Man pages for EcoFoG/ForestData
Post-inventory processing of Forest Census datasets

compute_baCompute Basal Area in Forest Inventories
compute_mortalityCompute Annual Mortality Rates in Forest Inventories
compute_recruitmentCompute Annual Recruitment Rates in Forest Inventories
correct_aliveCorrect Trees Life Status in a Forest Inventory
correct_allFull correction of a Forest Inventories Dataset
correct_recruitsCorrect Overgrown Recruits in Forest Inventories
correct_sizeCorrect Tree Size Measurements
display_baDisplay Forest Mortality and Recruitment Data with ggplot2
display_growthDisplay annual growth rates using ggplot2
display_mortalityDisplay Mortality Rates with ggplot2
display_ratesDisplay Forest Mortality and Recruitment Data with ggplot2
display_recruitmentDisplay recruitment Rates with ggplot2
example_censusExample dataset for ForestData: Paracou, plot 6
example_recruitsExample dataset for ForestData: Paracou, plot 6, corrected...
example_size_corrExample dataset for ForestData: Paracou, plot 6, corrected...
example_status_corrExample dataset for ForestData: Paracou, plot 6, with...
prepare_forestdataPrepare global options to run ForestData more easily
EcoFoG/ForestData documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 10:04 a.m.