
This file provides an overview of the scripts used to generate the data used in pastclim. All R scripts assume that you are in the root directory of the package.

scripts to make data for pastclim (accessible with data())

  1. dataset_list_included.R is a script to update the internal dataframe which stores the link between variable names and file names and locations. It is based on ./data_files/dataset_list_included.csv.

  2. mis_boundaries.R create internal dataset of mis boundaries.

  3. region_extent.R create internal dataset of regional extents.

  4. region_outlines.R create outlines for regions.

scripts to make extdata for pastclim (stored in inst/extdata)

  1. internal_seas combines the .shp of the internal seas into an RDS object.

helpful scripts (this should be turned into tests) - stored under ./helper_functions/

  1. verify_completeness_of_variables.R this script is used to check that all variables have the same extent (same number of missing values).

  2. verify_files_by_dataset_R script to check files paths for a given dataset.

  3. check_returns_in_documentation.R script to check that all .Rd files are have a /value returned.

NOTE: these scripts were used with terra <1.6-41, which changed the way time is coded. Make sure that you check the scripts before running, as they might not function as expected. Scripts yet to be updated/checked have been moved to "to_update".

scripts to package the climate time series into nc files (old, these are being rewritten to clean up)

  1. create_internal_seas_raster.R generates a mask for internal seas (Caspian and Black sea) which are not removed in some reconstructions. We use a fix outline over time, as there are no good reconstructions through time of their depth levels. Based on This is used when editing the beyer2020 dataset.

  2. script to repackage the Beyer2020 data for use in pastclim (it needs the internal sea file created by 1.). This script calls repackage_beyer2020_split_annual_monthly.R, which splits the annual and monthly variables into two separate files.

  3. script to create an example dataset by subsetting Beyer2020 (it needs the file created by 2.).

  4. extract_topography_for_beyer2020_part1.R and create the topography variables for beyer2020. The R script generates a rugosity and altitude file, and the bash file combines them and formats them nicely.

  5. script to repackage the Krapp2021 data for use in pastclim.

  6. extract_topography_for_krapp2021_part1.R and create the topography variables for Krapp2021. Due to a bug in terra which does not clean temp files fully, extract_topography_for_krapp2021_part1.R has to be run repeatedly until all time steps have been processed. The system might have to be restarted after a while to avoid running out of space on the hdd.

EvolEcolGroup/pastclim documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 11:11 a.m.