##' Age perturb proxy core segments
##' \code{PerturbCoreSegment} age perturbs the proxy data of an individual
##' segment of a similarly dated core array, i.e. the section of the cores that
##' lies between two specified age control points.
##' \code{PerturbCoreSegment}'s intended use is in combination with
##' \code{PerturbCoreArray} only rather than as a standalone function (though
##' possible).
##' @param Xp array of dimension \code{c(dim(X), ns)}, where \code{ns} is the
##' number of age perturbation realisations, to store the perturbed proxy
##' data. To be provided with the calling function.
##' @param Tp array of the same dimension as \code{Xp} to store the age
##' perturbation realisations. To be provided with the calling function.
##' @param acp1 the first age control point, i.e. the start age at the top of
##' the core segment (per default \code{t[1]}).
##' @param acp2 the second age control point at the end of the core segment;
##' \code{NA} (the default) results in an unconstrained age perturbation
##' process.
##' @param nc integer number of cores in the core array; per default set to the
##' number of columns in \code{X}.
##' @inheritParams PerturbCoreArray
##' @return A list of two components:
##' \describe{
##' \item{Tp:}{The array of age perturbation realisations filled with the
##' realisations corresponding to the time interval between \code{acp1} and
##' \code{acp2}.}
##' \item{Xp:}{The array of age perturbed proxy data filled with the
##' perturbation realisations corresponding to the time interval between
##' \code{acp1} and \code{acp2}.}
##' }
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @references Comboul, M., Emile-Geay, J., Evans, M. N., Mirnateghi, N., Cobb,
##' K. M. and Thompson, D. M.: A probabilistic model of chronological errors in
##' layer-counted climate proxies: applications to annually banded coral
##' archives, Clim. Past, 10(2), 825-841, doi: 10.5194/cp-10-825-2014, 2014.
##' @seealso \code{\link{PerturbCoreArray}}
##' @export
PerturbCoreSegment <- function(X, t, Xp = array(dim = c(dim(X), ns)),
Tp = Xp, acp1 = t[1], acp2 = NA, nc = dim(X)[2],
ns = 1000, model = "poisson", rate = 0.05,
resize = 1) {
t.final <- acp2
if (is.na(t.final)) {
t.final <- t[length(t)]
i <- which(t <= acp1 & t >= t.final)
n.seg <- length(i)
t.in <- t[i]
x.in <- X[i, , drop = FALSE]
bam <- BAM(t.in, ns = ns, nc = nc, model = model,
rate = rate, resize = resize)
bam.Tp <- bam$Tp
if (!is.na(acp2)) {
for (i.c in 1 : nc) {
bam.Tp[, i.c, ] <- apply(bam.Tp[, i.c, , drop = FALSE], c(2, 3),
BrownianBridge, bam$tp, t.final)
bam.Xp <- array(dim = dim(bam.Tp))
for (i.c in 1 : nc) {
bam.Xp[, i.c, ] <- apply(bam.Tp[, i.c, , drop = FALSE], c(2, 3),
PerturbData, bam$tp, x.in[, i.c])
Xp[i, , ] <- bam.Xp[1 : n.seg, , ]
Tp[i, , ] <- bam.Tp[1 : n.seg, , ]
res <- list()
res$Tp <- Tp
res$Xp <- Xp
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