
Defines functions chisq_post_hoc

Documented in chisq_post_hoc

# Note that this is taken pretty much verbatim from the chisq.post.hoc function (other than swapping . for _ in the function name) from the fifer package: https://github.com/dustinfife/fifer/blob/master/R/chisqPostHoc.R

# I have edited to control whether to print out the method by which p-values are adjusted.

# I am putting it here for my use because the fifer package is no longer available on CRAN and the one of the dependencies for the GitHub version is not available either.

# All credit for this to Dustin Fife.

#'Tests for significant differences among all pairs of populations in a
#'chi-square test, correcting for multiple comparisons.
#'Tests for significant differences among all pairs of populations in a
#'chi-square test, correcting for multiple comparisons.
#'Post-hoc tests for which pairs of populations differ following a significant
#'chi-square test can be constructed by performing all chi-square tests for all
#'pairs of populations and then adjusting the resulting p-values for inflation
#'due to multiple comparisons.  The adjusted p-values can be computed with a
#'wide variety of methods -- fdr, BH, BY, bonferroni, holm, hochberg, and
#'hommel.  This function basically works as a wrapper function that sends the
#'unadjusted \dQuote{raw} p-values from each pair-wise chi-square test to the
#'\code{p.adjust} function in the base R program.  The \code{p.adjust} function
#'should be consulted for further description of the methods used.
#'@param tbl A \code{table} object.
#'@param test What sort of test will be used? This must have an object called p.value so it can correct the p-values. Defaults to "fisher.test"
#'@param popsInRows A logical indicating whether the populations form the rows
#'(default; \code{=TRUE}) of the table or not (\code{=FALSE}).
#'@param control A string indicating the method of control to use.  See
#'@param digits A numeric that controls the number of digits to print.
#'@param printMethod Logical. Whether to print method by which p-values controlled.
#'@param \dots Other arguments sent to whatever test the user specifies.
#'@return A data.frame with a description of the pairwise comparisons, the raw
#'p-values, and the adjusted p-values.
#'@seealso \code{chisq.test} and \code{p.adjust}.
#'@keywords htest
#'@note This code was adapted and modified from the NCStats package
#'# Makes a table of observations -- similar to first example in chisq.test
#'M <- as.table(rbind(c(76, 32, 46), c(48,23,47), c(45,34,78)))
#'dimnames(M) <- list(sex=c("Male","Female","Juv"),loc=c("Lower","Middle","Upper"))
#'# Shows post-hoc pairwise comparisons using fdr method
chisq_post_hoc <- function(tbl, test=c("fisher.test"), popsInRows=TRUE, control=c("fdr","BH","BY","bonferroni","holm","hochberg","hommel"), digits=4, printMethod=FALSE, ...) {
  #### extract correction method
  control <- match.arg(control)

  #### extract which test (fisher or chi square)
  test = match.fun(test)

  #### test rows or columns
  if (!popsInRows) tbl <- t(tbl)
  popsNames <- rownames(tbl)

  #### come up with all possible comparisons
  prs <- combn(1:nrow(tbl),2)

  #### preallocate
  tests <- ncol(prs)
  pvals <- numeric(tests)
  lbls <- character(tests)
  for (i in 1:tests) {
    pvals[i] <- test(tbl[prs[,i],], ...)$p.value
    lbls[i] <- paste(popsNames[prs[,i]],collapse=" vs. ")
  adj.pvals <- p.adjust(pvals,method=control)
  if(printMethod) cat("Adjusted p-values used the",control,"method.\n\n")
EllaKaye/EMK documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 3:24 p.m.