
Defines functions .plotKML_sf_POLYGON .plotKML_sf_POINT

# AG: I define here new methods for plotKML, extending it to "sf" objects with
# geometry. The definition of the new methods for MULTI* objects is the same as
# for "univariate" objects, after coercing them to their univariate counterpart.
# The default arguments of the new method are `obj`, `folder.name`, `file.name`,
# `metadata`, `kmz`, and `open.kml`, while all aesthetic parameters are included
# in the `...` argument and processed according to the type of the geometry
# column.

  f = "plotKML", 
  signature = "sf", 
  definition = function(
    folder.name = normalizeFilename(deparse(substitute(obj, env = parent.frame()))), 
    file.name = paste(folder.name, ".kml", sep = ""), 
    metadata = NULL, 
    kmz = get("kmz", envir = plotKML.opts), 
    open.kml = TRUE, 
  ) {
    # AG: The behaviour of the function depends on the type of the geometry
    # column. If the geometry column is sfc_POINT (i.e. POINTs) or
    # sfc_MULTIPOINT (i.e. MULTIPOINT), then the function calls
    # .plotKML_sf_POINT which is defined below (and not exported), after casting
    if (
      inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_POINT") || 
      inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_MULTIPOINT")
    ) {
      if (inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_MULTIPOINT")) {
        message("Casting the input MULTIPOINT object into POINT object.")
        obj <- st_cast(obj, "POINT")
      do.call(".plotKML_sf_POINT", list(
        obj = obj, 
        folder.name = folder.name,
        file.name = file.name, 
        metadata = metadata, 
        kmz = kmz, 
        open.kml = open.kml, 
    } else if (
      inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_LINESTRING") ||
      inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_MULTILINESTRING")
    ) {
      if (inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_MULTILINESTRING")) {
        message("Casting the input MULTILINESTRING object into LINESTRING object.")
        obj <- st_cast(obj, "LINESTRING")
      # AG: here I cannot use do.call approach since the function returns an
      # error if there is an input like "colour = Z", where Z is one of the
      # column of obj. The same problem exists for the other approaches but I
      # didn't find any example where you use this type of syntax for something
      # which is not a LINESTRING:
      # open for writing:
      kml_open(folder.name = folder.name, file.name = file.name)
      # write layer:
      .kml_layer_sfc_LINESTRING(obj, metadata = metadata, ...)
      # close the file:
      kml_close(file.name = file.name)
      if (kmz) {
        kml_compress(file.name = file.name)
      # open KML file in the default browser:
      if (open.kml) {
      } else {
        message(paste("Object written to:", file.name))
    } else if (
      inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_POLYGON") ||
      inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON")
    ) {
      # If the geometry column is sfc_POLYGON or sfc_MULTIPOLYGON, then the
      # function calls .plotKML_sf_POLYGON which is defined below (and not
      # exported), after casting MULTIPOLYGON to POLYGON.
      if (inherits(sf::st_geometry(obj), "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON")) {
        message("Casting the input MULTIPOLYGON object into POLYGON object.")
        obj <- st_cast(obj, "POLYGON")
      do.call(".plotKML_sf_POLYGON", list(
        obj = obj, 
        folder.name = folder.name,
        file.name = file.name, 
        metadata = metadata, 
        kmz = kmz, 
        open.kml = open.kml, 
    } else {
        "plotKML function is not defined for sf objects with ", 
        paste(class(sf::st_geometry(obj)), collapse = " - "), 
        " geometry. Please raise a new issue at ..."

.plotKML_sf_POINT <- function(
  folder.name = normalizeFilename(deparse(substitute(obj, env = parent.frame()))),
  file.name = paste(folder.name, ".kml", sep = ""),
  shape = "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pal2/icon18.png",
  metadata = NULL,
  kmz = get("kmz", envir = plotKML.opts),
  open.kml = TRUE,
) {
  # Guess aesthetics if missing:
  if (missing(size)) {
    # AG: I have to use obj[[1]] since sf objects have sticky geometry columns
    obj[, "size"] <- obj[[1]]
  } else {
    if (is.name(size) | is.call(size)) {
      obj[, "size"] <- eval(size, obj)
    } else {
      obj[, "size"] <- obj[[deparse(size)]]
  if (missing(colour)) {
    # AG: I have to use obj[[1]] since sf objects have sticky geometry columns
    obj[, "colour"] <- obj[[1]]
    message("Plotting the first variable on the list")
  } else {
    if (is.name(colour) | is.call(colour)) {
      obj[, "colour"] <- eval(colour, obj)
    } else {
      obj[, "colour"] <- obj[[as.character(colour)]]
  if (missing(points_names)) {
    # AG: I have to use obj[[1]] since sf objects have sticky geometry columns
    if (is.numeric(obj[[1]])) {
      points_names <- signif(obj[[1]], 3)
    } else {
      points_names <- paste(obj[[1]])
  # open for writing:
  kml_open(folder.name = folder.name, file.name = file.name)
  # write layer:
  if (is.numeric(obj[["colour"]])) {
    # AG: .kml_layer_sfc_POINT is defined in layer-sf.R analogously to
    # kml_layer.SpatialPoints. It is not exported, but I defined a new method
    # for kml_layer function, extending it to sfc_POINT objects, setting
    # definition = .kml_layer_sfc_POINT (analogously to the definition of
    # kml_layer method for SpatialPoints objects).
      size = size,
      colour = colour,
      points_names = points_names,
      shape = shape,
      metadata = metadata,
  } else {
      colour = colour,
      points_names = points_names,
      shape = shape,
      metadata = metadata,
  # close the file:
  kml_close(file.name = file.name)
  if (kmz) {
    kml_compress(file.name = file.name)
  # open KML file in the default browser:
  if (open.kml) {
  } else {
    message(paste("Object written to:", file.name))

.plotKML_sf_POLYGON <- function(
  folder.name = normalizeFilename(deparse(substitute(obj, env = parent.frame()))),
  file.name = paste(folder.name, ".kml", sep = ""),
  metadata = NULL,
  kmz = get("kmz", envir = plotKML.opts),
  open.kml = TRUE,
) {
  # Guess aesthetics if missing:
  if (missing(labels)) { 
    obj[, "labels"] <- obj[[1]] 
  } else {
    if (is.name(labels) | is.call(labels)) {
      obj[, "labels"] <- eval(labels, obj)
    } else {
      obj[, "labels"] <- obj[[deparse(labels)]]      
  if (missing(colour)) { 
    obj[, "colour"] <- obj[[1]]
    message("Plotting the first variable on the list")
  } else {
    if (is.name(colour) | is.call(colour)) {
      obj[, "colour"] <- eval(colour, obj)
    } else {
      obj[, "colour"] <- obj[[as.character(colour)]]      
  if (missing(plot.labpt)){
    plot.labpt <- TRUE 
  # open for writing:
  kml_open(folder.name = folder.name, file.name = file.name)
  # write layer:
    colour = colour, 
    plot.labpt = plot.labpt, 
    labels = labels, 
    metadata = metadata,  
  # close the file:
  kml_close(file.name = file.name)
  if (kmz) {
    kml_compress(file.name = file.name)
  # open KML file in the default browser:
  if (open.kml) {
  } else {
    message(paste("Object written to:", file.name))

# end of script;
Envirometrix/plotKML documentation built on June 13, 2022, 11:21 p.m.