# ---- Locate codons ----
#' Locate codons in transcripts
#' Locate genome coordinates of a desired set of codons given a data.frame of
#' CDS coordinates (see [CDS]), and its corresponding
#' [BSgenome][BSgenome::BSgenome] sequence database.
#' @param cds A data.frame of CDS coordinates. See [CDS][CDS#Value] for details
#' on required columns.
#' @param genome A [BSgenome][BSgenome::BSgenome] sequence database,
#' or a [Biostrings][readDNAStringSet]. CDS coordinates in `cds` should
#' correspond to this genome assembly.
#' @param codons A character vecor of codons to consider. Defaults to
#' `c('CAA', 'CAG', 'CGA', 'TGG', 'TGG')` which are all of the codons
#' with iSTOP targetable bases.
#' @param positions An integer vector of positions in `codons` to use for
#' returned coordinates. Should be the same length as `codons`. Defaults to
#' `c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 3L)` which are the positions in `codons` that can be
#' targeted with iSTOP.
#' @param switch_strand A logical vector indicating whether the corresponding
#' `codon` is targeted on the opposite strand. Determines the resulting value of
#' `sg_strand`. Should be the same length as `codons`. Defaults to `c(F, F, F, T, T)`
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for parallel processing with [pblapply][pbapply::pblapply]
#' @details Each transcript is processed independently based on the `tx`
#' column of the `cds` data.frame.
#' **CDS validation** - Each CDS is validated by checking that the coordinates
#' result in a DNA sequence that begins with a start codon, ends with a stop codon,
#' has a length that is a multiple of 3 and has no internal in-frame stop codons.
#' **No match?** - If a CDS passes validation, but does not have any of the
#' considered codons, the transcript will still be included in the resulting
#' data.frame, but coordinates will be missing (i.e. `NA`).
#' @return A data.frame with the following columns where each row represents
#' a single targetable coordinate (codons with multiple targetable coordinates
#' will have a separate row for each):
#' - __tx__ _`chr`_ Transcript symbol
#' - __gene__ _`chr`_ Gene symbol
#' - __exon__ _`int`_ Exon rank in gene
#' - __pep_length__ _`int`_ Lenth of peptide
#' - __cds_length__ _`int`_ Length of CDS DNA
#' - __chr__ _`chr`_ Chromosome
#' - __strand__ _`chr`_ Strand (+/-)
#' - __sg_strand__ _`chr`_ Guide strand (+/-)
#' - __aa_target__ _`chr`_ One letter code of targeted amino acid
#' - __codon__ _`chr`_ Three letter codon
#' - __aa_coord__ _`int`_ Coordinate of targeted amino acid (start == 1)
#' - __cds_coord__ _`int`_ Coordinate of targeted base in CDS (start == 1)
#' - __genome_coord__ _`int`_ Coordinate of targeted base in genome
#' - __NMD_pred__ _`lgl`_ Is nonsense-mediated-decay predicted (i.e. target base is >56 bases upstream of last exon junction)
#' - __rel_position__ _`dbl`_ Relative position in CDS of the targeted base
#' @importFrom purrr map map2 pmap is_character is_integer is_logical
#' @importFrom tibble tibble lst
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet translate
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @export
#' @md
locate_codons <- function(cds,
codons = c('CAA', 'CAG', 'CGA', 'TGG', 'TGG'),
positions = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 3L),
switch_strand = c(F, F, F, T, T),
cores = getOption('mc.cores', 1L)) {
message('Locating codon coordinates...')
cds %has_name% 'tx', cds %has_name% 'gene', cds %has_name% 'exon',
cds %has_name% 'chr', cds %has_name% 'strand', cds %has_name% 'start',
cds %has_name% 'end',
length(codons) == length(positions),
length(codons) == length(switch_strand),
all(cds$strand %in% c('+', '-')),
class(genome) %in% c('BSgenome', 'DNAStringSet'),
all(cds$chr %in% names(genome))
if (cores <= 1L) cores <- NULL
# Progress bar nonsense
pbo <- pbapply::pboptions(type = 'timer', char = '=')
on.exit(pbapply::pboptions(pbo), add = TRUE)
result <-
cds %>%
split(.$tx) %>%
pbapply::pblapply(locate_codons_of_one_tx, genome, codons, positions, switch_strand, cl = cores) %>%
if (nrow(result) < 1) {
warning('None of the searched CDS sequences met the criteria of:\n',
' 1. Begin with ATG\n',
' 2. End with TAA|TAG|TGA\n',
' 3. Sequence length that is a multiple of 3\n',
' 4. No internal in-frame TAA|TAG|TGA\n')
locate_codons_of_one_tx <- function(cds, genome, codons, positions, switch_strand) {
# Explicitely arrange exons by increasing exon number
cds <- arrange(cds, exon)
# Define constants
opposite <- c('+' = '-', '-' = '+')
# Construct CDS from exons
cds_dna <-
BSgenome::getSeq(genome, as(select(cds, chr, strand, start, end), 'GRanges')) %>%
as.character %>%
str_c(collapse = '')
# Split CDS into codon vector
cds_codon_starts <- seq(1, str_length(cds_dna), by = 3L)
cds_codon_ends <- cds_codon_starts + 2L
cds_codons <- str_sub(cds_dna, start = cds_codon_starts, end = cds_codon_ends)
# The CDS must be properly formed, if fail, don't count as transcript
cds_pass <-
head(cds_codons, n = 1L) %in% c("ATG") & # Must begin with start codon
tail(cds_codons, n = 1L) %in% c("TAA", "TAG", "TGA") & # Must end with stop codon
nchar(cds_dna) %% 3 == 0L & # Sequence must be multiple of 3
length(which(cds_codons %in% c("TAA", "TAG", "TGA"))) == 1L # Sequence must have only one stop codon
if (!cds_pass) {
# Indices of features at each position in CDS
index_genome <- with(cds, get_genomic_index(strand, start, end))
index_chr <- with(cds, rep(chr, times = abs(end - start) + 1))
index_strand <- with(cds, rep(strand, times = abs(end - start) + 1))
index_exon <- with(cds, rep(exon, times = abs(end - start) + 1))
NMD_boundary <- which(index_exon == max(index_exon))[1] - 56
# Find codon targets
cds_coord <-
tibble::lst(codons, positions, switch_strand) %>%
pmap(function(codons, positions, switch_strand) {
cds_position_of_first_base_in_codon <-
cds_codon_starts[which(cds_codons %in% codons)]
cds_coord <- cds_position_of_first_base_in_codon + positions - 1L
tibble(cds_coord) %>%
codon = codons,
codon_position = positions,
switch_strand = switch_strand
}) %>%
# Construct a basic results data frame
result <-
tx = unique(cds$tx),
gene = unique(cds$gene),
cds_length = nchar(cds_dna),
pep_length = as.integer(cds_length / 3)
# Exit if no codons were found
if (nrow(cds_coord) < 1L) {
return(result) # Will be counted as a valid transcript with no matches
# Using genome coordinates of desired base in codon matches to extract nearby sequence
cds_coord %>%
tx = result$tx,
gene = result$gene,
exon = index_exon[cds_coord],
pep_length = result$pep_length,
cds_length = result$cds_length,
chr = index_chr[cds_coord], # chr is exon dependent
strand = index_strand[cds_coord], # strand is exon dependent
sg_strand = ifelse(switch_strand, opposite[strand], strand),
aa_target = codon %>% Biostrings::DNAStringSet() %>% Biostrings::translate() %>% as.character,
genome_coord = index_genome[cds_coord],
aa_coord = as.integer(ceiling(cds_coord / 3)),
NMD_pred = cds_coord < NMD_boundary,
rel_position = cds_coord / cds_length
) %>%
select(tx:aa_target, codon, aa_coord, cds_coord, genome_coord, NMD_pred, rel_position) %>%
# Given vectors of strand, start, and end, generate a vector of integers between each
# start and end point with respect to strand orientation
get_genomic_index <- function(strand, start, end) {
tibble::lst(strand, start, end) %>%
pmap(function(strand, start, end) switch(strand, '+' = start:end, '-' = end:start)) %>%
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