
Defines functions plot_qualitative_map

Documented in plot_qualitative_map

#' plot qualitative maps
#' @return a plot
#' @param tif the raster that should be plotted
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_qualitative_map()
#' }

plot_qualitative_map <- function(tif){
  if (length(unique(terra::values(tif))) >= 5) {
    tif_df <- dplyr::tibble(cat = tif %>% terra::values() %>%
                              as.vector()) %>% dplyr::count(cat, sort = TRUE) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(cat_fct = ifelse(dplyr::row_number() >
                                       5, 0, cat))
    tif_legend <- tif %>% terra::classify(rcl = matrix(c(tif_df$cat[-c(1:5)],
                                                         rep(0, nrow(tif_df) - 5)), ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(tif_df) -
    tif_plot <- tif_legend
    terra::values(tif_plot) <- terra::as.factor(terra::values(tif_plot))
    ggplot2::ggplot() + stars::geom_stars(data = stars::st_as_stars(tif_plot)) +
      ggplot2::coord_sf(expand = FALSE) + rcartocolor::scale_fill_carto_d(
        palette = "Bold",
        name = meta$units_of_data,
        labels = forcats::fct_reorder(.f = c(terra::sort(unique(terra::values(tif_legend)))[-1], "other"),
                                      .x = c(terra::sort(unique(terra::values(tif_legend)))[-1], "other")
        )) +
      ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(label.position = "bottom",
                                                   title.position = "top")) +
      theme(legend.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  else {
    tif_plot <- tif
    terra::values(tif_plot) <- terra::as.factor(terra::values(tif_plot))
    return(ggplot2::ggplot() + stars::geom_stars(data = stars::st_as_stars(tif_plot)) +
             ggplot2::coord_sf(expand = FALSE) +
             rcartocolor::scale_fill_carto_d(palette = "Bold",
                                             name = meta$units_of_data) +
             ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(label.position = "bottom",
                                                          title.position = "top")) +
             theme(legend.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)))
EcoDynIZW/d6geodata documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 2:15 p.m.