R <- 1000
#' N.T <- 100
#' save.spec <- matrix(NA, N.T / 2, N.R)
#' for (i.R in 1 : N.R) {
#'   save.spec[, i.R] <- SpecMTM(ts(SimPowerlaw(1, N.T)))$spec
#' }
#' q.empirical <- apply(save.spec, 1, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
#' testspec <- SpecMTM(ts(SimPowerlaw(1, N.T)))
#' LPlot(AddConfInterval(testspec), ylim = c(0.05, 10))
#' lines(testspec$freq, q.empirical[1, ], col = "red")
#' lines(testspec$freq, q.empirical[2, ],col = "red")
#' legend("bottomleft", lwd = 2, col = c("black", "red"),
#'        legend = c("one realization with chisq conf intervals",
#'                   "MC confidence intervals"))
#' @export
AddConfInterval <- function(spec, pval = 0.05, MINVALUE = 1e-10) {


  spec$lim.1 <- spec$spec * qchisq(c(1 - pval / 2), spec$dof) / (spec$dof)
  spec$lim.2 <- spec$spec * qchisq(c(pval / 2), spec$dof) / (spec$dof)
  spec$lim.1[spec$lim.1 < MINVALUE] <- MINVALUE
  spec$lim.2[spec$lim.2 < MINVALUE] <- MINVALUE

  spec$pval <- pval


EarthSystemDiagnostics/paleospec documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 4:36 p.m.