
Defines functions SlopeFit

Documented in SlopeFit

#' @title Fit a power-law to the spectrum
#' @param spec power spectrum as list with $freq and $spec
#' @param freq.start  vector containing the start frequencies of the fitting interval(s)
#' @param freq.end vector containing the end frequencies of the fitting interval(s)
#' @param bDebug (TRUE) plot diagnostics
#' @param breaks  vector of breakpoints to which the spectra is binned (optional)
#' @param indexRemove bins that are removed (e.g. containing the annual and semiannual cycle)
#' @param df.log resolution of the bins (if breaks are not provided)
#' @param i.fStart index of first (lowest) frequency to be used
#' @return list(slope=slope,slopesd=slopesd,spec=saveSpec,freq=binFreq,intercept=intercept)
#' @author Thomas Laepple
#' @export
SlopeFit <- function(spec, freq.start = NULL, freq.end = NULL,
  bDebug = TRUE, breaks = NULL, indexRemove = NULL, df.log = 0.05,
  i.fStart = 4) {
  if (is.null(breaks))
    breaks = seq(from = log(spec$freq[i.fStart]), to = log(tail(spec$freq,
      1L)), by = df.log)
  binSpec <- AvgToBin(spec$freq, log(spec$spec), N = nBins,
    bFill = T, breaks = exp(breaks))
  # Remove missing values (if the breaks extended over the
  # frequency range
  index <- !is.na(binSpec$avg)
  binSpec$avg <- exp(binSpec$avg)
  binSpec$avg[indexRemove] <- 0
  binSpec$avg <- binSpec$avg[index]

  binSpec$centers <- binSpec$centers[index]

  saveSpec <- binSpec$avg

  binFreq <- binSpec$centers  #Get back of the
  binSpec$centers = log(binSpec$centers)

  if (is.null(freq.start))
    freq.start <- min(binFreq)
  if (is.null(freq.end))
    freq.end <- max(binFreq)
  if (length(freq.start) != length(freq.end))
    stop("The same number of start and stop frequencies are needed")
  slope <- slopesd <- NA

  if (bDebug) {
    plot(spec$freq, spec$spec, log = "xy", type = "l", xlab = "f (1/yr)",
      ylab = "PSD")
    lines(binFreq, binSpec$avg, col = "green", lwd = 2)

  # Remove the annual cycle and start and freq.end from the
  # spectra

  slope <- slopesd <- intercept <- NA
  for (i in 1:length(freq.start)) {
    index <- rep(TRUE, length(binFreq))

    i.start <- ClosestElement(binFreq, freq.start[i])  #Remove the low frequency part
    i.end <- ClosestElement(binFreq, freq.end[i])  #Remove the high frequency part

    index[binSpec$avg == 0] <- FALSE
    index[1:(i.start - 1)] <- FALSE
    index[(i.end + 1):length(index)] <- FALSE

    if (bDebug) {
      abline(v = binFreq[c(i.start, i.end)])

    # Linear fit...
    model <- lm(log(binSpec$avg[index]) ~ binSpec$centers[index])

    if (bDebug)
      lines(binFreq[index], exp(model$fitted.values), lwd = 1,
        col = "red")
    slopesd[i] <- summary(model)$coeff[2, 2]
    slope[i] <- model$coeff[2]
    intercept[i] <- model$coeff[1]
  return(list(slope = slope, slopesd = slopesd, spec = saveSpec,
    freq = binFreq, intercept = exp(intercept)))
EarthSystemDiagnostics/paleospec documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 4:36 p.m.