
Defines functions MakeEquidistant

Documented in MakeEquidistant

#' @title Average an irregular timeseries to a regular timeseries
#' @description Make an irregular timeseries equidistant by
#' interpolating to high resolution, lowpass filtering to the Nyquist
#' frequency, and subsampling; e.g. as used in Huybers and Laepple, EPSL 2014
#' @param t.x vector of timepoints
#' @param t.y vector of corresponding values
#' @param dt target timestep; can be omitted if time.target is supplied
#' @param time.target time vector to which timeseries should be averaged/interpolated to
#' by default the same range as t.x with a timestep dt
#' @param dt.hres timestep of the intermediate high-resolution interpolation.
#' Should be smaller than the smallest timestep
#' @param bFilter (TRUE) low passs filter the data to avoid aliasing, (FALSE) just interpolate
#' @param k scaling factor for the Length of the filter (increasing creates
#' a sharper filter, thus less aliasing)
#' @param kf  scaling factor for the lowpass frequency; 1 = Nyquist, 1.2 =
#' 1.2xNyquist is a tradeoff between reducing variance loss and keeping
#' aliasing small
#' @param method.interpolation
#' 'linear' or 'constant', see approx
#' @param method.filter
#' To avoid loosing data at the ends of the dataset, endpoint constrains are used (see ApplyFilter)
#' no constraint (loss at both ends) (method=0), only works if t.x covers more time than time.target
#' minimum norm constraint (method=1)
#' minimum slope constraint (method=2)
#' minimum roughness constraint (method=3)
#' circular filtering (method=4)
#' @return ts object with the equidistant timeseries
#' @author Thomas Laepple
#' @export
MakeEquidistant <- function(t.x, t.y, dt = NULL,
                            time.target = seq(from = t.x[1], to = t.x[length(t.x)], by = dt),
                            dt.hres = NULL, bFilter = TRUE, k = 5, kf = 1.2,
                            method.interpolation = "linear", method.filter = 2) {
  ## WARNING/ISSUE: dt is a stats function. Should be renamed, e.g. to dt.out
  ## (also wherever it occurs)
  ## [K] SUGGESTION: use zoo objects instead of t.x and t.y. [K]
  index <- !is.na(t.x)
  t.x <- t.x[index]
  t.y <- t.y[index]

  if (is.null(dt))
    dt <- mean(diff(time.target))

  if (is.null(dt.hres))
    # Choose dt.hres if not supplied
    dt.hres <- dt/10

    # Get the minimum timestep not considering a zero timestep
    dt.x <- diff(t.x)
    minTimeStep <- min(dt.x[dt.x > 0])
    if (dt.hres > minTimeStep)
      dt.hres = minTimeStep

  if (dt.hres > min(diff(t.x), na.rm = TRUE))
    warning("dt.hres is lower
            than the minimum timestep")

  index <- (!is.na(t.y))

  time.hres <- seq(from = FirstElement(t.x), to = LastElement(t.x), by = dt.hres)
  data.hres <- approx(t.x[index], t.y[index], time.hres, method = method.interpolation)

  index <- !is.na(data.hres$y)
  data.hres$x <- data.hres$x[index]
  data.hres$y <- data.hres$y[index]

  filterLength = round(k * (dt/(2 * dt.hres)))
  if ((filterLength%%2) == 0)
    filterLength = filterLength + 1

  if (bFilter) {
    f.lowpass <- Lowpass(1/(2 * dt) * kf, filterLength, sample = 1/dt.hres)
    meanvalue <- mean(data.hres$y)
    data.hres.filtered <- ApplyFilter(data.hres$y - meanvalue, f.lowpass, method = method.filter) + meanvalue
  } else {
    data.hres.filtered <- data.hres$y

  index <- !is.na(data.hres.filtered)
  data.target <- approx(data.hres$x[index], data.hres.filtered[index], time.target, method = method.interpolation)

  return(ts(data.target$y, start = FirstElement(data.target$x), deltat = diff(data.target$x)[1]))
EarthSystemDiagnostics/paleospec documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 4:36 p.m.