
#' Australian Colour Palettes
#' A collection of colour palettes inspired by the landscape and wildlife of
#' Australia. The list of available palettes is:
#' namatjira_qual, namatjira_div
#' mccrea
#' parliament
#' tasmania
#' nolan_ned
#' winmar
#' olsen_qual
#' williams_pilbara
#' healthy_reef, dead_reef
#' galah, lorikeet, jumping_frog
#' emu_woman_paired
#' # Make an x-y plot using the Namatjira palette
#' library(tidyverse)
#' df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100, 0, 20),
#'           y = rnorm(100, 0, 20),
#'           cl = sample(letters[1:8], 100, replace=TRUE))
#' ggplot(df, aes(x, y, colour=cl, shape=cl)) +
#'   geom_point(size=4) + scale_colour_ochre() +
#'   theme_bw() + theme(aspect.ratio=1)
#' # Make a histogram using the McCrea Collins Street palette
#' ggplot(df, aes(x, fill=cl)) + geom_histogram() +
#'   scale_fill_ochre(palette="mccrea")
#' \dontrun{
#'   data(elev)
#'   library(elevatr)
#'   library(raster)
#'   library(ochRe)
#'   colpal <- ochre_pal()(150)
#'   ex <- extent(110, 155, -45, -10)
#'   elev <- raster::crop(elev, ex)
#'   elev[elev < 0] <- NA
#'   topo <- list(x = xFromCol(elev), y = rev(yFromRow(elev)),
#'                z = t(as.matrix(elev))[, nrow(elev):1])
#'                par(mar = rep(0, 4), bg = "#444444")
#'                image(topo, useRaster = TRUE, col = colpal,
#'                      axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "",
#'                            asp = cos(27.5 * pi/180))
#' }
#' @export
ochre_palettes <- list(
  ## Albert Namatjira: Twin Ghosts
  ## http://www.menziesartbrands.com/sites/default/files/field/catalogue_items//DM_24017.jpg
  namatjira_qual = c(

  namatjira_div = c(

  ## Georgiana McCrae, "Melbourne, Collins St, 1841",
  ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Melbourne_Collins_Street_1841.jpg
  mccrea = c(

  # based on the great all tapestry https://www.aph.gov.au/Visit_Parliament/Art/Top_5_Treasures/Great_Hall_Tapestry
  # and house of reps and senate colours https://www.peo.gov.au/learning/closer-look/australias-parliament-house/a-place-for-the-parliament.html
  parliament = c(
    "#a84848", # senate red
    "#f0d8d8", # light pink/red
    "#304830", # dark green
    "#909078", # grey green
    "#607890", # grey blue
    "#90a8a8", # light blue
    "#906030", # brown
    "#c0a890" # light brown

  # based on photographs from cradle mountain national park and the bay of fires
  # random comment
  tasmania = c(
    "#a84830", # bay of fires lychen
    "#d89060", # lighter lychen
    "#604830", # forest brown
    "#6090d8", # wineglass bay blue
    "#c0c0d8", # crater lake grey
    "#606030", # fern green
    "#486030" # enchanted walk moss

  ## Sidney Nolan, "Ned Kelly 1946",
  ## https://cs.nga.gov.au/detail.cfm?irn=28926
  nolan_ned = c(
    "#a89030", # ochre
    "#004878", # sky blue
    "#78a890", # dusty blue
    "#000000", # black
    "#481800"  # brown

  ## Wayne Ludbey, "Nicky Winmar St Kilda Footballer", 1993
  ## https://nga.gov.au/federation/Detail.cfm?WorkID=27707&ZoomID=3
  winmar = c(

  ## John Olsen, "Sydney Sun, 1965",
  ## https://artsearch.nga.gov.au/Detail-LRG.cfm?IRN=26102
  olsen_qual = c(
    "#c47000", # rusty yellow
    "#e0c48c", # light tan
    "#8c3800", # dark orange
    "#e0a81c", # yellow
    "#8ca8c4", # dusky blue
    "#385438"  # dark green
  olsen_seq = c(
  ## Fred Williams, Mount Nameless (morning)
  ## http://www.art-almanac.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/benalla_mt_nameless_review_1213.jpg
  ## 7 30 y n
  williams_pilbara = c(
    "#d23c1e", # 3
    "#965a3c", # 6
    "#b4783c", # 2
    "#b4d2d2", # 5
    "#96b4b4", # 7
    "#96b4d2", # 4
    "#7896b4"  # 1

  ## Great Barrier reef, before global warming
  ## based on http://aussiedestinationtours.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Greatbarrierreef.jpg
  healthy_reef = c(
    "#f63b32", # hot coral
    "#e37870", # coral pink
    "#f3ff41", # bright yellow
    "#005487", # deep blue
    "#52bcd4", # blue sand
    "#679c40", # sea green
    "#f3fbfb", # white coral
    "#1c0608", # dark brown coral
    "#002B52" # dark blue

  ## Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Emu Woman 1988–89
  ## http://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/utopia_the_genius_of_emily_kame_kngwarreye/emily_kame_kngwarreye
  emu_woman_paired = c(
    "#3A3A43" ),

  ## Galah
  ## https://theconversation.com/how-the-australian-galah-got-its-name-in-a-muddle-65646
  galah = c(
    "#903030", "#d84860",
    "#f0a8c0", "#ffffff",

  ## Rainbow lorikeet
  ## http://reptilepark.com.au/animals/birds/rainbow-lorikeet/
  lorikeet = c(

  ## Bleached great barrier reef
  ## http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/7c2f433cd1e020a6ad1b7018070c55a6
  dead_reef = c(

  ## Jumping Frog (John Olsen, 1982)
  ## http://cdn.artserieshotels.com.au/images/made/images/remote/http_cdn.artserieshotels.com.au/images/uploads/main/john-olsen-artist-artwork1_600_400_60.jpg
  jumping_frog = c(
EdwinTh/paletti documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:59 p.m.