test_that("check that .processKeys outputs the expected result", {
expect_identical(.processKeys(c("A.x", "A.y")), "A")
test_that("check that .layout outputs the expected result", {
test_that("check that .resolve works with nothing to resolve", {
#setup input data
wells <- pull(testData[[3]], wells_in_plate)
layout <- .layout(wells)
base <- map_dfr(1:nrow(layout), function(x) testData[[3]]) %>%
bind_cols(layout, .)
bind1 <- full_join(base, testData[[2]], by = "Column")
keys1 <- .processKeys(colnames(bind1))
expected <- data.frame()
output <- map_dfc(keys1, ~.resolve(bind1, .x))
expect_identical(expected, output)
test_that("check that .resolve works with something to resolve", {
#setup input data
wells <- pull(testData[[3]], wells_in_plate)
layout <- .layout(wells)
base <- map_dfr(1:nrow(layout), function(x) testData[[3]]) %>%
bind_cols(layout, .)
resolved1 <- full_join(base, testData[[2]], by = "Column")
bind2 <- full_join(resolved1, testData[[1]], by = "Well")
keys2 <- .processKeys(colnames(bind2))
#expected <- 48L <- 8L <- 120L <- 208L
expected.oc.X <- 61L
expected.oc.Y <- 96L
expected.oc.Z <- 3L
expected.oc.NA <- 224L
output <- map_dfc(keys2, ~.resolve(bind2, .x)) <- table(output$Sort_condition, useNA = "ifany")
output.oc <- table(output$other_condition, useNA = "ifany")
expect_identical(unname(output.oc[1]), expected.oc.X)
expect_identical(unname(output.oc[2]), expected.oc.Y)
expect_identical(unname(output.oc[3]), expected.oc.Z)
expect_identical(unname(output.oc[4]), expected.oc.NA)
expect_identical(.resolve(bind2, list()), bind2)
test_that("check that checkMeta errors when expected", {
#check that unique_key exists
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], testData[[2]], select(testData[[3]], -unique_key))
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), regexp = "unique_key key is missing from Plate sheet.")
#check that file name matches unique key
tmp <- testData
names(tmp) <- rep("A", length(tmp))
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), regexp = "File name and unique_key do not match.")
#check that the wells_in_plate variable is present in the Plate sheet
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], testData[[2]], select(testData[[3]], -wells_in_plate))
names(tmp) <- rep("test1", 3)
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), regexp = "wells_in_plate key missing from Plate sheet")
#check that wells_in_plate is numeric
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], testData[[2]], mutate(testData[[3]], wells_in_plate = "A"))
names(tmp) <- rep("test1", 3)
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), "wells_in_plate key must equal 384 or 96 or be the number of samples")
#check that the Column key in the Columns sheet is present.
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], select(testData[[2]], -Column), testData[[3]])
names(tmp) <- rep("test1", 3)
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), regexp = "The Column key in the Columns sheet is missing.")
#check that the Column key in the Columns sheet is correct.
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], mutate(testData[[2]], Column = c(NA, Column[-1])), testData[[3]])
names(tmp) <- rep("test1", 3)
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), regexp = "The Column key in the Columns sheet is malformated.*")
#check that the Well key in the Wells sheet is present.
tmp <- list(select(testData[[1]], -Well), testData[[2]], testData[[3]])
names(tmp) <- rep("test1", 3)
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), regexp = "The Well key in the Wells sheet is missing.")
#check that the Wells key in the Wells sheet is correct.
tmp <- list(mutate(testData[[1]], Well = c(NA, Well[-1])), testData[[2]], testData[[3]])
names(tmp) <- rep("test1", 3)
expect_error(checkMeta(tmp), regexp = "The Well key in the Wells sheet is malformated.*")
test_that("check that .datesFormat outputs the expected result", {
expect_is(pull(testData[[3]], sample_recieve_date), "Date")
#no date present
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], testData[[2]], select(testData[[3]], -sample_recieve_date))
expect_identical(tmp, .datesFormat(tmp))
#malformatted dates
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], testData[[2]], mutate(testData[[3]], sample_recieve_date = "2018102"))
tmp <- list(testData[[1]], testData[[2]], mutate(testData[[3]], sample_recieve_date = "2018-20-02"))
test_that("check that resolvePlateMeta outputs the expected result", {
output <- resolvePlateMeta(testData)
#check that all conflicts are resolved
expect_false(all(str_detect(colnames(output), "\\.x$")))
expect_false(all(str_detect(colnames(output), "\\.y$")))
#check all columns present
expected <- map(testData, colnames) %>% unlist() %>% unique()
expect_true(all(expected %in% colnames(output)))
#check dimensions
expect_identical(nrow(output), 384L)
expect_identical(ncol(output), 15L)
test_that("check that getPlateMeta outputs the expected result", {
p <- system.file("testdata/test1.xlsx", package = "EngeMetadata")
output <- getPlateMeta(
plate = "test1", path = p, verbose = FALSE,
safe = FALSE, local = TRUE
expect_is(output, "list")
expect_identical(unique(names(output)), "test1")
expect_true(all(unlist(map(output, is_tibble))))
expect_identical(length(output), 3L)
test_that("check that .safe2 errors when expected", {
p <- system.file("testdata/test1.xlsx", package = "EngeMetadata")
p <- system.file("testdata/test2.xlsx", package = "EngeMetadata")
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