
Defines functions Rretex

Rretex <- function(txt, op = 1) { ## '`op`' = The output format for which
                                        ## the text should be re-decorated
                                        ## before being sent to `pandoc`.
                                        ## Input for `op` can be one of:
                                            ## `1 [DEFAULT] (LaTeX)` or
                                            ## `2 (HTML)` ##
    if (op == 1) {
        TX <- gsub("\\*\\*(.*?)\\*\\*", "\\textbf\\{\\1\\}", txt, perl = TRUE)
        TX <- gsub("_(.*?)_", "\\textit\\{\\1\\}", TX, perl = TRUE)
        TX <- gsub("\`(.*?)\`", "\\texttt\\{\\1\\}", TX, perl = TRUE)
        else {
            TX <- gsub("\\\\textbf\\{(.*?)\\}", "**\\1**", txt, perl = TRUE)
            TX <- gsub("\\\\textit\\{(.*?)\\}", "_\\1_", TX, perl = TRUE)
            TX <- gsub("\\\\texttt\\{(.*?)\\}", "`\\1`", TX, perl = TRUE)
#' ## Examples

# txt <- c("**Bold**", "Plain", "_Italic_", "\`Code\`")
# TX <- Rretex(txt)
# TX
# sapply(txt, Rretex)
# sapply(TX, Rretex, op = 2)
# ht <- c("\\textbf{Bold}", "Plain", "\\textit{Italic}", "\\texttt{Code}")
# sapply(ht, Rretex, op = 2)
# b <- c("**bold**, Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. _italic_.",
# 		"Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.")
# a <- c("`Code`", "_**Bold-Italic**_")
# df <- data.frame(a = a, b = b)
# df.names <- c("_**Bold-Italic Heading**_", "_**`Bold-Italic-Code Heading`**_")
# library(dplyr)
# df <- sapply(df, Rretex) %>% data.frame()
# knitr::kable(df, format = 'latex', booktabs = TRUE, escape = FALSE, col.names = sapply(df.names, Rretex))
# colnames(df) <- df.names
# df <- sapply(df, Rretex, op = 2) %>% data.frame()
# pander::pandoc.table(df)
EccRiley/Riley documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 9:29 a.m.