
Defines functions WoETable categoriseFromWoE categoriseFromWoE.Wide

Documented in categoriseFromWoE categoriseFromWoE.Wide

#' @include common.R
#' @include continuous.R
#' @include categorical.R

#' Weight of Evidence and Information Value for a single variable
#' This function calculates the Weight of Evidence and Infomation value for a particular response. The variable tested
#' is either continuous or categorical. The response is assumed to be logical. If not, if the response takes only 2
#' values (either factor or numerical), it will be transformed into logical values. `verbose = TRUE` shows the
#' conversion. `p` and `maxCategories` parameters for continuous and categorical variables can be passed.

#' @param df Dataframe
#' @param x  Characteristic
#' @param y Response
#' @param p Probability (see `partykit::ctree`)
#' @param verbose Boolean to add additional information. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @import checkmate
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import partykit
#' @export
#' @examples [TODO]
WoETable <-
           verbose = FALSE,
           p = -1,
           maxCategories = -1) {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("Variable ", x)


    # Format df as tibble
    df <- as_tibble(df)

    # Ensure reasonable defaults for parameters
    if (p == -1) {
      p <- 0.05
    if (maxCategories == -1) {
      maxCategories <-  5

    # Dispacth on the variable type of column x
    if (class(as.data.frame(df)[[1, x]]) == "factor") {
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        cat(" is categorical \n")

      # Make sure that the content of df[,y] is boolean
      df <- ensureLogical(df, y, verbose = verbose)

      result <- WoETableCategorical(
        df = df,
        x = x,
        y = y,
        maxCategories = maxCategories,
        verbose = verbose
    } else if (class(as.data.frame(df)[[1, x]]) == "numeric") {
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        cat(" is numeric. \n")
      result <- WoETableContinuous(
        df = df,
        x = x,
        y = y,
        p = p,
        verbose = verbose
    } else{
      result = NA
      stop("Variable x is neither categorical nor numeric.")



#' Create a table that categorises a variable into the bins described by a WoE table. Each bin receives its own column
#' This function takes a WoE table of a particular variable describing its bins, and takes the observations of the
#' variable. It creates a tibble of variables (one per characteristic) containing the different factors.
#' @param df Dataframe containing the at least one column named `varName`
#' @param varName Name of the variable (string format) which will be binned follwoing its Weight of Evidence
#' @param woeTable Tibble containing the Weight of Evidence table created by WoETable for `varName`
#' @param verbose Boolean to add additional information. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return Tibble of categories containing 0/1
#' @import checkmate
#' @import tidyverse
#' @export
#' @examples
categoriseFromWoE <- function(df,
                              verbose = FALSE) {

  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("All asserts are OK \n")
  # Check if there is a variable with that name in df
  index <- which(names(df) == varName)
  if (index == 0) {
    stop("df does not contain a variable named varName")

  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("categoriseFromWoE with variable ", varName, "\n")
    cat("Variable has column index ", index, " in dataframe \n")

  vSym <- sym(varName)
  vCleanName <- str_remove(varName, " ")
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("Clean variable name: \"", vCleanName, "\"\n")

  if (names(woeTable)[1] == "CutNumber") {
    vType <- "numeric"
  } else{
    vType <- "categorical"
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("Variable type is", vType, "\n")

  # Variable that will contain the final result
  binned <-
    df %>%
    as_tibble() %>%

  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("df has dimensions ", dim(df), "\n")
    cat("binned has dimensions ", dim(binned), " with name(s)", names(binned), "\n")


  if (vType == "categorical") {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("Type is categorical. Nothing to do. \n")

    # Else is variable type is numeric
  } else {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("Type is numeric\n")

    # Go though each bin
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("Number of factors to create:", nrow(woeTable), "\n")

    for (b in 1:nrow(woeTable)) {

      # Min and Max of current bin
      vMin <- woeTable[[b, "Min"]]
      vMax <- woeTable[[b, "Max"]]
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        cat("\n----- Bin No. ", b, "\n",
            "Current bin is: Min = ", vMin,
            " and Max = ",            vMax, "\n",
            "Are numeric? ", is.numeric(vMin),
            " -- ", is_numeric(vMax), "\n")

      # create bin name as a string
      if (is.na(vMin)) {
        # Factor name as string
        factorName <- paste0(vCleanName, "=NA")

        # Which rows need to be changed
        b <- binned[, varName]
        whereChange <- (is.na(b) == TRUE)

        binned <-
          binned %>%
          mutate(thisIsTheCategory = if_else(is.na(!!vSym), factorName, thisIsTheCategory))

        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          cat("Creating factor ", factorName, "\n")

          cat("Current bins 1-10 samples: ")
          print(binned %>% mutate(ISNA = is.na(!!vSym),
                                  LTvMin = !!vSym < vMin,
                                  EQvMin = !!vSym == vMin,
                                  GTvMax = !!vSym > vMax,
                                  change = !(!ISNA | LTvMin | EQvMin | GTvMax)) %>%

      } else {
        # To which factor name as string
        factorName <-
          paste0(as.character(round(vMin, digits = 3)),
                 as.character(round(vMax, digits = 3)))

        # Which rows need to be changed (weird long name to avoid possible collision)
        b <- binned[, varName]

        whereIsNA     <- (is.na(b))
        whereIsLTvMin <- (b <  vMin)
        whereIsEQvMin <- (b == vMin)
        whereIsGTvMax <- (b >  vMax)

        # If any of those conditions is TRUE, a value is not in the bin (FALSE)
        whereChange <- !(whereIsNA |
                           whereIsLTvMin |
                           whereIsEQvMin |

        binned[whereChange, "thisIsTheCategory"] <- factorName

        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          cat("Creating column ", factorName, "\n")

          cat("Current bins 1-10 samples: ")
          print(binned %>% mutate(ISNA = is.na(!!vSym),
                                  LTvMin = !!vSym < vMin,
                                  EQvMin = !!vSym == vMin,
                                  GTvMax = !!vSym > vMax,
                                  change = !(ISNA | LTvMin | EQvMin | GTvMax)) %>%


    # Transforms binned from stings to factors, and rename the column properly
    binned <-
      binned %>%
      select(thisIsTheCategory) %>%
      mutate(thisIsTheCategory = as_factor(thisIsTheCategory)) %>%
      rename(!!vSym := thisIsTheCategory)

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("binned has ", nlevels(binned),
          " --- factors, which are: ", head(levels(binned), n = 20),


  # Check right number of factors before returning
  assertLogical(nlevels(binned) == nrow(woeTable))


#' Create a column that categorises a variable into the bins described by a WoE table.
#' This function takes a WoE table of a particular variable describing its bins, and takes the observations of the
#' variable. It creates a tibble of variables (one per bin) containing 0 or 1 whether the original observations
#' fall into the relevant bin.
#' @param df Dataframe containing the at least one column named `varName`
#' @param varName Name of the variable (string format) which will be binned follwoing its Weight of Evidence
#' @param woeTable Tibble containing the Weight of Evidence table created by WoETable for `varName`
#' @param verbose Boolean to add additional information. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return Tibble of categories containing 0/1
#' @import checkmate
#' @import tidyverse
#' @export
#' @examples
categoriseFromWoE.Wide <- function(df,
                                   verbose = FALSE) {

  # Check if there is a variable with that name in df
  index <- which(names(df) == varName)
  if (index == 0) {
    stop("df does not contain a variable named varName")

  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("categoriseFromWoE with variable ", varName, "\n")
    cat("All asserts are OK \n")
    cat("Variable has column index ", index, " in dataframe \n")

  vSym <- sym(varName)
  vCleanName <- str_remove(varName, " ")
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("Clean variable name: \"", vCleanName, "\"\n")

  if (names(woeTable)[1] == "CutNumber") {
    vType <- "numeric"
  } else{
    vType <- "categorical"
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("Variable type is", vType, "\n")

  binned <- df[, varName]

  if (vType == "categorical") {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("Type is categorical\n")

    # Go though each bin
    for (b in 1:nrow(woeTable)) {

      # Current bin factor name
      vFactor <- woeTable[[b, varName]]
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        cat("Current factor is:", as.character(vFactor), "\n")

      if (is.na(vFactor)) {
        vColumn <- paste0("(", vCleanName, ") ",
                          vCleanName, "=NA")
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          cat("Creating column ", vColumn, "\n")
        vColumn <- sym(vColumn)

        # Create a new column
        binned <- binned %>%

          # Create a new column containing whether the variable is in the bin
          mutate(!!vColumn := if_else(is.na(!!vSym), 1, 0))

      } else {
        # create bin name
        vColumn <- paste0("(", vCleanName, ") ",
                          vCleanName, "=", as.character(vFactor))
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          cat("Creating column ", vColumn, "\n")
        vColumn <- sym(vColumn)

        # Create a new column
        binned <- binned %>%

          # Create a new column containing whether the variable is in the bin
          mutate(!!vColumn := if_else(is.na(!!vSym),
                                      if_else(!!vSym ==  vFactor, 1, 0)))

    # Else is variable type is numeric
  } else {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("Type is numeric\n")

    # Go though each bin
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("Number of factors to create:", nrow(woeTable), "\n")

    for (b in 1:nrow(woeTable)) {
      # Min and Max of current bin
      vMin <- woeTable[[b, "Min"]]
      vMax <- woeTable[[b, "Max"]]
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
          "Current bin is: Min = ",
          " and Max = ",

      if (is.na(vMin)) {
        vColumn <- paste0("(", vCleanName, ") ",
                          vCleanName, "=NA")
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          cat("Creating column ", vColumn, "\n")
        vColumn <- sym(vColumn)

        # Create a new column
        binned <- binned %>%

          # Create a new column containing whether the variable is in the bin
          mutate(!!vColumn := if_else(is.na(!!vSym), 1, 0))

      } else {
        # create bin name
        vColumn <-
          paste0("(", vCleanName, ") ",
                 as.character(round(vMin, digits = 3)),
                 as.character(round(vMax, digits = 3)))
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          cat("Creating column ", vColumn, "\n")
        vColumn <- sym(vColumn)

        # Create a new column
        binned <- binned %>%

          # Create a new column containing whether the variable is in the bin
          dplyr::mutate(!!vColumn := dplyr::if_else(
            dplyr::if_else((!!vSym !=  vMin) &
                             dplyr::between(!!vSym, vMin, vMax),


  # Remove the original variable to only keep the bins
  #binned <- binned %>% select(-!!vSym)

  return(binned[, 2:length(names(binned))])

Emmanuel-R8/SMBinning documentation built on Dec. 9, 2019, 6:39 p.m.